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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 75 5 Browse Search
Brig.-Gen. Bradley T. Johnson, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 2.1, Maryland (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 4 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: March 3, 1862., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing). You can also browse the collection for Stephen Decatur or search for Stephen Decatur in all documents.

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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Algiers, (search)
merican government the annual tribute in precisely such articles as he wanted, dismissed the American consul, declared war, and his corsairs captured American vessels and reduced the crews to slavery. The American consul--Mr. Lear--was compelled to pay the Dey $27,000 for the security of himself and family and a few other Americans there from horrid slavery. Determined to pay tribute no longer to the insolent semi-barbarian, the American government accepted the Dey's challenge for war, and in May, 1815, sent Commodore Decatur to the Mediterranean with a squadron to humble the Dey. Decatur found the Algerine pirate-fleet cruising for American vessels. He played havoc with the corsairs, entered the Bay of Algiers (June 28), demanded the instant surrender of all American prisoners, full indemnification for all property destroyed, and absolute relinquishment of all claims to tribute from the United States there-after. The terrified Dey complied with the demand. See Decatur, Stephen.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Allen, William Henry, 1784- (search)
iladelphia, under Barron; then in the John Adams, under Rodgers; and in 1804 as sailing-master to the Congress. He was in the Frigate Constitution in 1805; and in 1807 he was third lieutenant of the Chesapeake when she was attacked by the Leopard. It was Lieutenant Allen who drew up the memorial of the officers of the Chesapeake to the Secretary of the Navy, urging the arrest and trial of Barron for neglect of duty. In 1809 he was made first lieutenant of the frigate United States, under Decatur. He behaved bravely in the conflict with the Macedonian; and after her capture took her safely into New York Harbor, Jan. 1, 1813. In July, 1813, he was promoted to master-commandant while he was on his voyage in the brig Angus, that took W. H. Crawford, American minister, to France. That voyage ended in a remarkable and successful cruise among the British shipping in British waters. After capturing and destroying more than twenty British merchantmen, his own vessel was captured; and he
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Argus, capture of the. (search)
Argus, capture of the. The American brig Argus, Capt. W. H. Allen, bore to France William H. Crawford, United States minister to that government. She afterwards cruised in British waters, and by the celerity of her movements and destructive energy she spread consternation throughout commercial England. She carried 32-pound carronades and two bowguns; and her commander, who had served under Decatur, was one of the most gallant men of the navy. He roamed the chops of the Channel successfully; and, sailing around Land's End, in the space of thirty days he captured no less than twenty valuable British merchantmen, with cargoes valued at $2,000,000. Too far away from friendly ports into which he might send his prizes, he burned all the vessels. Every non-combatant captive he allowed to remove his private property, and for this generosity he was thanked by them. The British government, alarmed by the exploits of the Argus, sent out several cruisers after her. Just before the dawn
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Barron, James, 1769-1851 (search)
mmand of his elder brother, Com. Samuel Barron, one of the best disciplinarians in the service. James was in command of the frigate Chesapeake in 1807, and surrendered her to the Leopard, a British ship-of-war, for which he was court-martialled and sentenced to be suspended from service for five years without pay or emoluments. During that suspension he entered the merchant service, and remained abroad until 1818, when an attempt was made to restore him to duty in the naval service. Commodore Decatur and other officers resisted this, and a bitter correspondence between Barron and Decatur ensued. James Barron. Barron challenged his antagonist to fight a duel. They met near Bladensburg (March 22, 1820), and Decatur was mortally wounded. Barron was severely hurt, but recovered after several months of suffering. During the latter years of his long life Barron held several important commands on shore. He became senior officer of the navy in 1839, and died in Norfolk, Va., April
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bell, Charles H., 1798-1875 (search)
Bell, Charles H., 1798-1875 Naval officer; born in New York, Aug. 15, 1798; entered the naval service in June, 1812; served with Decatur in 1813-14; with Chauncey, on Lake Ontario, in 1814; and with Decatur again, in the Mediterranean, in 1815. He was with the squadron in the West Indies (1824-29) operating against the pirates there. In 1860 he was in command of the Norfolk navy-yard: commanded the Pacific squadron in 1862-64, and the navy-yard at Brooklyn 1865-68. In July, 1866, he was made a rear-admiral. he died in New Brunswick, N. J., Feb. 19, 1875.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bladensburg duelling field. (search)
l dead, and McCarty was seriously wounded. The famous Decatur-Barron duel occurred at Bladensburg, March 22, 1820. Stephen Decatur and James Barron had both been captains in the United States navy. Barron had been found guilty of the charge of nethe court-martial trying the case. Barron had subsequently applied for restoration of his rank, and had been opposed by Decatur, not from personal reasons, but from principles of honor. This was the cause of the enmity between the two officers, anground, exchanging full forgiveness of each other. Before the fatal shots were fired it is said that Barron remarked to Decatur that he hoped on meeting in another world they would he better friends than in this, to which Decatur replied, I have nDecatur replied, I have never been your enemy, sir. A number of other duels have been fought at Bladensburg, among which may be mentioned that between a Treasury clerk named Randall and a Mr. Fox. of Washington, in 1821, in which the latter was killed at the first fire; a
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Blockade. (search)
Blockade. In May, 1813, the British proclaimed a formal blockade of New York, the Delaware, Chesapeake Bay, Charleston, Savannah, and the mouth of the Mississippi. On June 11, the United States, Macedonian, and Hornet, under the command of Decatur, blockaded in the harbor of New York, attempted to get to sea through the East River and Long Island Sound, but off the Connecticut shore they were intercepted by a British squadron and driven into the harbor of New London. The militia were called out to protect these vessels, and the neighborhood was kept in constant alarm. The British blockading squadron, commanded by Sir Thomas Hardy, consisted of the flag-ship Ramillies, of the Orpheus, Valiant, Acasta, and smaller vessels. The commander-in-chief had won the respect of the inhabitants along the coast because of his honorable treatment of them. The blockade of New London Harbor continued twenty months, or during the remainder of the war. In the spring of 1814, all hopes of their
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Decatur, Stephen, 1779- (search)
Decatur, Stephen, 1779- Naval officer; born in Sinnepuxent, Md., Jan. 5, 1779; died near Washington, D. C., March 22, 1820; entered the United States navy as a midshipman April 30, 1798, and rose to Stephen Decatur captain in 1804. His first notable exploit was the destruction of the Philadelphia in the harbor of Tripolia division of gunboats in the attack on Tripoli, Aug. 3, 1804. In this action Decatur commanded a gunboat, which he laid alongside of a large Tripolitan war-ship, wels sailed into New York harbor on New Year's Day, 1813. The Corporation gave Decatur the freedom of the city, and requested his portrait for the picture-gallery inconsequence. They fought at the famous duelling-ground near Bladensburg, when Decatur was mortally wounded, and was taken to Washington. Gen. Solomon Van Rensselaeo several, to say that an affair of honor took place this morning between Commodores Decatur and Barron, in which both fell at the first fire. The ball entered Decat
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Elliott, Jesse Duncan, 1782-1845 (search)
4, 1813. He was with Barron in the Tripolitan War, and served on the Lakes with Chauncey and Perry in the War of 1812-15. He captured two British vessels, Detroit and Caledonia, at Fort Erie, for which exploit he was presented by Congress with a sword. He was in command of the Niagara in Perry's famous combat on Lake Erie, to which the Commodore The Elliott medal. went from the Lawrence during the action. He succeeded Perry in command on Lake Erie in October, 1813. Elliott was with Decatur in the Mediterranean in 1815, and was promoted to captain in March, 1818. He commanded the West India squadron (1829-32); took charge of the navy-yard at Charleston in 1833; and afterwards cruised several years in the Mediterranean. On his return he was court-martialled, and suspended from command for four years. A part of the sentence was remitted, and in 1844 he was appointed to the command of the navy-yard at Philadelphia. For the part which Elliott took in the battle of Lake Erie Con
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hollins, George Nichols 1799-1878 (search)
Hollins, George Nichols 1799-1878 Naval officer; born in Baltimore, Md., Sept. 20, 1799; entered the United States navy in 1814; and assisted in the defence of the capital in August of that year. He was made a prisoner on board the President, and kept so until the end of the war. In 1815 he accompanied Decatur to the Mediterranean. He became notorious by the bombardment of a town on the Pacific coast (see Greytown). In 1861 he left the navy and joined the Confederates, and in the Confederate service operated on the Mississippi with rams and gunboats, becoming a commodore and flagcaptain. He died in Baltimore Jan. 18, 1878.