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Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 14: the Richmond campaign. (search)
aggerations of his apprehensive temper were patent, even to his own Government. He states that his own force was reduced to eighty thousand effective men. It must be remembered that during the campaign before Richmond, the motives of McClellan's policy dictated a studied depreciation of his own numbers. In the returns given by himself in another place, his effective force present for duty is set down at one hundred and six thousand men, inclusive of the garrison of Fortress Monroe under General Dix. Halleck declared, in his letter of Aug. 6th, that McClellan still had ninety thousand men at Berkeley, after all his losses I These McClellan had estimated at fifteen thousand, how truthfully may be known from this: that he places the men lost by desertion and capture under six thousand, whereas the Confederates had in their hands more than ten thousand prisoners; and the woods of the peninsula were swarming with stragglers. Whatever may have beer his numerical superiority, it is indis
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 5: operations along Bull Run. (search)
rt-House to me, extending from Union Mills on the right, through Centreville, to Stone Bridge on the left. At the new position Van Dorn's division was on the right, with Ewell's brigade at Union Mills and mine on its left above that point. We proceeded at once to fortify the whole line from right to left. McClellan's report shows that the troops under his command in and about Washington, including those on the Maryland shore of the Potomac above and below Washington and the troops with Dix at Baltimore, on the 15th day of October, the day before our retrograde movement, amounted to 133,201 present for duty, and an aggregate present of 143,647. The mass of this force was south of the Potomac, and nearly the whole of it available for an advance. The whole force under General Johnston's command did not exceed one-third of McClellan's, though the latter has estimated our force on the Potomac in the month of October at not less than 150,000. After the occupation of the line at
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Index. (search)
, 45, 56, 473 Death of Jackson, 235 Delaware, 45, 157 Dement, Captain, 97, 98, 108, 111, 176, 179 Deep Creek, 170, 201 Deep Run, 167, 168, 193, 194, 198, 199, 202, 205, 206, 209, 211, 221 Department of the Gulf, 418 Department of Northern Virginia, 51 Department of Southwestern Virginia and Eastern Tennessee, 461 Department of Susquehanna, 417, 418, 419 Department of Washington, 344, 417, 418, 419 Department of Western Virginia, 417, 418, 419 Dillstown, 255 Dix, General (U. S. A.), 51 Dogan House, 26 Doles, General, 267, 268, 346, 363 Douglas, Colonel, 108, 109, 112, 143 Downman's House, 223, 224, 227, 228, 231, 232 Drainesville, 52, 134 Drayton's Brigade, 132, 154 Drewry's Bluff, 76, 89 Duffield's Depot, 384 Dunkard Church, 140, 142, 144, 145, 146, 149, 151, 158 Early, General J. A., 1-7, 13, 15-29, 31, 33, 38, 41, 47-49, 52. 56, 58, 60-73, 75-85, 88, 92-103, 106- 111, 114, 116-130, 133, 136, 140- 166, 170-179, 184, 185-187, 19
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 5: invasion of Virginia. (search)
ged, Centreville might have easily been reached that night. The next day, while Stuart was moving in the direction of Alexandria and Washington, with some of the freshest infantry as supports, the head of the Confederate army might have been turned toward White's Ford, on the upper Potomac, some twenty-five or thirty miles away. Patterson's army was disintegrating by the expiration of enlistments; Banks, his successor, had at Harper's Ferry about six thousand men and was fearing an attack. Dix, at Fort McHenry and Baltimore, with a small force, was uncomfortable; and Butler, at Fort Monroe, was protesting against Scott's order to send to Washington his Illinois volunteers. All conditions were favorable to a march through Maryland by the Southern army, and either capture the Federal capital or occupy the strategic point at the junction of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad with the Washington and Baltimore Railroad at the Relay House. Thousands of Marylanders whose sympathies were wi
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 8: commands the army defending Richmond, and seven days battles. (search)
e, and the sick and wounded are now being conveyed to him. This will relieve them very much, and enable us to devote our attention to those retained. In addition, the enemy has at last agreed to a general exchange of all prisoners of war, and Generals Dix and D. H. Hill are to meet to-morrow to commence the negotiations. I hope in this way much relief will be afforded; at first the hospitals were overtaxed, men could not be had to bury the dead, and the sufferings of all were increased. Frien now appropriated remorselessly whatever came within their reach. The Southern President directed General Lee to say to the authorities at Washington that a cartel for the exchange of prisoners between the belligerents had just been signed by Generals Dix and D. H. Hill, representing their respective governments, stipulating that all prisoners hereafter taken will be discharged on parole till exchanged, and that Pope had violated it, because his orders contemplated the murder of peaceful inhabi
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Index. (search)
onel, Ulric, death of, 324. Davis, Colonel B. F., mentioned, 203. Davis, Jefferson, mentioned, 52, 53, 54, 62, 95, 96, 108, 134, 149, 260; letter to Lee, 310; his cabinet, 324; mentioned, 369; at church, 379, 384; indicted, 400; comments on Lee, 418. Dearing, General, killed, 384. Deep Bottom, on the James, 350. D'Erlon's First Corps, 421, 422. Devil's Den, Gettysburg, 274, 285. Devin, General Thomas C., 373. Dinwiddie Court House, 376. Disaster at Five Forks, 376. Dix, General John A., 109, 172. Doubleday, General, 209, 227. Douglas, Stephen A., 83. Drewry's Bluff on the James, 350. Dungeness, Cumberland Island, 14, 15, 410. Dutch Gap Canal, 361. Early, General, Jubal, notice of, 47; mentioned, 228, 266, 276; defeats Wallace, 351; in front of Washington, 351. Elliott's infantry brigade, 355; wounded at Petersburg, 358. Embargo Act, the, 81. Emory, General William H., 54, 352. Evans, Captain, mentioned, 235. Evelington Heights, 1
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Trip to Austin-promotion to full second Lieutenant-Army of occupation (search)
Trip to Austin-promotion to full second Lieutenant-Army of occupation When our party left Corpus Christi it was quite large, including the cavalry escort, Paymaster, Major Dix, his clerk and the officers who, like myself, were simply on leave; but all the officers on leave, except Lieutenant [Calvin] Benjamin-afterwards killed in the valley of Mexico-Lieutenant, now General, [Christopher Colon] Augur, and myself, concluded to spend their allotted time at San Antonio and return from there. ence and exceedingly slow movements, Goliad was at last reached, and a shelter and bed secured for our patient. We remained over a day, hoping that Augur might recover sufficiently to resume his travels. He did not, however, and knowing that Major Dix would be along in a few days, with his wagon-train, now empty, and escort, we arranged with our Louisiana friend to take the best of care of the sick lieutenant until thus relieved, and went on. I had never been a sportsman in my life; had
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 8 (search)
God help the country! October 19 Col. Ashby with 600 men routed a force of 1000 Yankees, the other day, near Harper's Ferry. That is the cavalry again! The spies here cannot inform the enemy of the movements of our mounted men, which are always made with celerity. October 20 A lady, just from Washington, after striving in vain to procure an interview with the Secretary of War, left with me the programme of the enemy's contemplated movements. She was present with the family of Gen. Dix at a party, and heard their purposes disclosed. They meditate an advance immediately, with 200,000 men. The head of Banks's column is to cross near Leesburg; and when over, a movement upon our flank is intended from the vicinity of Arlington Heights. This is truly a formidable enterprise, if true. We have not 70,000 effective men in Northern Virginia. The lady is in earnest-and remains here. I wrote down the above information and sent it to the President; and understood that dispatc
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 27 (search)
ry, professing to belong to our Gen. Stuart's corps, are probably Yankee spies making observations preparatory for another raid. The city councils are organizing the citizens for local defense, thinking it probable another dash may be made. Gen. Dix threatens to hang the citizens of Williamsburg if they co-operate with Gen. Wise in his frequent attacks on the Federals. Gen. Wise replies, threatening to hang Gen. Dix if he carries his threat into execution, and should fall into his hands, iGen. Dix if he carries his threat into execution, and should fall into his hands, in a more summary manner than John Brown was hung for making his raid in Virginia. Butter is worth $4 per pound. A sheep is worth $50. A cow $500. May 21 There was a rumor on the street last ntght that Gen. Johnston had telegraphed the President that it would be necessary to evacuate Vicksburg. This has not been confirmed to-day, and I do not believe it. It would be irremediably disastrous. Mr. N. S. Walker writes from Bermuda, May 11th, 1863, that seventeen additional British r
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXVII. June, 1863 (search)
may be so; nor is it certain that we have advanced to Harrisburg, but it is probable. Gen. D. H. Hill writes (on Saturday) from Petersburg that 40,000 of the enemy could not take Richmond; but this may be fishing for the command. He says if Gen. Dix comes this way, he would make him a subject of the cartel of exchange which he (Dix) had a hand in negotiating. J. M. Botts writes, from his farm in Culpepper, that our men are quartered on his premises, and do as much injury as a hostile arDix) had a hand in negotiating. J. M. Botts writes, from his farm in Culpepper, that our men are quartered on his premises, and do as much injury as a hostile army could. He is neutral. They pay him ten cents per day for the grazing of each horse. The Commissary-General is again recommending the procuring of bacon from within the enemy's lines, in exchange for cotton. Why not get meat from the enemy's country for nothing? Hon. R. M. T. Hunter writes to the Secretary of War to let the Quartermaster-General alone, that he is popular with Congress, and that his friends are active. It might be dangerous to remove him; the President had better c