Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 14, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Dickinson or search for Dickinson in all documents.

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By Dickinson, Hill & Co., Auct's. Commissioner's Sale of Fight Valuable Slaves.--On Friday, the 18th inst., I will sell at the Auction House of Dickinson Hill & Co. Eight valuable and likely Slaves. J. R. M. Untcastle, Special Com'r. Sale conducted by Dickinson, Hill & Co., Aucts. ja 14--tds By Dickinson, Hill & Co., Auct's. Commissioner's Sale of Fight Valuable Slaves.--On Friday, the 18th inst., I will sell at the Auction House of Dickinson Hill & Co. Eight valuable and likely Slaves. J. R. M. Untcastle, Special Com'r. Sale conducted by Dickinson, Hill & Co., Aucts. ja 14--tds
1861. Negro Hiring. 1861.E. A. J. Clopton.Real Estate and Hiring Agent, Office corner Wall and Franklin streets, opposite Dickinson, Hill & Co.,Richmond, Virginia. The subscriber begs to return his acknowledgments to his friends and patrons for their favors during the past six years, and would inform them that he still continues the business of Hiring out Negroes, Renting out Houses Collecting Claims, and all business pertaining to a General Agency, to all of which he gives his personaln, with a good fire, free of charge. Negroes for hire the coming year, had better be sent in to me as early after Christmas as possible. To those at a distance to whom I am personally unknown. I beg to refer to the following persons; Dickinson, Hill & Co., Richmond; Dr. Thomas Latane, Arthur Temple, John Lumpkin, Thomas Fauntleroy, King and Queen county; Dr. F. D. Wheelwright, Rev. Thomas E. Locke, Westmoreland county; John L. Latane, W. C. Latane, Dr. John Lewis, King William county
n, the yeas and nays were demanded, with the following result: Yeas--Messrs. August, Brannon, Bruce, Carson, Claiborne, Coghill, Day, Dickenson of Grayson, Dickinson of Prince Edward Douglass Early, Finney, Gatewood, Greever, Hubbard, Isbell, Layne, Logan, Lynch, McKenney, Nash, Neeson, Newman, Paxton, Pennybacker, Quesencerrto a select committee. The President stated that he would refer it to the committee heretofore appointed upon the subject of the Convention, composed of Messrs. Dickinson of Prince Edward, Douglass, Brannan, Armstrong, Coghill, Neeson and French. On a motion to adjourn, the yeas and nays were called, and the Senate refusevention, composed of Messrs. Dickinson of Prince Edward, Douglass, Brannan, Armstrong, Coghill, Neeson and French. On a motion to adjourn, the yeas and nays were called, and the Senate refused to adjourn — yeas 21, nays 24. On motion of Mr. Dickinson, of Prince Edward, the Senate then took a recess until 7 o'clock P. M.
Evening session. The Senate resumed its session at 7 o'clock. Convention Bill Passed.--Mr. Dickinson, of Prince Edward, Chairman of the Select Committee, to whom the Convention Bill from the House had been referred, reported the bill with various verbal amendments, most of which were adopted. The bill as amended waspassed by the following vote: Yeas.--Messrs. Armstrong, August, Brannon, Bruce, Caldwell, Carson, Carraway, Jr., Carter, Claiborne, Coghill, Critcher, Day, Dickinson of Grayson, Dickinson of Prince Edward, Douglass, Early, French, Gatewood, Greever, Hubbard, Isbell, Johnson, Logan, Lynch, Marshall, Massie, McKenney, Nash, NeaDickinson of Prince Edward, Douglass, Early, French, Gatewood, Greever, Hubbard, Isbell, Johnson, Logan, Lynch, Marshall, Massie, McKenney, Nash, Neal, Neeson, Newton, Newman, Pate, Paxton, Pennybacker, Quesenberry, Richmond, Rives, Stuart, Thomas of Fairfax, Thomas of Henry, Thompson, Townes, Urquhart, and Wickham 45. Nays.--Fanney--1. The following is the bill as amended by the Senate: A bill to provide for electing members of a Convention and to convene the sa
her long forbearance under manifold wrong, and her right of redress. He wanted a straight-out Convention, charged with the duty of speaking the voice of the people. He would vote for the bill, though he could not approve of many of its provisions. Mr. Booker favored the passage of the bill as it now read. Mr. Jones, of Appomattox, wanted a Convention untrammeled by legislative enactments--one acquainted with our wrongs, and one vested with the power of exacting redress. Mr. Dickinson gave an explanation of his vote, which he cast in the interest of conservatism. He was in favor of the Union, if it could be preserved on equitable terms. The Speaker directed the Clerk to call the roll, which was done, with the following result: Yeas.--Messrs. Alderson, Allen, Anderson, Arnold, Bailey, Ball, Ballard, Barbour, Baskervill, Bass, Bassel, Bell, Bentley, Bisbie, Boisseau, Booker, Boreman, Brown, Burkes, Caperton, Carpenter, Carter, Cassin, Chapman, Childs, Christ