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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore) 18 2 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: November 8, 1861., [Electronic resource] 13 1 Browse Search
Col. Robert White, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 2.2, West Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 3 1 Browse Search
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unded the colonel of Floyd's Cavalry--Col. St. George Croghan, (son of the late Inspector-General CInspector-General Croghan.) These outposts being driven in, we advanced carefully about one mile further, where ther and espied two squadrons of cavalry under Col. Croghan, of Kentucky, and here commenced the battleirst fire several saddles were emptied, and Col. Croghan fell mortally wounded in the abdomen. The as before, strong parties of skirmishers. Col. Croghan was carried to the nearest house, and was c. He represented himself to Gen. Benham as Col. Croghan, son of a United States navy officer of Penret to be obliged to inform you that Colonel St. George Croghan, commanding your cavalry regiment, ased a detachment of the rebel cavalry under Col. Croghan, (formerly of the United States army,) and,gade. At this the cavalry under command of Col. Croghan were ordered back to scout the country and y met the enemy's pickets advancing, when Colonel Croghan ordered his men all to dismount, though h
ressing his antagonists with an exaggerated idea of his strength, while he was preparing to stand a siege. At Carnifix Ferry was stationed the only reinforcement near him, an Ohio regiment under Colonel Tyler. On the 20th of August, Lieutenant-Colonel Croghan, in advance of Wise, had two skirmishes on the turnpike, one near Hawk's Nest, in which each side lost a few killed and wounded. The little army was then greatly afflicted with measles, to such an extent that the Forty-sixth Virginia rcrossed with his brigade and occupied Cotton hill, and General Benham moved from Loop creek to attack Floyd in the rear. But the latter evaded the trap prepared for him, and fell back upon Loop mountain, with little loss, except that Lieut.-Col. St. George Croghan, one of the most gallant officers in the service, fell in a skirmish at McCoy's mill, November 14th, after which Floyd took position on Piney creek. Previous to this Colonel Clarkson with the cavalry had been sent on a raid toward
f a cavalry regiment who turns them all down. I allude to Col. St. George Croghan, who commands a cavalry regiment under Gen. Floyd in North and the best rider in America. He is the son of the celebrated Col. Croghan of Sandusky memory, was born a soldier, educated a soldier, and omfortable little tabernacle, for which the army are indebted to Col. Croghan. In order, therefore, to enable any regiment in the Confederateeas five mules are altogether sufficient for the transportation of Croghan tents enough for the same regiment; and the soldiers are bound to n our army, and the transportation of which is so very expensive Col. Croghan has also, by an alteration of the ordinary cort saddle into a paight storm, for they can always have their tents with them. Col. Croghan has attached to his regiment two rifled cannon, each weighing abe a living and lasting interest in them. I do not know a man in Col. Croghan's regiment. He has one company who went into the service only a