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as of Government. the right of resistance. the alternative presented. resigns and is relieved. imaginary plot. slander refuted. General Buell's letter. Governor Downey's statement. General MacKALLall's letter. incidents of resignation. attempted reparation by the Administration. Hon. Montgomery Blair's letter. Los Angeve him capable of a base action. This slander having been lately revived in California, possibly for some political motive, has called forth a letter from Governor Downey. The article from the Los Angeles Express and the reply of Governor Downey are here given. All old residents of the Pacific coast know that at the time oGovernor Downey are here given. All old residents of the Pacific coast know that at the time of the breaking out of the rebellion a plot was formed by A. S. Johnston, then the military commander of this department, in connection with a number of prominent leaders (some of whom are still prominent in that party), to seize the United States Arsenal, distribute the arms to their partisans, and hand the State of California over
tle Pinckney, in Charleston harbor. Among them were Colonel Wilcox, of the Michigan First; Colonel Corcoran, of the New York Sixty-ninth; Lieut.-Colonel Neff, of the Second Kentucky; Major John W. Potter, of the Thirty-eighth New York; Rev. G. W. Dodge, Chaplain of the Eleventh New York; Rev. H. Eddy, Chaplain Second Connecticut; Surgeons Griswold, of the Thirty-eighth New York; Grey, United States Army; Stone, United States Army; Connelly, Second New York; Harris, Second Rhode Island; Captains Downey, Eleventh New York; Fish, Third New York; Farish, Seventy-ninth New York; Drew, Second Vermont; Shurtleff, Seventh Ohio; L. Gordon, Eleventh Massachusetts; Whitington and Jenkins, New York Twenty-fifth; Lieutenants Fay, New York Twenty-fifth; Hamblin, son of the actor of that name, Thirty-eighth New York; Underhill, Eleventh New York; Worcester, Seventy-first New York; Dempsey, Second New York; Wilcox, Seventh Ohio; Gordon, Second Dragoons United States Army; Caleff, Eleventh Massachuse
attacked by a squad of rebels, on Grass Lick, near Wash River. The National troops lost three killed, but drove the rebels, who took refuge in the house of a confederate. A reenforcement of cavalry was then sent out, under the command of Lieut.-Col. Downey, but the rebels fled at his approach, carrying off several dead and wounded. Col. Downey burned the house, and in pursuit captured five prisoners.--(Doc. 145.) The resolution adopted by the Maryland Legislature, signed by Governor BraCol. Downey burned the house, and in pursuit captured five prisoners.--(Doc. 145.) The resolution adopted by the Maryland Legislature, signed by Governor Bradford, appropriating seven thousand dollars for the relief of the families of the killed and disabled men of the Massachusetts Sixth regiment by the secession mob in Baltimore, on the nineteenth of April, 1861, was read this afternoon in the Massachusetts House of Representatives, and referred to the Committee on Federal Relations. The resolution caused a marked sensation, and its reading was followed by hearty applause.--Boston Post, April 24.
May 20. Edward Stanly, of North-Carolina, received his commission as Military Governor of that State. He is invested with the duties and functions of that station, including the power to establish all necessary offices and tribunals, and suspend the writ of habeas corpus during the pleasure of the President, or until the loyal inhabitants shall organize a State government in accordance with the Constitution of the United States. Lieut.-Col. Downey, who was sent to Wardensville, near Moorfield, Va., after the guerrillas who recently overpowered a party of convalescent soldiers in that neighborhood, reported having killed the notorious chief, Umbagh, and three men, and that he wounded four. He took twelve prisoners. The Nationals lost nothing. A train of seventeen wagons, laden with government stores, which left Rolla, Mo., on Monday last, was overtaken to-day, when about twenty miles out on the Springfield road, by a band of rebel guerrillas, who burned the wagons an
May 29. Lieutenant-Colonel Downey, of the Third regiment, Potomac home brigade, in a skirmish this morning, drove a large party of Ashby's rebel cavalry through Wardensville, killing two and wounding three. The English steamer Elizabeth was captured off Charleston, S. C., by the United States gunboat Keystone State.--The public debt of the United States on this day was four hundred and ninety-one million, four hundred and forty-five thousand, nine hundred and eighty-four dollars, at an average interest of 4.35 per cent.--Captain Frisbee, commanding a detachment of three hundred and seventy-eight infantry and First Missouri cavalry, captured near Neosho, Mo., two colonels and one lieutenant-colonel, two jayhawkers, and numbers of guns, revolvers, fifteen horses, and a train of forage.--Dubuque Times, June 3. This morning at nine o'clock, the Yankee cavalry followed by infantry, entered Ashland, Va. The confederate troops, quartermasters, and commissaries, and even the
effort 1862. Republican. Democratic. Gov. Holbrook, 30,032. Smalley, 3,724. 1863 Republican. Democratic. J. G. Smith, 29,613. Redfield, 11,962. in 1862, and now doing its best; whereas, her election in the former year had been unaffected by the wave of depression and discouragement that swept soon afterward over the loyal States. California voted next: Sept. 3. going Union throughout by a very large majority 1863. Union. Democratic. Gov. F. F. Low, 64,447. Downey, 44,715. --nearly equal to that of 1861; but Maine--voting somewhat later Sept. 14.--felt the full impulse of the swelling tide, and showed it in her vote. 1862. Repub. War Dem. Peace Dem. Gov. Coburn, Jameson, Bradbury, 45,534 7,178 32,331 1863-- Gov. Cony, Bradbury,   68,299 50,583 But the October Elections were far more significant and decisive. In Pennsylvania, Gov. Andrew G. Curtin--who had aided the war to the extent of his ability — was presented by the
Our Zouaves at Bull Run. [Extract from a private letter from a Fire Zouave, now a prisoner of war.] Richmond, Va., Aug. 16, 1861. dear brother: Your welcome letter of the 3d came to hand on the 13th, by way of Louisville and Nashville. As I had written before, I have waited a few days, and have nothing new to write about. Please send a copy of that portion of my last letter relating to my capture to the colonel of my regiment, and state also that Capt. Downey, and forty-three non-commissioned officers and privates, are prisoners with me. I was very glad to know that you learned of my situation as soon as you did. It had worried me considerably, as I know it did you all until you heard from me. We hear all kinds of rumors here; some of them very extravagant: among others, that our regiment is disbanded, and that in the battle they broke, and ran at the first fire. To my own certain knowledge, they were broken and formed again three separate times, and held the hill and th
., April 24, 1862. Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War: A telegram from Gen. Schenck states that a squad of twenty-five infantry, sent from Romney by Lieut.-Col. Downey to look after guerrillas, was attacked yesterday morning on Grass Lick, between Wash River and Carstion, by the rebels, forty in number. Our force lost three killed, but drove the rebels, who took refuge in the house of one Palland. Col. Downey went with a reenforcement of cavalry, but the rebels fled at his approach, carrying off several dead and wounded, among the latter Col. Parsons, their leader, and Polland, the owner of the house. Col. Downey reports the interior of the houseCol. Downey reports the interior of the house covered with blood. He burned the house and pursued the flying enemy, taking five prisoners. Gen. Schenck sent a reinforcement of one hundred and sixty cavalry and one piece of Debeck's artillery to come on the enemy in the rear. These must have reached the place about four o'clock yesterday afternoon. Our messengers passing
George Suckley. Refreshed by the halt, the army on Friday advanced to Wardensville, twenty miles distant. A reconnoissance had been made the day before by Lieut.-Col. Downey, of the Third Maryland regiment, Potomac Home Brigade, who, with one company of Indiana cavalry, explored both roads and the village. On his return he was halted by a rebel within thirty feet, and challenged. As he drew his pistol to reply, the soldier raised his carbine and fired. The ball struck the horse of Colonel Downey, and then passed through his coat at the shoulder. The horse fell, and with him the Colonel, who was stunned by the shock. Recovering, he charged at the heay of every thing else, and that the men were so exhausted that the officers were driving them on with their swords. Woodstock was reached on Monday night. Lieut-Col. Downey, who again was sent forward to reconnoitre the town, found the rebel pickets on the opposite side, and was twice fired on, but escaped without injury. A neg
or three days previous to their evacuation by Col. Ford. On the eleventh of September the force at Solomon's Gap were driven in by the enemy. Col. Ford called upon Col. Miles for reinforcements. The One Hundred and Twenty-sixth New-York and the Thirty-ninth New York (Garibaldi Guards) were sent him on Friday, the twelfth of September, and on the morning of the thirteenth he was further reinforced by the One Hundred and Fifteenth New-York, and a portion of a Maryland regiment under Lieut.-Col. Downey. Col. Ford made requisition for axes and spades to enable him to construct defences on the Heights, but obtained none. With ten axes belonging to some Maryland troops, hiring all that could be obtained, a slight breastwork of trees was constructed on the twelfth, near the crest of the Heights, and a slashing of timber made for a short distance in front of the breast-work. The forces under Col. Ford were stationed at various points on the Maryland Heights, the principal force bei