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A passage thief captured. --On Saturday night last, a negro named John, slave of T. &S. Hardgrove, entered the dwelling of Mrs. C. James, and purloined an overcoat belonging to Mr. D. D. Talley. The thief was detected by a servant, who gave the alarm, and Mr. Talley pursued and captured him. At the Mayor's Court, yesterday, Lieut. Crone stated that John had previously stolen a mantilla from another house. Accordingly, the Mayor passed sentence of thirty-nine lashes.
Accident. --On Monday night, Mr. Charles McKeever was severely injured by falling down a flight of steps at Monticello Hall. Dr. Bolton dressed his wounds, after which Lieut. Crone of the night watch accompanied him to his residence.
The Daily Dispatch: May 4, 1861., [Electronic resource], Great Britain and the Southern Confederacy. (search)
Sails Furled, ship stopped, and Crew laid up in port. --Four men — giving their names as John Walker, Jerome Coleburne, John Foy, and George Fauls — were brought before the Mayor yesterday, as suspicious personages. --It appeared that they arrived from Norfolk, via railroad, on Thursday evening, and on getting here by the Southern train, inquired of officer Crone the way to Harper's Ferry. --The officer thereupon showed them to the First Station-House, where they spent the night. They told the Mayor that they had embarked at some Northern port for a whaling voyage, but after getting out a considerable distance they had landed on a strange coast, and shipped a cargo of Africans, which they had been successful in assisting to convey to Cuba. They had come as far as Norfolk, where their egress being blocked by Lincoln's pirates, they had been advised to come to Richmond, proceed to Harper's Ferry, and thence North to their homes. Most of them came from Boston. They had plenty o
ation that they cannot flourish on Virginia soil. Some men, when they get a half dozen drinks under their jackets, exhibit more of the nature of brutes than of human beings, and have as little regard for decency and propriety of conduct. The performance on the stage was frequently interrupted, and after it was over, a general row took place in the street. We have been informed that one person was pushed down the stops and badly beaten. The officers endeavored to quell the disturbance, but found themselves overwhelmed by numbers, and one individual discharged a pistol at Lieut. Crone, of the night watch, but fortunately missed him. It is miraculous, where pistols were freely used, that no one was injured. We think it probable that some of the participators in the row will yet be apprehended. We are gratified to learn that there was a marked improvement in the state of affairs about the theatre last evening — no row — everything quiet, and the bars in the vicinity all close
performance closed, and had there been any fire resulting from that cause, it would have developed itself before he left. While the theatre was burning, one of the members of the orchestra went into the alley below the theatre, with a view to saving some of the musical instruments, and found a window open, which, we are assured, was closed the night previous. It is stated that a negro man was seen to jump out of a window into this alley, but no effort was made to detain him. At 3 o'clock Mr. Crone, of the night watch, passed the building and found everything quiet, and nothing to indicate the approach of disaster. In less than an hour from that time it was in flames, lighted, we doubt not, by the torch of an incendiary. The theatre is a complete wreck — nothing left but a portion of the walls. All the valuable scenery, painted by the elder Grain, Getz, Heilge, and Italian artists employed by George Jones; all the wardrobe and "property," including some costly furniture and de
Wanderers. --Louisa J., Virginia, Waddy and William Nicholson, brothers and sisters, were carried to the cage on Saturday night from the stable of J. J. Sutherland, on Franklin street, and were locked up, by Lieut, Crone, as persons "having no place to stay." The oldest girl, a curiosity in her way, smoking and chewing tobacco like a man, says that her mother came from Georgia with her father, (now a soldier,) and that the mother having died, she has been taking care of her sister and brothers since. How she did it, she did not say. She appeared to be about sixteen years of age. No doubt the Mayor will to day find some place in which to slow all of them away safely.
f four men who had met him, torn off his shirt, and taken four dollars from him. Maria Robinson and William Robinson, husband, and wife, were arraigned, the first for getting drunk and falling about in Clay street, breaking the glass of a carriage in that street, and beating children she chanced to meet, with a stick; Wm. Robinson, while also drunk, had fought with his wife and disturbed the peace of the neighborhood in which he lived, near the corner of the Second Vegetable Market. Officer Crone deposed that after he had looked up the woman he let her out, hoping she would attend to her child and stop her noise. (Mrs. Robinson appeared in Court with an infant at her breast and a black eye in her countenance) Instead of subsiding, she behaved worse, and the officer had to arrest her again. He also carried to the lock-up four gallons of brandy found in her house, which he deemed the cause of the disturbance.--Both parties committed for want of security. The case of Catharine
Second Lieutenant of the night Watch. --Augustus R. Cousins was appointed by the Mayor, with the approbation of the Council at its last meeting, Second Lieutenant of the Night Watch, vice aleb Crone, promoted by him to be 9th day police officer.
Arrests. --The city police arrested yesterday Elizabeth, slave of Mr. L Stratton, and Lavinia Trent, a free negro, without papers, for trespassing on the Henningsen Hospital. A white man named George Brown was taken in custody by Officer Crone, of the day police, for urging a horse attached to a buggy through Main street at an unlawful rate of speed. Brown was intoxicated at the time.