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rk, were again up for examination at Liverpool. After hearing the evidence of the Captain of the Gerrity, the prisoners were remanded. The Archduke Maximilian did not arrive at the Tutleries on the day appointed for his reception, but delayed in Brussels. This fact had given rise to fresh conjectures relative to his future intentions as to the crowd of Mexico. A Mexican financial agent writes in the London News that he has not accepted the throne. Admiral Jurren de la Graviere, Aid-de Camp to the Emperor Napoleon is appointed to attend the Archduke Maximilian in Paris. Jutland had not been evacuated by the allied Germans. The allies admitted that the occupation of Kolding is not in accordance with the terms on which they began the war, but contend that it is necessary for strategic reasons and as a means of securing the payment of the whole war expenses by Denmark. It was rumored, but not in an authoritative shape, that Denmark had accepted the proposal of England for