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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 23, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Isaac Cooper or search for Isaac Cooper in all documents.

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the Northern States. He had on his person one or more letters franked to him at Lexington, Kentucky, by "A. Lincoln, M. C.," written no doubt when that notorious personage was a member of the lower House of Congress; also, a letter to "Gov. John Letcher" introducing "Dr. Todd;" also, a letter introducing the bearer to Maj. Thos. Hardeman, 2d Battalion Georgia Volunteers, near Norfolk. He gave the officer a list of names of persons to summon to prove his character and standing, among whom were Dr. R. A. Lewis, of this city; Judge Cooper, of the Treasury Department; Colonel Bledsoe and Mr. Jones, of the War Department, and Mr. M. S. Brooks, at the St. Charles Hotel. Todd will be before the Mayor this morning. After his arrest, we heard a gentleman declare that Todd had often said to him that he regarded Lincoln as one of the greatest scoundrels unhung. an opinion which (whether really indulged by the Doctor or not) is largely shared in by the people of this section of the country.
Mayor's Court, Monday,July 22. --George Webster, from Maryland, wandering about the streets — no place to stay --committed.--Edward, slave of H. B. Holmes, committed for going at large.-- Isaac Cooper, Henrico darkey, living in the city without a register — set to work.-- Ezekiel Ruffin, no papers — set to work.--Charles Freeman, no papers and drunk-- committed.--Sarah A. J se, white, associating with Billy, a slave --committed. William Guy, committed to 23d for shooting and wounding Wm. Myers.--Henry Bowen, assaulting Richard P. Mundin — acquitted.--Michael McCrony, acquitted of an alleged assault on Mrs. Mary Ann Sexton, on 20th street.--Benjamin Bolton, bailed to appear on the 26th for assaulting and beating Adam W
in. Everywhere, in the direction of their flight, dead bodies, and those of their wounded, were scattered. The neighboring farm houses on the roadside were crowded with their wounded. "Our force immediately engaged in the fight was 15,000--that of the enemy estimated at 35,000. This was the left wing where the battle raged for the most part. "The enemy lost in the battle several batteries of field artillery and one regimental stand of colors." The President's dispatch to Adjutant General Cooper, was read to Congress yesterday morning. It is as follows: Manassas July 27. (at night.) 1861. To Gee. S. Cooper. Night has closed on a hard fought field. Our forces have won a glorious victory. The enemy was routed and fled precipitately, abandoning a very large amount of arms, munitions, knapsacks and baggage. The ground was strewn with those for miles, and the farm houses and grounds around were filled with his wounded. The pursuit was continued along several r