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Benjamin Cutter, William R. Cutter, History of the town of Arlington, Massachusetts, ormerly the second precinct in Cambridge, or District of Menotomy, afterward the town of West Cambridge. 1635-1879 with a genealogical register of the inhabitants of the precinct. 179 3 Browse Search
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865 87 1 Browse Search
HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MEDFORD, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, FROM ITS FIRST SETTLEMENT, IN 1630, TO THE PRESENT TIME, 1855. (ed. Charles Brooks) 44 0 Browse Search
Historic leaves, volume 1, April, 1902 - January, 1903 24 0 Browse Search
Lydia Maria Child, Isaac T. Hopper: a true life 22 0 Browse Search
John D. Billings, The history of the Tenth Massachusetts battery of light artillery in the war of the rebellion 20 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 18 4 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died. 18 0 Browse Search
Caroline E. Whitcomb, History of the Second Massachusetts Battery of Light Artillery (Nims' Battery): 1861-1865, compiled from records of the Rebellion, official reports, diaries and rosters 18 0 Browse Search
Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House 14 0 Browse Search
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John D. Billings, Hardtack and Coffee: The Unwritten Story of Army Life, V. Life in log huts. (search)
he fact of there being a few men in every organization who were most unaccountably regardless of all rules of health, and of whom such a statement would seem, to those that knew the parties, only slightly A wood-tick. exaggerated. How was this washing done? Well, if the troops were camping near a brook, that simplified the matter somewhat; but even then the clothes must be boiled, and for this purpose there was but one resource--the mess kettles. There is a familiar anecdote related of Daniel Webster: that while he was Secretary of State, the French Minister at Washington asked him whether the United States would recognize the new government of France — I think Louis Napoleon's. Assuming a very solemn tone and posture, Webster replied: Why not? The United States has recognized the Bourbons, the French Republic, the Directory, the Council of Five Hundred, the First Consul, the Emperor, Louis XVIII., Charles X., Louis Philippe, the --Enough! Enough! cried the minister, fully sa
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 7: the return of the Army. (search)
the center of the earth by a force of gravity we could fully sympathize with, it soon formed a junction in the roads and fields to the extent of four or five inches of half and half, denominated in the Low-German dialect mudde ; but later circumstances inclined certain travelers to transpose the superfluous final d and put it to use as the initial prefix of a deeply descriptive adjective. Drenched, hungry, draggled in mire, that long, lank body presented an image not unlike that reported by Daniel on the king's dream,--the head gold, the belly brass, the legs iron, and the feet clay,but the proportions were not so well observed. We were informed in animated tones that we were to draw rations that night,--but what kind of a draw it was to be we were by no means assured. We noticed that the goal was fixed a long stretch ahead; it suggested to us what we had seen offered a team of cattle tolled on by a show of forage fastened well forward of the yoke or pole. Near Evergreen Station
Beauregard. I. The most uniformly fortunate General of the late war was Beauregard. So marked was this circumstance, and so regularly did victory perch upon his standard, that Daniel, the trenchant and hardy critic of the Examiner, called him Beauregard Felix. Among the Romans that term signified happy, fortunate, favoured of the gods; and what is called good luck seemed to follow the Confederate leader to whom it was applied. Often he appeared to be outgeneralled, checkmated, and driven to the last ditch, but ever some fortunate circumstance intervened to change the whole situation. More than once the fortune of war seemed to go against him, but he always retrieved the day by some surprising movement. In the very beginning of his career, at the first great battle of Manassas, when his left was about to be driven to hopeless rout, his good genius sent thither Evans and Jackson, those stubborn obstacles, and the battle which was nearly lost terminated in a victory. Of t
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Confederate negro enlistments. (search)
There can be no doubt that the negroes behaved very well, and that the Confederate people had a lively and very grateful appreciation of the fact. There is evidence enough and to spare of this. I have before me a curious pamphlet, Marginalia; or, Gleanings from an army note-book, by Personne, army correspondent of the Charleston Courier, published at Columbia, S. C., in 1864, which abounds with instances and recitals of the good conduct of the negroes. Thus, Personne relates the story of Daniel, a slave of Lieutenant Bellinger, who was shot to pieces trying to take his master's sword to him, in the fort at Secessionville, during the assault on that post, and he says: Such instances of genuine loyalty have their parallel nowhere so frequently as in the pages of Southern history, and gives a flat contradiction to all the partial and puritanical statements ever made by Mrs. Stowe and her tribe of worshiping abolitionists. The fidelity of our negroes, this writer says, in another plac
.. Then, after the drawing for forfeits, came the results of the last lottery of brain; interspersed with music by the best performers and singers of the city; with jest and seriously-brilliant talk, until the wee sma‘ hours, indeed. O! those nights ambrosial, if not of Ambrose's, which dashed the somber picture of war round Richmond, with high-lights boldly put in by master-hands! Of them were quaint George Bagby, Virginia's pet humorist; gallant, cultured Willie Meyers; original Trav Daniel; Washington, artist, poet and musician; Page McCarty, recklessly brilliant in field and frolic alike; Ham Chamberlayne, quaint, cultivated and colossal in originality; Key, Elder and other artists; genial, jovial Jim Pegram; Harry Stanton, Kentucky's soldier poetand a score of others who won fame, even if some of them lost life --on far different fields. There rare Ran Tucker-later famed in Congress and law school-told inimitably the story of The time the stars fell, or sang the unprecedent
unless, hopeless, comfortless, and dark! thy memory haunts me still! But we lost not our confidence in God. We knelt in the black water, and prayed. And down through the still night-down through the deep darknessdown through the dense cane-brake-down to our prostrate souls afar in the solitude, came the Blessed Comforter, and we took courage. We thought of the old Jews, compelled to wander about in sheep-skins and goat-skins. We trusted in Elijah's and Elisha's God, and remembered that Daniel had dwelt safely in the den of lions. We were so completely thrown upon God's mercy, that our faith was stronger than ever. We felt that God was nearer in the shadows than in the sunshine — that in bowing in the water of the swamp to pray, we placed our lips nearer to the Infinite Ear than if we worshipped in temples on the mountain. We spent the entire day, the 21st of June, in this bog. When night came, we tried again to sleep, but were annoyed by a new enemy-a legion strong — the p
Parthenia Antoinette Hague, A blockaded family: Life in southern Alabama during the war, Chapter 10: (search)
squieted as we were that night, the services at the negro church made a deep impression upon our minds. They sang an old time song, the refrain of which we could just catch. When they began the first verse,-- Where, oh where is the good old Daniel? Where, oh where is the good old Daniel? Who was cast in the lion's den; Safe now in the promised land. When they would strike the refrain,-- By and by we'll go home to meet him, By and by we'll go home to meet him, Way over in the promisedDaniel? Who was cast in the lion's den; Safe now in the promised land. When they would strike the refrain,-- By and by we'll go home to meet him, By and by we'll go home to meet him, Way over in the promised land, we could almost imagine they were on wing for the promised land, as they seemed to throw all the passion of their souls into the refrain, and fancy would almost hear the rustle of wings, as the deep swelling anthem rolled forth. Again it would be,-- Where, oh where is the good Elijah? Where, oh where is the good Elijah? Who went up in a chariot of fire; Safe now in the promised land. And the chorus,-- By and by we'll go home to meet him, would peal forth again in loud-shou
Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Xxxvi. (search)
one, sir, said the President, your papers will be sent to you. I never wish to see your face again! Upon another occasion, as I was going through the passage, the door of the President's office suddenly opened, and two ladies, one of whom seemed in a towering passion, were unceremoniously ushered out by one of the attendants. As they passed me on their way down the stairs, I overheard the elder remonstrating with her companion upon the violence of her expressions. I afterward asked old Daniel what had happened? Oh, he replied, the younger woman was very saucy to the President. She went one step too far; and he told me to show them out of the house? Of a similar character is an incident given by N. C. J., in a letter to the New York Times :-- Among the various applicants, a well-dressed lady came forward, without apparent embarrassment in her air or manner, and addressed the President. Giving her a very close and scrutinizing look, he said, Well, madam, what can I do f
Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Xlii. (search)
was new to me, and it has been running in my head all the morning. When quite young, at school, Daniel was one day guilty of a gross violation of the rules. He was detected in the act, and called upternly. Out went the right hand, partly cleansed. The teacher looked at it a moment, and said, Daniel, if you will find another hand in this school-room as filthy as that, I will let you off this tturday. On Monday his wife left her home with her baby, to endeavor to see the President. Said Daniel, She had been waiting here three days, and there was no chance for her to get in. Late in the af tea. On the way he heard the baby cry. He instantly went back to his office and rang the bell. Daniel, said he, is there a woman with a baby in the anteroom? I said there was, and if he would allow, her eyes were lifted and her lips moving in prayer, the tears streaming down her cheeks. Said Daniel, I went up to her, and pulling her shawl, said, Madam, it was the baby that did it. When Mr.
Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Lviii. (search)
given so much he could give no more, but told her where to go and get the money, and asked Mrs. C-, who accompanied me, to assist her, which she did. The President was seated at his desk. Mrs. C. said to him: This is Sojourner Truth, who has come all the way from Michigan to see you. He then arose, gave me his hand, made a bow, and said: I am pleased to see you. I said to him: Mr. President, when you first took your seat I feared you would be torn to pieces, for I likened you unto Daniel, who was thrown into the lions' den; and if the lions did not tear you into pieces, I knew that it would be God that had saved you; and I said if He spared me I would see you before the four years expired, and He has done so, and now I am here to see you for myself. He then congratulated me on my having been spared. Then I said: I appreciate you, for you are the best President who has ever taken the seat. He replied thus: I expect you have reference to my having emancipated the slaves i