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conviction. Respectfully, your obedient servant, G. T. Beauregard, Genl. Headquarters, Department N. C. and so. Va., Dunlop's, on Swift Creek, June 14th, 1864. Genl. R. E. Lee, Comdg. Army of No. Va., Riddell's Shop, Va.: General,—Not being arong light on it. On the morning of Tuesday, June 14th, 1864, you sent for me to come to your quarters—we were then at Dunlop's, on Swift Creek. Mr. Soule was with you at the time, and Colonel Otey, Adjutant-General, was sent for. You detailed to would send you aid, and, if needed, come himself. With some kind messages to you he then dismissed me. When I reached Dunlop's you, with your whole staff, I was informed, were at Petersburg, and I rejoined you there, making a verbal report substarant's army, in June, 1864. On a Wednesday, the 15th day of June, 1864, at about 12 o'clock, while we were encamped at Dunlop's farm, on Swift Creek, near Petersburg, you received intelligence that our lines in front of Petersburg were being attac