Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 23, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Deane or search for Deane in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: July 23, 1861., [Electronic resource], A volunteer Chaplain protecting a Lone woman. (search)
The wounded. --Capt. Esherman of the New Orleans Washington Artillery who was wounded last Thursday in the battle at Bull's Run, is at present at the house of Dr. Deane, in this city, receiving medical attention. A number of the Montgomery Guard are at the Medical College. The Surgeons have already performed one or two amputations.
ers, sisters, daughters and all our kind friends at home. One touching instance of liberality deserves to be mentioned, for the shame of those who have done nothing, given nothing, for the cause of Southern independence, but who, while sitting at home in inglorious ease, hope to share the blessings of liberty. A free man of color in the upper part of Powhatan gladly gave ten dollars of his hard earnings, while some citizens of larger means refused to give anything towards fitting out those who were going to fight their battles. All letters for members of the Powhatan Artillery should be directed to the care of "Capt. W. J. Dance, Richmond P. O."--Through the kindness of Messrs. Deane, Hobson & James, any boxes or packages for the encampment may be consigned to them, where they will be safely stored till called for. We have not heard a case of sickness since leaving home, but are happy and hopeful, with God's blessing, of doing good service for our native land. Powhatan.