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William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 1, chapter 14 (search)
ation, to bring up to Dr. Hollingsworth's house the two portraits for safe keeping; but before the wagon had reached Bowie's the house was burned, whether by some of our men or by negroes I have never learned. At the river there was a good deal of scrambling to get across, because the means of ferriage were inadequate; but by the aid of the Forest Queen and several gunboats I got my command across during the 7th of May, and marched out to Hankinson's Ferry (eighteen miles), relieving General Crocker's division of McPherson's corps. McClernand's corps and McPherson's were still ahead, and had fought the battle of Port Gibson, on the 11th. I overtook General Grant in person at Auburn, and he accompanied my corps all the way into Jackson, which we reached May 14th. McClernand's corps had been left in observation toward Edwards's Ferry. McPherson had fought at Raymond, and taken the left-hand road toward Jackson, via Clinton, while my troops were ordered by General Grant .n person
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, chapter 17 (search)
ennessee, which was commanded by Brigadier-General Judson Kilpatrick. These cavalry commands changed constantly in strength and numbers, and were generally used on the extreme flanks, or for some special detached service, as will be hereinafter related. The Army of the Tennessee was still short by the two divisions detached with General Banks, up Red River, and two other divisions on furlough in Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio, but which were rendezvousing at Cairo, under Generals Leggett and Crocker, to form a part of the Seventeenth Corps, which corps was to be commanded by Major-General Frank P. Blair, then a member of Congress, in Washington. On the 2d of April I notified him by letter that I wanted him to join and to command these two divisions, which ought to be ready by the 1st of May. General Blair, with these two divisions, constituting the Seventeenth Army Corps, did not actually overtake us until we reached Acworth and Big Shanty, in Georgia, about the 9th of June, 1864.
utral ground, and but for the restless spirits that are now in command of our forces, we would in all probability have sunk into the quiet and obscurity of good old Union times. Our military commanders appear to have also, taken this view. General Crocker and his brigade were withdrawn, leaving only two regiments under Colonel Johnson, and the Second and Sixth Mississippi, of African descent, as a garrison. But hardly had the forces been disposed off by the Colonel, so as to meet any probable contingency, or the last echoes of the steamer bearing off General Crocker fairly died away, when the first mutterings of a coming storm aroused us from our fancied security. A couple of scouts, captured by Colonel Farrar, Thirtieth Missouri, told of a secret expedition then on the move from Clinton, in a southerly direction. Three days after, General Wirt Adams, with a cavalry command of two thousand five hundred men and ten pieces of artillery, passed through Washington, seven miles out
ivisions--General Veatch's and General A. J. Smith's--Sixteenth army corps, and two divisions--General Leggett's and General Crocker's--Seventeenth army corps; together with Colonel Winslow's brigade of cavalry, and one brigade (General Chambers's) ing railroad and railroad buildings, State arsenal, with guns, machinery, etc., all of which are utterly destroyed. General Crocker's division went south, twenty-seven miles, utterly and completely wiping out the railroad, and also the rebel camps rom our camp in line of battle. The third and fourth divisions of the Seventeenth corps, Brigadier-Generals Leggett and Crocker commanding, were thrown across the creek, and formed in line of battle, facing the enemy, while our Parrotts replied rapy the guerrillas. They escaped, however, and joined their command, some four miles distant, without molestation. General Crocker, commanding the Fourth division, Seventeenth army corps, deserves great credit for the effectual manner in which he
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Battle of Johnsonville. (search)
Abney, third Corporal. John H. Dunlap, fourth Corporal. J. D. Vauter, fifth Corporal. James Wyatt, sixth Corporal. W. L. Jobe, seventh Corporal. H. T. Newton, eighth Corporal. George N. Crunk, bugler. Charles Martin, harness-maker. J. K. Golden, blacksmith. H. H. Dell, teamster. William Dean, teamster. Pompey Shoat, teamster. William Buchanan, teamster. Privates. Allen, Wm.; Bradshaw, Ed.; Brothers, J. K. P.; Burton, J. M.; Brigance, Jas.; Burchett, Crocker J.; Caldwell, James; Carr, John H.; Cloud, Wm. R.; Crossland, M. T.; Denny, J. P.; Dodson, Andrew; Drawn, Chas.; Duffie, George; Fitzpatrick, Garrett; Gains, M. M.; Geice, Geo.; Griffin, T. G.; Haig, John; Hamilton, Sam.: Hammel, J. M.; Hanner, A.: Johnson, Tyler; Jones, Jerry; Lanier, Wm.; McBurney, W.; McGuire, Jas.; McKenney, G.; Miles, W. P.; Mitchell, J. N.; Moore, F. A.; Morrison, J. B.; Moss, John; McDonald, J. L.; Moran, Wm., wounded at Price's X roads, but refused to leave his gun,
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Champion Hills, battle of (search)
ed the battle with great energy. Finally Pemberton's left began to bend under Logan's severe pressure. and, at five o'clock, gave way. The rest of his army became so confused and disheartened that they began to fly. Seeing this. Pemberton ordered his whole army to retreat towards the Big Black River; when Grant ordered the fresh brigades of Osterhaus and Carr to follow with all speed, and cross the river, if possible. In the retreat Pemberton lost many of his troops, made prisoners. This battle was fought mainly by Hovey's division of McClernand's corps and Logan's and Quinby's divisions (the latter commanded by Crocker) of McPherson's corps. The National loss was 2,457, of whom 426 were killed. The loss of the Confederates was estimated to have been quite equal to that of the Nationals in killed and wounded, besides almost 2,000 prisoners, eighteen guns, and a large quantity of smallarms. Among the killed was General Tilghman, who was captured at Fort Henry the year before.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Jackson, (search)
forward, and 5 miles from Jackson they encountered and drove in the Confederate pickets. Two and a half miles from the city they were confronted by a heavy Confederate force, chiefly Georgia and South Carolina troops, under General Walker. General Crocker's division led the van of the Nationals, and a battle began at eleven o'clock, while a shower of rain was falling. The Confederate infantry were in a hollow, with their artillery on the crest of a hill beyond them. Crocker pressed the CoCrocker pressed the Confederates out of the hollow and up the slopes to their artillery. Still onward the Governor's mansion at Jackson, Miss. Nationals pressed in the face of a severe fire, when the Confederates broke and fled towards the city, closely pursued for a mile and a half to their earthworks. Under a heavy storm of grape and canister shot poured upon their works, the Nationals reformed for the purpose of making an assault; but there was no occasion, for the garrison had evacuated the fort. They left
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Logan, John Alexander 1826-1886 (search)
xception to all rules of warfare? Is he to be excused for everything he failed to do, while others did the things he failed in? I wish to call General Grant's attention to one little thing which occurred during the war, under his command. He remembers the march that McPherson's troops made in the night from Jackson to Baker's Creek. Does he not remember that while Pemberton, with nearly his whole army, was attacking Hovey's division, my division was moved in on the right of Hovey, and Crocker supporting Hovey, these three divisions receiving nearly the whole force of Pemberton's 30,000 men? Does he not remember of one small brigade sent by me (with his assent) down through a strip of wood, a distance of a mile or a mile and a half away from the balance of the force, getting in on the left flank of Pemberton's army? Does he not remember that that one little brigade of not more than 2,000 men attacked the left flank of Pemberton's army, and that the latter became so panic-strick
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), State of Texas, (search)
e this convention. I believe it has received none of the powers it has assumed either from the people or the legislature. I believe it guilty of a usurpation which the people cannot suffer tamely and preserve their liberties. I am ready to lay down my life to maintain the rights and liberties of Texas. I am ready to lay down office rather than yield to usurpation and degradation. In 1863 General Banks sent General Franklin, with 4,000 troops, accompanied by four gunboats, under Lieutenant Crocker, to seize the Confederate post at Sabine Pass, on the boundary-line between Louisiana and Texas, preparatory to an attempt to recover the latter State from Confederate control. The expedition sailed from New Orleans Sept. 5. A premature attack was made by the gunboats on the garrison at Sabine Pass (Sept. 8), and the expedition was a disastrous failure. Two of the gunboats were captured, and the transports, with Franklin's troops, fled back to New Orleans, the Nationals State Capi
djustable, and the effect of the emission of the stream of compressed air is to draw up the liquid from the Angier and Crocker's ejector. Angier and Crocker's ejector. space C, and elevate it to the surface through the space intervening betweenCrocker's ejector. space C, and elevate it to the surface through the space intervening between the tubes B and A. McKnight's water-raiser. Angier and Crocker, December 13, 1864, have a device for the same purpose. Fig. 61 shows a section of the well in which the seed-bag i (see well-tube packing) is shown. Its purpose is to prevent tCrocker, December 13, 1864, have a device for the same purpose. Fig. 61 shows a section of the well in which the seed-bag i (see well-tube packing) is shown. Its purpose is to prevent the descent of the water from above to the bottom of the well whence the supply of oil is drawn. The bulbous deflector and encircling cup are arranged for action as described in the preceding case. B is the air-descending, A the oil-ascending space.e oblique series in the plate, and determines the radial adjustment and consequently the diameter of hole bored by it. Crocker's taper auger. Counter-borer. The shanks and turned cuttingedges of the expanding bits in Fig. 439 pass through a