Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 15, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Caleb Cushing or search for Caleb Cushing in all documents.

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ourned, after passing a bill authorizing the Banks of that State to suspend specie payment, and calling a State Convention on the 17th of December. In Charleston, Monday night, a large secession meeting was held, at which resolutions were adopted pledging the participators to place the State, "at the earliest practicable moment, in a position of political independence of the present Federal Government." A testimonial is being prepared by the ladies of South Carolina to be presented to Hon. Caleb Cushing, of Mass. The Charleston First Regiment of Artillery has tendered its services to the Governor. "Old Abe" was burnt in effigy at Arken, S. C., on the night of the 9th inst. A correspondent of the Charleston Courier says: Last night our citizens turned out en masse to celebrate the event by a torchlight procession; the torches being of native pine, made a handsome appearance. All the residences along the line were filled with the fair sex, who sanctioned the proceedings by the w