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The Daily Dispatch: December 25, 1862., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: March 7, 1865., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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Napoleon's position towards Russia, Austria, and England, on the Polse. Question. --The Memorial Diplomatique, of October 21, publishes the following analysis of the dispatch cent by M. Drouyn de L'huys to the Ambassadors of France in London and Vienna upon the 20th June last, and of the dispatch forwarded upon the following day to the Due de Grament: In the first dispatch the Cabinet considers the preliminary agreement of the three Courts as a gauge of moderation and strength, because, although it imposes upon them the necessity of proceeding by way of compromise, it adds to the authority of their language; it shows them united in the pursuit of the same end. It is as useful as necessary to maintain this solidarity which, in addition, presents a guarantee of security for Austria, most exposed by her geographical position. The dignity of the three Powers which signed the notes of April 10, and the gravity of the interests which they defend; render it a duty to fo
ico he would seek an interview with the Queen of Spain. Maximilian had refused to sanction the privilege accorded by Almonte establishing the Bank of Mexico. The London Globe in another article says that the cabinet at Washington has not agreed to accredit an envoy to Mexico without conditions. It is stated that Napoleon has been much gratified by the expression of English sentiment in the recent debates in Parliament in reference to Mazzini. The Spanish Minister, M. Mon, has notified M. Drouyn de L'Huys that his Queen is ready to recognize the Archduke Maximilian as Emperor of Mexico. Four new paddle steamers, built of steal, and of great speed, are ready to leave Liverpool to run the blockade. The Paris Bourse closed steady at 69f 90 Commercial. The Liverpool cotton market is dull and prices declining. Breadstuffs closed quiet, but prices steady. Flour is very dull, and prices nominal.--Provisions are quiet and prices steady. consols 91½a91⅝.
the United States and other American Republics. Minister Dayton, in a communication to Secretary Seward, dated October last, speaking of a conversation with M. Drouyn de L'Huys, says the latter remarked to him that "the early acknowledgement of that Government by the United States would tend to shorten, or perhaps, he said, to States, when invited by France or Mexico, cannot omit to express themselves with perfect frankness upon new incidents as they occur in the progress of that war. M. Drouyn de L'Huys now speaks of an election which he expects to be held in Mexico, and to result in the choice of His Imperial Highness, the Prince Maximilian, of Austrir the integrity and in dependence of the proposed empire; thirdly, that the head of his family, the Emperor of Austria, shall acquiesce. Referring to that fact, M. Drouyn de L'Huys intimate that an early acknowledgment of the proposed empire by the United States would be convenient to France, by relieving her, sooner than might be
the ram Olinde: The career of the rebel ram Stonewall does not promise to be either long or brilliant. On escaping from Copenhagen the vessel was found to be entirely unseaworthy; and Page, her commander, therefore made for the Spanish port of Corunna. The Government of her Catholic Majesty, it is reported, lost no time, after the vessel came to anchor, in asking information from the French Government as to her real character. At first, it is said, an evasive answer was returned by M. Drouyn de L'Huys. But on more mature consideration the Spanish authorities were advised to refuse to the Olinde the privilege of making repairs at Corunna. The United States frigate Niagara, meanwhile, had taken up a position at the entrance of the harbor, so as effectually to prevent all chance of the pirate's escape. The Sacramento has likewise been sent to reinforce the Niagara. Miscellaneous. Gold, 199. On Wednesday evening the commencement of the New York Medical College fo