Fones, and F Duke, 4th Va cav.
June 24--Near Nanes's — Killed: Sergt G T Funkhouser, 1st Va cav; Sergt J M Lowry.
Capt W W Tabbs, privates J M Wright, E Ward, 2d Va cav, J J Paryear, Thos Glass, J C Spencer, 3d Va cav. Wounded: Capt C T Litchfield, Corp'l W Hunter, Lieut J T Leith, privates J P Hill, W. R Roseau G Hardgrove, H. Soule, Jenkins, 1st Va cav; Lts Wade and Conner, privates B D Mitchell, S M Thomas, F D Wheat, R C Newman, J A Kannier, T D Bosham, J P Smith, W A Minifes, S Moore, J J Morgan, A White, J H Drummon, and F McGee, 2d Va cav; Sergts Ro Singleton, C J. Jones, R C Elliot, W Lay, Carrington, Corpis A Easley, W Pollard, privates C H Phillips, B Harwood, R H Hyde, R H Wrillock, J F Parkinson Bryand, H C Toney, Jas Chandler, C H K 3d Va Lts Heltzman, Solden and W A Moss, Pvtes H Noison, J P Manuel, C L Cushing, P H G B Blankenbaker, J N Harrison, Yates, Geo Fisher, P O Nichols, and T C Nelson, 4th Va cav. [Official] P. Fontaine, Captain and A. A. Gen.
eneral Butler was once to the New Orleans Norfolk Secesh.
The Blowing up of the Albemarle — Yankee Glorifications over it — what it results in.
The Yankees are glorifying immensely in the destruction of the Albemarle at Plymouth.
Lieutenant Cushing, the "hero" of the affair, has arrived in Washington, and is the lion of the day. Secretary Welles is to recommend to Congress to vote him a resolution of thanks, and he is promoted to Lieutenant Commander.
The affair has released from duty in Albemarle sound eleven Yankee steamers which can now be used elsewhere.
The following is Lieutenant Cushing's official report of the matter:
On the night of the 27th, having prepared my steam launch, I proceeded up towards Plymouth with thirteen officers and men, partly volunteers from the squadron.
The distance from the mouth of the river to the ram was about eight miles, the stream averaging in width some two hundred yards, and lined with the enemy's pickets.
A mile below the town