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Doc. 1.-Sherman's campaign. Report of Major-General Sherman. headquarters of the military division of the Mississippi, in the field, Savannah, Georgia, January 1, 1865. Major-General H. W. Halleck, Chief of Staff, Washington City, D. C.: General: I have the honor to offer my report of the operations of the armies under my command, since the occupation of Atlanta in the early part of September last, up to the present date. As heretofore reported, in the month of September the army of the Cumberland, Major-General Thomas commanding, held the city of Atlanta; the army of the Tennessee, Major-General Howard commanding, was grouped about East-Point; and the army of the Ohio, Major-General Schofield commanding, held Decatur. Many changes occurred in the composition of these armies, in consequence of the expiration of the time of service of many of the regiments. The opportunity was given to us to consolidate the fragments, reclothe and equip the men, and make preparation
Doc. 2. operations of the Fourteenth army corps. Brigadier-General Carlin's Report. headquarters First division, Fourteenth army corps, Savannah, Ga., January 6, 1865. Colonel: I have the honor to report the following operations of this division during the period between the capture of Atlanta and the capture of Savannah. Entering Atlanta on the eighth of September, the division consisted of the following organizations, namely: The First brigade, Colonel M. C. Taylor, Fifteenth Kentucky volunteers, commanding; the Second brigade Major I. R. Edie, Fifteenth United States infantry, commanding; the Third brigade, Colonel M. F. Moore, Sixty-ninth Ohio volunteer infantry, commanding; and battery C, First Illinois artillery, Captain Prescott commanding. During the month of September, the following-named regiments were detached from the division or mustered out of service: The First Wisconsin, Tenth Wisconsin, and Fifteenth Kentucky. The entire Second brigade was detached ab
Doc. 3. operations of the Twentieth army corps Brigadier-General Jackson's Report. headquarters First division, Twentieth corps, Savannah, Ga., December 31, 1864. Lieutenant-Colonel H. W. Perkins, Assistant Adjutant-General, Twentieth Corps: Colonel: I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of this division, from the time at which I was placed in command, to the time of the occupation of Savannah. November 11th.--Pursuant to Special Orders No. 124, Headquarters Twentieth corps, I assumed command of the First division, Twentieth corps. November 13th.--The Second brigade (Colonel E. A. Carman commanding) was ordered to proceed to a point on the Chattanooga Railroad, midway between the Chattahoochee Bridge and the city of Atlanta, and destroy the railroad track, each way. Colonel Carman reported that he destroyed three and a half miles. November 15th.--Pursuant to orders previously received, the division having the advance of the corps, mov
Doc. 4. reports of the artillery brigade. Major Reynolds's Report. headquarters artillery brigade, Twentieth corps, Savannah, Georgia, December 26, 1864. Lieutenant-Colonel H. W. Perkins, Assistant Adjutant-General, Twentieth Corps; Colonel: I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of the artillery brigade of this corps since the occupation of Atlanta. With the rest of the corps the batteries entered the city of Atlanta on the (2d) second day of September, and were placed in the vacated works of the enemy on the east and south sides of the town, where they remained until about the twelfth instant, when they were withdrawn and camped together in the north-western part of the city. Soon afterward, the artillery being in excess of the proportion to infantry, the batteries were reduced from six to four guns each, leaving but (24) twenty-four guns in the brigade instead of (36) thirty-six. This was, however, increased to (28) twenty-eight, by
Doc. 5. operations at Atlanta, Georgia. Colonel Cogswell's Report. headquarters Second Massachusetts infantry, Savannah, Ga., December 26, 1864. Lieutenant-Colonel H. W. Perkins, Assistant-Adjutant-General, Twentieth Army Corps: Colonel: I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of my command while stationed at the post of Atlanta, Georgia. Upon the occupation of that city by the Twentienth corps, September second, 1864, I was directed by Major-General Slocum, commanding the corps, to encamp my regiment in the city, and assume command of the post; and by special orders number seventy-four, extract four, headquarters Twentieth corps, September fifth, 1864, I was detailed to the same command, and the Second Massachusetts infantry, the One Hundred and Eleventh Pennsylvania infantry, and the Thirty-third Massachusetts infantry, were ordered to report to me for duty. These regiments were stationed as follows: The Second Massachusetts infantry, Capt
Doc. 6. operations at Milledgeville, Ga. Colonel Hawley's Report. headquarters Third regiment Wisconsin veteran volunteer infantry, near Savannah, Georgia, December 25, 1864. Lieutenant-Colonel H. W. Perkins, Assistant Adjutant-General, Twentieth Army Corps: Colonel: In obedience to instructions contained in your letter of to-day, I have the honor to submit the following report of my operations while in command of the post of Milledgeville, Georgia. On the twenty-second day of November, 1864, while the Twentieth army corps was approaching the city, I was directed by the Major-General commanding left wing of the army, to occupy the city as commandant of the post, with my own regiment and the One Hundred and Seventh New-York volunteers. My instructions were, to guard all public property, to maintain good order, and to perform all the duties of post commander. I immediately proceeded to establish patrols in the streets, and detailed suitable guards for the public build
Doc. 7. operations of the cavalry. Colonel Murray's Report. headquarters First brigade, Third cavalry division, military division of the Mississippi, near Savannah, Georgia, December 25, 1864. Captain: I have the honor to report that the First brigade, Third cavalry division, military division of the Mississippi, composed of the Ninth Pennsylvania, Fifth Kentucky, Eighth Indiana, Third and Second Kentucky cavalry, left Marietta at eight o'clock A. M., November fourteenth, to follow our indomitable leaders through the Confederacy to the ocean. Camped four miles southwest of Atlanta. November 15.--Moved at nine o'clock A. M. Attacked and drove the enemy from Jonesboro, capturing three caissons filled with ammunition. This was accomplished by the Eighth Indiana and Fifth Kentucky cavalry. 16th. Marched at half-past 8 o'clock A. M. Struck the enemy two miles from Lovejoy's Station, in force, behind intrenchments, with artillery. The Eighth Indiana and Third Kentuc
Doc. 8. operations of the Fifteenth army corps. Rfport of General Hazen. headquarters Second division, Fifteenth army corps, Savannah, Ga., Jan. 9, 1865. To the A. A. General Fifteenth Army Corps, present: I have the honor to report the operations of this division since my last official report was furnished, as follows: From that date till October fourth, it remained in camp at East-Point, Ga. At nine A. M., it marched for Ruff's Mills, across the Chattahoochee, continuing the march to a point three and a half miles south-west of Marietta, where it arrived on the fifth, remaining till the eighth, when it moved three miles north of Marietta, where it remained till the evening of the tenth, when it march toward Rome via Allatoona. At that point, Colonel Fowler's brigade (the Third) was put on cars and sent forward. The division arrived at Rome the twelfth, and next day marched toward Resaca, reaching that place, and passing through it and Snake Gap on the fifteenth.
Doc. 9. regimental reports. Lieutenant-Colonel Van Voorhees's Report. headquarters one hundred and Thirty-Seventh New-York volunteers, Savannah, Georgia, December 24, 1864. Captain: I have the honor to submit the following regimental report of the One Hundred and Thirty-seventh New-York volunteers, commencing with the occupation of Atlanta, Georgia, on the second day of September, 1864; paragraph I. embracing a summary of events while remaining in that city, and paragraph II., a compend, in diary form, of the campaign, commencing on the fifteenth day of November, and. ending on the twenty-first day of December, 1864: I. On the morning of the third of September, the regiment was encamped in the rear of a fort on the right of the Macon turnpike, on the south side of the city, as a support for a battery planted there. On the tenth of same month, David Ireland, Colonel of this regiment, and commanding Third brigade, Second division, Twentieth corps, died of dysentery.
Doc. 10. naval reports. And despatches. Mississippi squadron, flag-ship Black Hawk, Mound City, ill., Nov. 7, 1864. No. 11. Sir: I inclose for the information of the Department a copy of a confidential cipher telegram from General Sherman to Captain Pennock, dated nine P. M.., November third. Lieutenant-Commander Shirk was here to-day, and reports too little water in the Tennessee for the Peosta, a tin-clad, with a good battery, now at Paducah, and waiting for the rise in the river. It is now raining, and the Tennessee is rising. I am pushing the repairs of the iron-clad Cincinnati, now repairing here, with all practicable despatch, and shall go up the Tennessee in her the moment she is ready for service and the stage of water in the Tennessee will permit. I have sent down the Mississippi to bring up the iron-clad Neosho. The loss of the services of the four monitors sent from this squadron to Rear-Admiral Farragut will be much felt, especially as several of