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Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 7 (search)
ce of a big thunder cloud, to dance. We had a merry evening and kept it up till 12 o'clock. The general danced round dances for the first time in five years, and chose me for his partner every time, which I took as a great compliment. He said he liked my way of dancing. I was agreeably surprised that the evening should have been such a success, for the threatening weather kept away nearly half our club members, and I was so disappointed at not being able to get my new white dress from Mrs. Crenshaw that I didn't expect to enjoy myself at all. July 16, Sunday The Elzeys' last day in Washington, and our last pleasant evening together. They took tea with us, and we tried hard to be cheerful, but the thought that we shall probably never all sit together again around that cheery old table, where so many friends have met, came like a wet blanket between us and mirth. The captain and Cousin Bolling are going to make their home in New Orleans. The Elzeys return to Baltimore. . .
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 17: preliminaries of the great battle. (search)
udoun Heights. At daylight Lawton's command moved up close to the enemy. At the same time the batteries of Hill's division opened fire, and a little later all the batteries, including those of McLaws and Walker. The signal ordered for the storming columns was to be the cessation of artillery fire. In about one hour the enemy's fire ceased, when Jackson commanded silence upon his side. Pender's brigade started, when the enemy opened again with his artillery. The batteries of Pegram and Crenshaw dashed forward and renewed rapid fire, when the signal of distress was raised. Colonel D. H. Miles, the Federal commander at Harper's Ferry, was mortally wounded, and the actual surrender was made by General White, who gave up eleven thousand prisoners, thirteen thousand small-arms, seventy-two cannon, quantities of quartermaster's stores and of subsistence. Rebellion Record, vol. XIX. part i. p. 961. General Franklin had posted his division under General Couch at Rohrersville on the
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 23: battle of Fredericksburg (continued). (search)
art; 19th Ga., Lieut.-Col. A. J. Hutchins; 1st Tenn. (Pro. Army), Col. Peter Turney, Lieut.-Col. N. J. George, Capt. M. Turney, Capt. H. J. Hawkins; 7th Tenn., Col. John F. Goodner; 14th Tenn., Lieut.-Ccl. J. W. Lockert. Sixth Brigade, (1) Brig.-Gen. William D. Pender, (2) Col. A. M. Scales; 13th N. C., Col. A. M. Scales; 16th N. C., Col. John S. McElroy; 22d N. C., Maj. Christopher C. Cole ; 34th and 38th N. C. Artillery, Lieut.-Col. R. L. Walker; Branch (N. C.) Art., Lieut. J. R. Potts; Crenshaw (Va.) Batt., Lieut. J. Ellett; Fredericksburg (Va.) Art., Lieut. E. A. Marye; Johnson's (Va.) battery, Lieut. V. J. Clutter; Letcher (Va.) Art., Capt. G. Davidson; Pee Dee (S. C.) Art., Capt. D. G. McIntosh; Purcell (Va.) Art., Capt. W. J. Pegram. Ewell's division, Brig.-Gen. Jubal A. Early:--Lawton's Brigade, (1) Col. E. N. Atkinson, (2) Col. C. A. Evans; 13th Ga., Col. J. M. Smith; 26th Ga., Capt. B. F. Grace; 31st Ga., Col. C. A. Evans; 38th Ga., Capt. William L. McLeod; 60th Ga., Co
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter28: Gettysburg-Third day. (search)
Poague; Albemarle (Va.) Art., Capt. James W. Wyatt; Charlotte (N. C.) Art., Capt. Joseph Graham; Madison (Miss.) Light Art., Capt. George Ward; Virginia Batt., Capt. J. V. Brooke. artillery reserve, Col. R. Lindsay Walker :--:McIntosh's Battalion, Maj. D. G. McIntosh; Danville (Va.) Art., Capt. R. S. Rice; Hardaway (Ala.) Art., Capt. W. B. Hurt; 2d Rockbridge (Va.) Art., Lieut. Samuel Wallace; Virginia Batt., Capt. M. Johnson. Pegram's Battalion, Maj. W. J. Pegram, Capt. E. B. Brunson; Crenshaw (Va.) Batt.; Fredericksburg (Va.) Art., Capt. E. A. Marye; Letcher (Va.) Art., Capt. T. A. Brander; Pee Dee (S. C.) Art., Lieut. William E. Zimmerman; Purcell (Va.) Art., Capt. Joseph McGraw. Cavalry. Stuart's division, Maj.-Gen. J. E. B. Stuart :--Hampton's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Wade Hampton, Col. L. S. Baker; 1st N. C., Col. L. S. Baker; 1st and 2d S. C.; Cobb's (Ga.) Legion, Jeff. Davis Logion, Phillips (Ga.) Legion. Robertson's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Beverly H. Robertson; Commanded
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 7: the Peninsula Campaign. (search)
g pull, and a pull altogether --out she came. Another gentleman-he who had resigned when all trunks were sent to the rear from Manassas-having gotten at the company wagon this day, just before it was abandoned, had on a beautiful new suit of Crenshaw gray, and, thus arrayed, was making a perilous passage out in the woods parallel to the road, dodging behind the big pine trees and springing from tussock to tussock of swamp grass and bushes. The boys had been watching him for some time, but hn and shove with the rest! Poor Jim! He lifted his foot and stamped it down in vexation on the wet bark, which parted and slipped from the smooth, slick bole of the tree, and down came Jim, with a great splash like the mules, hide and hair and Crenshaw gray, all into and under the mud. I don't think I ever heard such a shout as greeted this knight of the sorrowful figure as he emerged, from his thighs up, the liquid mud dripping from every part of the upper half of his person. But it cured hi
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 26: the gun-boats in the James River-battle of seven Pines. (search)
to him; he opened his eyes, smiled, and gave me his hand, said he did not know how seriously he was hurt, but feared a fragment of shell had injured his spine. It was probably a shell loaded with musket-balls, as there appears to be a wound of a ball in his shoulder ranging down toward the lungs. I saw him yesterday evening; his breathing was labored, but he was free from fever and seemed unshaken in his nervous system. Mrs. Johnston is deeply distressed and very watchful. They are at Mr. Crenshaw's house, on Church Hill. I offered to share our house with them, but his staff obtained a whole house and seemed to desire such arrangement. General Lee is in the field, commanding. General G. W. Smith has come in this morning, sick-his old disease, it is said. Yesterday we had some heavy skirmishing, and increased our stock of prisoners, but no important result was gained. Unaccountable delays in bringing some of our troops into action prevented us from gaining a decisive victory
June 30.--Firing moderate; we threw among them to-day, a keg containing one hundred pounds of powder, with a fuse in it — we are not apprised of the damage it done. Our muster-rolls were ordered to be made out to-day; n<*> loss. July 1.--This day is long to be remembered, The firing in the morning was light. Our regi ment went into the ditches at twelve o'clock; about three o'clock the mine which had been prepared by the enemy under our works was fired; great was the explosion. Lieutenants Crenshaw and Roseberry were buried alive, to gether with several others. Lieutenant Burr, Geo. Ferrell, Ed. Eaton, and Dunlap of our company wounded. Lieutenant Brather of company B lost his leg. Day very warm. The enemy made no attempt to charge. July 2.--Firing moderate. The troops are becoming very much disheartened. All seem to be of the opinion that we will be compelled to surrender. July 3.--This evening about three o'clock, our, authorities sent out a flag of truce, to make a
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The opposing forces at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1st-3d, 1863. (search)
Brooke. Battalion loss: k, 2; w, 24; m, 6 = 32. Reserve artillery, Col. R. Lindsay Walker. Mclntosh's Battalion, Maj. D. G. McIntosh: Ala. Battery (Hardaway Art'y), Capt. W. B. Hurt; Va. Battery (Danville Art'y), Capt. R. S. Rice; Va. Battery (2d Rock. bridge Art'y), Lieut. Samuel Wallace; Va. Battery, Capt. M. Johnson. Battalion loss: k, 7; w, 25 = 32. Pegram's Battalion, Maj. W. J. Pegram, Capt. E. B. Brunson: S. C. Battery (Pee Dee Art'y), Lieut. William E. Zimmerman; Va. Battery (Crenshaw),----; Va. Battery (Fredericksburg Art'y), Capt. E. A. Marye; Va. Battery, (Letcher Art'y), Capt. T. A. Brander; Va. Battery (Purcell Art'y), Capt. Joseph McGraw. Battalion loss: k, 10; w, 37; m, 1= 48. cavalry, Maj.-Gen. James E. B. Stuart. Fitz Lee's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Fitzhugh Lee: 1st Md. Battalion (serving with Ewell's corps), Maj. Harry Gilmor, Maj. Ridgely Brown; 1st Va., Col. James H. Drake; 2d Va., Col. T. T. Munford; 3d Va., Col. Thomas H. Owen; 4th Va., Col. Williams C. W
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 20: Peace conference at Hampton Roads.--the campaign against Richmond. (search)
burst into flames. General Ewell said: I left the City about seven in the morning, and, as yet, nothing had been fired by My orders, yet the buildings and depot near the bridge were on fire, and the flames were so close as to be disagreeable as I rode by them. --[letter of General Ewell to the author.] he also mentions seeing from the hills above Manchester, the flames burst through the roof of a fire-proof mill, on the side farthest from the large warehouses ; and he was informed that Mr. Crenshaw found his mill full of plunderers, who were about to burn it, and he saved it by giving them all the flour. Ewell was offered, by the Ordnance Department, turpentine to mix with the tobacco, to make it burn more fiercely, but he refused to use it because it would endanger the City. After considering all the facts and circumstances, the writer is impressed with the belief, that the humane Ewell never issued the prescribed order for firing the warehouses, but that the work was done by a l
, and many other articles for which there is great demand. are very low. Ice is also very scarce, and can only be obtained at a price ranging from five to fifteen cents per pound, and then not without a physician's prescription. For a glass of ice-water fifteen cents are charged at some of the hotels. The cargo lately taken to that city by the St. Nicholas, after her capture by the pirate Captain Thomas, was disposed of by the State taking half of it, and the other half was obtained by Mr. Crenshaw, the proprietor of the Spottswood House, where Jeff. Davis and family are quartered. Notwithstanding all the precautions which have been taken, goods of great importance to the insurgents are still occasionally forwarded to them from the North. On the Fourth of July thirty barrels of linseed oil arrived there from the city of Philadelphia, and was of great use to them in the manufacture of oilcloth for haversacks and knapsacks. It was obtained by Purcell & Co., of Richmond; and it mi