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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 28 24 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 14 2 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore) 13 1 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 8 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 7 3 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: January 30, 1862., [Electronic resource] 7 7 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore) 7 3 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 6 0 Browse Search
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington 6 0 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 6 0 Browse Search
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August, 1863. August, 2 Rode with Colonel Taylor to Cowan; dined with Colonel Hobart, and spent the day very agreeably. Returning we called on Colonel Scribner, remained an hour, and reached Decherd after nightfall. My request for leave of absence was lying on the table approved and recommended by Negley and Thomas, but indorsed not granted by Rosecrans. General Rousseau has left, and probably will not return. The best of feeling has not existed between him and the commanding general for some time past. Rousseau has had a good division, but probably thought he should have a corps. This, however, is not the cause of the breach. It has grown out of small matters-things too trifling to talk over, think of, or explain, and yet important enough to create a coldness, if not an open rupture. Rosecrans is marvelously popular with the men. August, 3 The papers state that General R. B. Mitchell has gone home on sick leave. Poor fellow! he must have been taken suddenly
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 9: the last review. (search)
Shenandoah and the weary windings of the Appomattox. Of the heart of the country, these men: Vermont, New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland. These twelve regiments were to close that grand procession of muskets, tokens of a nation's mighty deliverance, now to be laid down; tokens also of consummate loyalty and the high manhood that seeks not self but the larger, deeper well-being which explains and justifies personal experience. Now follows the artillery brigade, under Major Cowan; eight batteries representing all the varieties of that field service, and the contributions of Rhode Island, Vermont, New York, and New Jersey, and the regulars. What story of splendors and of terrors do these grim guns enshrine! Now, last of all, led by Major van Brocklin, the little phalanx of the 50th New York Engineers, which had been left to help the Sixth Corps, pass once more the turbid rivers of Virginia. Here again, the train of uncouth pontoons, telling of the mastery ove
and for a long time patiently awaited its arrival, in fact, until all the returning troops had passed us, but still it did not come. Thinking it somewhat risky to remain at the station without protection, Sherman and myself started our horses to Cowan by our orderlies, and set out on foot to meet the car, trudging along down the track in momentary expectation of falling in with our private conveyance. We had not gone very far before night overtook us, and we then began to realize the dangers hem, so they encouraged us to move on with a frankness inspired by fear of future trouble to themselves. At every turn we eagerly hoped to meet the hand-car, but it never came, and we jolted on from tie to tie for eleven weary miles, reaching Cowan after midnight, exhausted and sore in every muscle from frequent falls on the rough, unballasted road-bed. Inquiry developed that the car had been well manned, and started to us as ordered, and nobody could account for its nonarrival. Further i
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Battle of Murfreesboro. (search)
ief loss fell upon Preston's right and center. His casualties amounted to one hundred and fifty-five. The Twentieth Tennessee, after driving the enemy on the right of the turnpike and taking twenty-five prisoners, was compelled to fall back before a very heavy artillery and musketry fire, Colonel Smith, commanding, being severely wounded; but it kept the prisoners and soon rejoined the command. The Fourth Florida and Sixtieth North Carolina encountered serious difficulty at a burnt house (Cowan's) on the left of the turnpike from fences and other obstacles, and was for a little while thrown into some confusion. Here for several minutes they were exposed to a destructive and partially enfilading fire at short range of artillery and infantry. But they were soon rallied by their gallant brigade commander, and rushing with cheers across the intervening space, entered the cedar glade. The enemy had retired from the cedars and was in position in a field to the front and right. By c
ially desires, on this day, that He whose will, not ours, should ever be done, be everywhere remembered with the profoundest gratitude. The battle of Helena, Ark., was fought this day, by the National troops under the command of Major-General B. M. Prentiss, and the rebels under Generals Marmaduke, Price, and Holmes.--(Docs. 24 and 111.) General Sheridan's division of Rosecrans's army, in pursuit of General Bragg, crossing the Elk River, Tenn., was thrown forward toward Dechard and Cowan, after reoccupying Winchester. This day he sent his cavalry force, under Colonel Watkins of the Sixth Kentucky, toward the mountains. Near University Place, they encountered the rebel cavalry, killed and wounded forty, routed and drove them three miles up the side of the mountain, and returned with the loss of twelve men. The rebels' flight was so precipitate, that they threw away every thing which could at all impede them, and their course could be traced for miles by their cast-off equip
rifle-pit here is a very strong one, and our men were within very close range. Quite a number of the engineers were soon wounded, and it was evident that the old and successful method of pushing men across in boats would have to be adopted. General Howe at once ordered the Twenty-sixth New-Jersey, Colonel Morrison, of the Vermont brigade, to man the boats, push over and storm the rifle-pits. Six of the batteries of the Sixth corps, namely, Williston's, Butler's, Haines's, McCartney's, Cowan's, and McCartby's, were placed in position on the plain, and for nearly two hours shelled the rifle-pits, and the flanks of our position very vigorously. Their practice was excellent, the rifle-pits being almost demolished, yet the casualties among the enemy by shells were few. The rebels stuck to their position until the gallant Jerseymen set foot on the south side of the river, at about half-past 6 o'clock, when, notwithstanding the shower of canister sent after them, they fled before the
er, or by Tantallon, Anderson, Stevenson, Bridgeport, and the mouth of Battle Creek, to same point, and thence by Thurman, or Dunlap and Poe's Tavern, across Walden Ridge. The University Road, though difficult, was the best of these two, that by Cowan, Tantallon, and Stevenson being very rough between Cowan and Anderson, and much longer. There were also three roads across the mountains to the Tennessee River below Stevenson, the best, but much the longest, by Fayetteville and Athens, a distCowan and Anderson, and much longer. There were also three roads across the mountains to the Tennessee River below Stevenson, the best, but much the longest, by Fayetteville and Athens, a distance of seventy miles. The next, a very rough wagon-road from Winchester by Salem, to Larkinsville, and an exceedingly rough road by the way of Mount Top, one branch leading thence to Bellefont and the other to Stevenson. On these latter routes little or no forage was to be found, except at the extremities of the lines, and they were also scarce of water. The one by Athens has both forage and water in abundance. It was evident from this description of the topography, that to reach Cha
itles him to the highest credit for military skill. We would mark such a man in our army for promotion. We attacked the place with two regiments, sending the remainder of our force across at an-other ford. The place was judiciously chosen and skilfully defended, and the result was that we were repulsed with severe loss — about twenty-five killed and twenty wounded. Among the killed, as usual, were our best men and officers, including Colonel Chenault, Major Brent, Captain Tribble, Lieutenants Cowan, Ferguson, and an-other lieutenant whose name I do not remember. Our march thus far has been very fatiguing — bad roads, little rest or sleep, little to eat, and a fight every day. Yet our men are cheerful, even buoyant. ant, and to see them pressing along barefooted, hurrahing and singing, would cause one to appreciate what those who are fighting in a just and holy cause will endure. About three o'clock, as I rode on about forty yards in advance, I heard the General exclaim somethi
, distribute our rations, and prepare for the contest. While this was progressing, I determined to cut, if possible, the railroad in Bragg's rear. Wilder's brigade was sent to burn Elk River bridge and destroy the railroad between Decherd and Cowan, and Brigadier-General John Beatty, with a brigade of infantry, to Hillsboro, to cover and support his movements. General Sheridan's division came in June twenty-eighth, and all McCook's corps arrived before the night of the twenty-ninth, trool of General Mitchell, they forced the passage of the river after a sharp conflict. Night closed the pursuit. July third, General Sheridan succeeded in crossing Elk River, and, supported by General J. C. Davis's division, pursued the enemy to Cowan, where he. learned the enemy had crossed the mountains with his artillery and infantry by University and Sweden's Cove, and that the cavalry only would be found covering their rear. General Thomas got over his troops the same day, Negley's divis
idgeport, Ala., as much of my corps as could be spared from the duty of guarding the railroad depots, exposed points north of the Tennessee River, etc., and from that point to move them to the support of the main body of the army. McCook's brigade, which was relieved by Colonel Mizner, was ordered from Columbia to Bridgeport, where it arrived on the tenth instant. Two brigades of General Steedman's division, which were relieved from duty along the lines of railroad from Murfreesboro to Cowan, and from Wartrace to Shelbyville, by other troops from the rear, arrived at Bridgeport on the eleventh instant. The Twenty-second regiment Michigan infantry, under command of Colonel Le Favour, was sent direct to Bridgeport by railroad from Nashville, and was there attached to General Steedman's command. The Eighty-ninth regiment Ohio infantry was also attached to the same command, having been sent to Bridgeport from Tracy City. The difficulties to be overcome in forwarding and in co