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ing. L. D. Huston, Corresponding Secretary of the Sunday School Society, was instructed to employ himself until the next General Conference in raising funds for the Sunday School cause, and to remit the money so collected to Dr. McFerrin, Treasurer of the Society. Dr. Green moved that the Christian Advocate and the Southern Christian Advocate he united, and till the next meeting of the General Conference, published in Atlanta, Ga., under the joint editorial control and management of Drs. McTyre and Myers. Agreed to. Bishop Soule. We copy the following astounding information from a late Yankee paper. We hope to have good grounds for its complete refutation hereafter: It will be gratifying to the many friends of the Rev. Bishop Soule, D. D., who is the Senior Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, to learn that he is still a staunch advocate for the Constitution and the Union. Chaplain Stevenson, of the Fifteenth Indiana regiment, had an interview w