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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Southern Historical Society Papers. (search)
at delight in relating an adventure which he once had with the celebrated Tom Corwin, the swarthy senator from Ohio. Marshall had stopped overnight at Lebanon, Mr. Corwin's place of residence, and registered himself at the hotel as Mr. Marshall, of Kentucky. While sitting in the public room in the evening he noticed a neatly drebegan by the remark, When I was in Congress with Mr. Clay— You in Congress with Mr. Clay? interrupted Marshall—you in Congress? Yes, sir; Yes, sir. My name is Tom Corwin. Tom Corwin? exclaimed Marshall. Excuse me, my dear sir, but I thought you were some runaway negro. As an orator Mr. Marshall was one of the most powerfulTom Corwin? exclaimed Marshall. Excuse me, my dear sir, but I thought you were some runaway negro. As an orator Mr. Marshall was one of the most powerful and fascinating that ever spoke from a platform in the West. Wherever he was announced to speak crowds thronged to hear him. He was impassioned, magnetic, fluent—at times almost choked with the rushing multitude of his words. He had a high opinion of the oratorical art—of what he called a perfect speech. Here, in a condensed
Supreme Court on the 14th. The New Haven Clock Company makes 686 clocks per day--250,000 per year. The painting of the glass doors is a secret. Joshua Lee was killed in Wirt county, Va., a few days since, in an affray with Kingsbury Dulin, his son-in-law. Julius A. Dargan, a member of the South Carolina State Convention, died on the 10th inst. Hon. Horatio Fitch, Secretary of the Hartford and New Haven Railroad Company, died at Hartford, Conn., on the 13th inst. Col. Ellsworth, of Chicago, has received a Lieutenancy in the army, made vacant by resignation. The Rev. Dr. Rice, of Chicago has accepted the call of Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Chapel in this city. The Asbury Church, Md., has seceded from the Philadelphia Conference. John T. Haldeman, of Pennsylvania, has been nominated as Minister to Sweden. Hon. Tom Corwin has declined the Mexican mission. The County Court of Louisa, Va., has voted $6,000 to arm the military of the county.
and are easily excited to the exhibition of much feeling by anathemas against the Lincoln Administration, or by encomiums on this. But nowhere is there a particle of treason to be snuffed in the tamed breeze. All are ready, if it were necessary, to throw their last dollar into the Treasury to support the Government in its brave course, and maintain the gigantic preparations that are rapidly progressing, to afford an entertainment to our enemies that shall fully deserve the application of Tom Corwin's infamous idea of a Mexican reception. Private information received by me from several of the interior counties of Virginia, heretofore opposed to secession, discloses the fact that certain politicians of the Submission breed are representing to the masses that the people of the seven States forming the Southern Confederation, in consequence of the great excitement and disquietude attending their secession, have been converted into a condition of the most slavish subjection and distr
From Ohio. Cincinnati, May 20. --Sixteen thousand men are at Camp Dennison. Aaron Harlan has been nominated for Congress in place of Gov. Tom Corwin. The bridge over the Miami Canal fell yesterday fifty feet in the Canal. No one was drowned.
The Daily Dispatch: June 3, 1861., [Electronic resource], The "Assassination" of Col. Flisworth, (search)
Elected to Congress. Cincinnati, May 29. --Richard Harrison the Independent Union candidate, has been elected to Congress from the Seventh Ohio District, to fill Tom Corwin's vacancy. He defeats Harlan, the Republican nominee.
The Daily Dispatch: October 31, 1861., [Electronic resource], The blockading fleet off New Orleans — News direct from the enemy. (search)
Nor do we believe that old Abe and all his Yankees can prevent the allies from doing exactly what they please. That he will use high language, talk loudly about the Monroe doctrine, bluster and threater, we do not doubt. But he can impose on nobody but the miserable Mexicans themselves, who well remembering the victories of the Southern troops in 1846 and '47, and supposing then to be so many Yankee triumphs, entertain the most exaggerated notions of Yankee power.--The Yankee Minister, Tom Corwin, has neglected no opportunity to heighten these impressions. He has been intriguing with the Mexican Government to induce them to claim the protection of King Abe, and he graciously accords it, on condition that Yankees troops be allowed to pass over Mexican territory for the purpose of invading Texas. A loan of fifteen million in the meantime has been asked of the Federal Government, and doubtless, while that Government is squandering five hundred millions a year, it will not hesitate a
nt of the Mexicans. The Houston Telegraph, of the 10th, contains the following important item: Our Brownsville correspondent gives unimportant piece of information regarding the movements across the Rio Grande. The sham fight at Matamoras is, of course, unworthy of further attention, but the approach of Vidaurri, with 7,000 men, to make his headquarters at Matamoras, as a representative of the Mexican Federal government, the government that has been making the late treaties with Tom Corwin, that receives a loan of ten millions and protection from the United States, for some purpose or other — we say this military movement demands attention, and measures should at once be taken to keep the closest watch on the doings of that republic. A force of 7,000 Mexicans, joined to as many Northern troops, might give us some trouble, especially if supported by raids upon our coast. It still looks as though Texas might be a theatre of war within a twelvemonth or less. From the Po
any subject. Another dispatch says: It is said here by prominent friends of the Administration that the sending of peace commissioners to Richmond is not now contemplated, and that the President will fully indicate his policy with regard to pacification in his forthcoming annual message. A letter from New York, dated the 21st, says: We begin the week with something more than the usual variety of Wall street canards. One is, that Ex-Governor Seymour, of Connecticut, Tom Corwin, and three other distinguished gentlemen, embodying the combined Administration and Peace sentiment, are certainly going to Richmond to offer the rebels terms of reconciliation and peace. Another is, that General Scott will be sent; and a third, that an eminent member of the Cabinet will accompany him. I suppose there are some people here and there who can be found to give ear to these stories, else they would not be so persistently put in circulation. But the motive for it, of course, t
The late Mr. Corwin. This gentleman, who died in Washington on Monday, was in his sixty-ninth year. He was born in Kentucky (whither his father had moved from New Jersey) in 1794. The family soon afterwards moved to Ohio. Mr. Corwin had filled the most responsible public stations in Ohio, including that of Governor. He had been a member of each of the Houses of Congress, and filled the o profession of lawyer. It was alleged that he also undertook the business of "pardon broker." Mr. Corwin was a man of more than ordinary ability amongst the representative men of the country. He exchim as "the late Mr. Crary," which excited the irrepressible laughter of the whole House. Mr. Corwin belonged to that powerful party of Whigs which struggled so long against the Jackson Administr bitterly opposed to the Mexican war of 1848, and was the leader of the opposition to it. Mr. Corwin was raised a farmer, and is said to have been a wagoner in 1812. On his return from Mexico, w
amendment to prevent the payment of the rebel debt. The House bill for negro suffrage in this District was, at the request of Western members, postponed till January 10th. Mr. Sage, editor of the Lebanon, Ohio, Star, and son-in-law of Tom Corwin, will be here to-morrow to take charge of his remains. the Congressional delegation will meet in a body to take notice on Mr. Corwin's death. General Williams C. Wickham, of Virginia, is at Willard's. A meeting was held Monday night Mr. Corwin's death. General Williams C. Wickham, of Virginia, is at Willard's. A meeting was held Monday night to take steps to defeat the negro suffrage bill. Firey addresses — reading very much like some we have seen before somewhere --were delivered by Hon. T. B. Florence and others. A stranger, supposed to be a Mr. Atwell, from Westmoreland county, Virginia, died in Baltimore on Saturday last, under the influence of a powerful opiate. A decided majority of the clergy of this State gave all their influence to the cause of secession, and, as the war progressed, were often the most successful