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James Russell Soley, Professor U. S. Navy, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.1, The blockade and the cruisers (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 57 1 Browse Search
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington 12 0 Browse Search
George P. Rowell and Company's American Newspaper Directory, containing accurate lists of all the newspapers and periodicals published in the United States and territories, and the dominion of Canada, and British Colonies of North America., together with a description of the towns and cities in which they are published. (ed. George P. Rowell and company) 12 0 Browse Search
Wendell Phillips, Theodore C. Pease, Speeches, Lectures and Letters of Wendell Phillips: Volume 1 8 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 7, 4th edition. 4 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore) 4 0 Browse Search
The picturesque pocket companion, and visitor's guide, through Mount Auburn 4 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 5, 13th edition. 4 0 Browse Search
Historic leaves, volume 8, April, 1909 - January, 1910 4 0 Browse Search
Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House 4 4 Browse Search
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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The Union and Confederate navies. (search)
North Carolina two iron-clads were projected, one to be built on the Neuse River, the other on the Roanoke. The first was destroyed before completion, but the second, the Albemarle, which the Union forces, through most culpable negligence, suffered to remain undisturbed until she was fully armed and equipped, captured the town of Plymouth, and fought a drawn battle with the squadron of double-enders in the sound. After a career of six months, she was destroyed by the expedition under Lieutenant Cushing. The last, and in some ways the most useful naval force of the Confederates, was the James River Squadron. After the destruction of the Merrimac in May, 1862, and the abortive attempt of the Union vessels to pass up the James River, a fleet was gradually constructed and fitted out for the defense of Richmond. There were still in the river the Patrick Henry, which was soon after assigned to the use of the Confederate Naval Academy, and the Beaufort and Raleigh, which had come to H
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Promotion to first Lieutenant-capture of the City of Mexico-the Army-Mexican soldiers- peace negotiations (search)
nding. He had asserted from the beginning that the administration was hostile to him; that it had failed in its promises of men and war material; that the President himself had shown duplicity if not treachery in the endeavor to procure the appointment of Benton: and the administration now gave open evidence of its enmity. About the middle of February orders came convening a court of inquiry, composed of Brevet Brigadier-General Towson, the paymaster of the army, Brigadier-General [Caleb] Cushing and Colonel [William G.] Belknap, to inquire into the conduct of the accused and the accuser, and shortly afterwards orders were received from Washington, relieving Scott of the command of the army in the field and assigning Major- General William 0. Butler of Kentucky to the place. This order also released Pillow, Worth, and Duncan from arrest. If a change was to be made the selection of General Butler was agreeable to every one concerned, so far as I remember to have heard expressio
Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Lxvi. (search)
Lxvi. The 22d of February, 1865, Lieutenant Cushing of the Navy reached Washington, from the fleet at Wilmington, with the news of the capture of Fort Anderson. This gallant officer, only twenty or twenty-one years of age, had greatly distinguished himself by planning and successfully accomplishing the destruction of the rebel ram Savannah, also in the construction of the bogus monitor which played so effectual a part in the capture of Fort Anderson. He was introduced to the President by caught sight of her own reflection in a concealed looking-glass, upon which she retired in great confusion, saying she would have nothing more to do with an institution which one could not visit without meeting disreputable characters. Lieutenant Cushing related a circumstance showing the estimation in which General Sherman was held by the rebel privates. A deserter of this class had lately fallen into his hands. Our boys, said he, speaking of the Rebels, say General Sherman never makes b
Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Index. (search)
mmission, 161. Clark, Senator, 276. Clay, Henry, 71. Colfax, Hon., Schuyler, 14, 85, 87, 172, 177, 195, 285. Concert, Marine Band, 143, 168. Creech, 68. Creeds, 190. Crittenden, General, 46. Cropsey, 168. Curtin, 82-84. Cushing, Lieutenant, 232. D. Dall, Mrs. C. H., 165. Defrees, 126. Deming, Hon. H. C., 190, 219. Demonstrate, 314. Derby, J. C., (N. Y.,) 290. Description of Picture, 27. Dole, Commissioner, 282. Douglas, Hon. Stephen A., 194, 237, 249,315. ifornia lady's account of a visit at Soldiers' home, 223; on trees 224; school of events, 225; Mc-Clellan, 130, 143, 227, 255; Peace Convention, 229; Henry Ward Beecher, 230; popularity with the soldiers and people, 231; portraits, 46, 231; Lieutenant Cushing, 232; last inaugural, 234; his election to the legislature in 1834, 234; never invented a story, 235; first political speech, 236; contest with Douglas, 237; affection for his step-mother, 238; reply to anti-slavery delegation from New York
and signed on May 4, at the village of Citronelle in Alabama. At the same time and place the Confederate Commodore Farrand surrendered to Rear-Admiral Thatcher all the naval forces of the Confederacy in the neighborhood of Mobile-a dozen vessels and some hundreds of officers. The rebel navy had practically ceased to exist some months before. The splendid fight in Mobile Bay on August 5, 1864, between Farragut's fleet and the rebel ram Tennessee, with her three attendant gunboats, and Cushing's daring destruction of the powerful Albemarle in Albemarle Sound on October 27, marked its end in Confederate waters. The duel between the Kearsarge and the Alabama off Cherbourg had already taken place; a few more encounters, at or near foreign ports, furnished occasion for personal bravery and subsequent lively diplomatic correspondence; and rebel vessels, fitted out under the unduly lenient neutrality of France and England, continued for a time to work havoc with American shipping in v
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Index. (search)
strict of, 83 Columbus, 134 et seq. Confederacy, Southern, first formal proposal of, 26; established, 41; military resources of, 79; sends diplomatic agents to Europe, 79; natural resources of, 81 Confederates resolve to begin the war, 60 Constitution of the Confederate States adopted, 41 Cox, General J. D., 154 Crawford, Commissioner, 57 Crittenden, John J., 76 Cub Run, 200 Cumberland, Department of the, 135 Cumberland Gap, 135 Cummings Point, 63 et seq. Cushing,. Caleb, 76 D. Davies, General T. A., 174 Davis, Jefferson, 25 et seq., 40; elected President of the Confederacy, 41; opposes the attack on Fort Sumter, 56; belief of Northern aid, 71; offers letters of marque and reprisal, 78; call for volunteers, 79; his message to Governor Letcher, 92; letter to Governor Jackson, 117, 158; speech of, at Richmond, 169 Declaration of Causes by South Carolina, 5 et seq. Dennison, Governor, 140 Dix, Secretary John A., 33, 76, 208 Double
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reminiscences of torpedo service in Charleston Harbor by W. T. Glassel, Commander Confederate States Navy. (search)
y it shook the nerve of a brave admiral and deprived him of the glory of laying low the city of Charleston. It was said by officers of the navy that the iron-clad vessels of that fleet were immediately enveloped like women in hoop-skirt petticoats of netting, to lay in idle admiration of themselves for many months. The Ironsides went into dry-dock for repairs. The attack also suggested to officers of the United States Navy that this was a game which both sides could play at, and Lieutenant Cushing bravely availed himself of it. I congratulate him for the eclat and promotion he obtained thereby. I do not remember the date of my exchange again as a prisoner of war, but it was only in time to witness the painful agonies and downfall of an exhausted people, and the surrender of a hopeless cause. I was authorized to equip and command any number of torpedo boats, but it was now too late. I made efforts to do what I could at Charleston, till it became necessary to abandon that ci
y naked votes of semi-civilized and unnaturalized Indians. If the history of their executive officers demonstrates that the Democracy are the special champions of slavery, no less clearly is the fact apparent and transparent in their judicial appointments for Kansas. Lecompte, Elmore, and Johnson were the first supreme judges. Judges Elmore and Johnson were discharged, with Governor Reeder, nominally for land speculations; but Elmore, really, as he himself declared in his letter to Mr. Cushing, in order that the dismission of two acknowledged Free State officials might not give it the appearance of proslavery championship. This occurred in the earlier history of the Territory, before the Democracy had entirely thrown off their disguises. Lecompte holds office still. No man doubts his professional incapacity for the high position of Chief Justice, but no one can ever doubt his eminent ability to advance the iniquitous designs of the Slave Power. Of all Judges, since Jeffre
G. S. Hillard, Life and Campaigns of George B. McClellan, Major-General , U. S. Army, Appendix. Oration at West Point. (search)
regiments can spare such gallant, devoted, and able commanders as Rossell, Davis, Gove, Simmons, Bailey, Putnam, and Kingsbury,--all of whom fell in the thickest of the combat,--some of them veterans, and others young in service, all good men and well-beloved. Our batteries have partially paid their terrible debt to fate in the loss of such commanders as Greble, the first to fall in this war, Benson, Hazzard, Smead, de Hart, Hazlitt, and those gallant boys, Kirby, Woodruff, Dimmick, and Cushing; while the engineers lament the promising and gallant Wagner and cross. Beneath remote battle-fields rest the corpses of the heroic McRea, Reed, Bascom, Stone, sweet, and many other company officers. Besides these were hosts of veteran sergeants, corporals, and privates, who had fought under Scott in Mexico, or contended in many combats with the savages of the far West and Florida, and, mingled with them, young soldiers who, courageous, steady, and true, met death unflinchingly, witho
es occurred in the following famous commands: B - 4th U. S. Artillery - Gibbon's or Stewart's.     K - 4th U. S. Artillery - Derussey's or Seeley's.     I - 1st U. S. Artillery - Ricketts' or Kirby's or Woodruff's. D - 5th U. S. Artillery - Griffin's or Hazlitt's.     C - 5th U. S. Artillery - Seymour's or Ransom's or Weir's. H - 5th U. S. Artillery - Gunther's or Burnham's.     A & C 4th U. S. Artillery - Hazzard's or Cushing's or Thomas'. The foregoing pages show accurately the limit of loss in the various regimental organizations in the civil war. The figures will probably fall below the prevalent idea as to the number killed in certain regiments; but these figures are the only ones that the musterout rolls will warrant, and no others can be accepted. True, there are many errors in the rolls; but they have been thoroughly revised and corrected. There have been too many careless, extravagant statem