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Henry Morton Stanley, Dorothy Stanley, The Autobiography of Sir Henry Morton Stanley, part 2.13, chapter 2.25 (search)
ead devotes to the masses. Now I have faithfully said my say, and send you hearty greetings. November 17th, 1893. I have been to Bedford, and am back. My inviter and entertainer was Mr. A. Talbot, a Master of the Grammar School at Bedford. This school was founded in 1552, by Sir William Harper, a Lord Mayor of London, who endowed it with land which, at the time, brought only one hundred and sixty pounds a year, but which has since grown to be sixteen thousand pounds a year. A new Grammar School was completed three years ago, at a cost of thirty thousand pounds, and is a magnificent structure of red brick with stone facings. Its Hall is superb, between forty and fifty feet high, and about one hundred feet, by forty feet. It was in this Hall I lectured to a very crowded audience. The new lecture on ‘Emin‘ was received in perfect silence until I finished, when the applause was long and most hearty. But, to my astonishment, after all my pains to prune it down, it lasted one ho
Henry Morton Stanley, Dorothy Stanley, The Autobiography of Sir Henry Morton Stanley, part 2.13, Index (search)
Ashburton, Lady, 423. Ashmead-Bartlett, Mr., 480. Auckland, Stanley visits, 435, 436. Australia, Stanley visits, 434, 435. Autobiography, Stanley begins, 465. Baker, Mr., the American, 215. Baker, Sir, Samuel White, death of, 462; Stanley's estimate of, 462, 463. Balfour, Dr., Andrew, 407. Balfour, Arthur, 473, 474. Balfour, Gerald, 474. Barker, Frederick, 298, 300, 317. Barttelot, Major, 354, 360, 364. Beauregard, General P. G. T., 185, 187 n., 445. Bedford, Grammar School at, 456. Belgium, in Africa. See Leopold. Belmont, battle of, 175. Bennett, J. G., Stanley's first interview with, 228; commissions Stanley to search for Livingstone, 245; agrees to join in sending Stanley to explore Africa, 298. Bethell, Commander, 478. Bible, the, the elder Mr. Stanley's views of, 136; Stanley reads, in the wilds of Africa, 252-255. Binnie, Mr., engineer, 344, 345. Bismarck summons a conference on the Congo State, 338, 339. Bonny, William, 363, 364