Your search returned 102 results in 51 document sections:

Explosion of a shell. --On Monday afternoon last a shell exploded in the furnace of W. B. Cook's foundry, on Eighth street, between Main and Franklin, creating much alarm among the workmen, but fortunately injuring none of them.
Runaway--one thousand Dollars Reward. --Ran away, on Friday, December 30, a Negro Boy, about twenty-five years old, named Hampton Johnson. He is about five feet six inches in height; weighs about one hundred and thirty pounds; black; a good many of his jaw teeth are out; and inclined to be delicate. I purchased him about three years ago from William Garnett. His wife lives on Seventeenth street, near Austin's grocery. He can read and write remarkably well. He has been working in my foundry as a mechanic. I will pay one thousand Dollars Reward if taken within the enemy's lines, or Five Hundred Dollars if within our lines, and delivered to Hill, Dickinson & Co. W. B. Cook, Founder, Eighth street, near Main. ja 4--6t*
For Hire, one Tinner, a first-rate workman; one Male Cook; three Female Cooks, Washers and Ironers; one Boy, nine years old. Apply to Alexander Nott, Mayo street. ja 4--1t
The Daily Dispatch: January 4, 1865., [Electronic resource], A Japanese matrimonial advertisement. (search)
For Hire, a good Cook, Washer and Ironer, twenty-five years old, with one child two years old. Call at the Exchange Hotel, No. 235. Dr. Lynch. [ja 4--2t*]
Wanted to Hire, for the ensuing year, two good Servants--one a good Cook, Washer and Ironer; the other, a good House Servant and Nurse. For such as will suit, a liberal hire will be paid. Apply to L. Yerby, No. 5 Twelfth street, between Main and Cary. de 29--6t*
Wanted to Hire, a good Cook, Washer and Ironer, for a small family. Satisfactory recommendations required.--Apply to P. V. Daniel, Jr., Eighth street, north of Leigh. ja 2--codts
Wanted to Hire, for the present year, a good, Washer and Ironer and Plain Cook, without encumbrance. Isaac Schriver, No. 177 Broad street. ja 4--ts
Wanted to Hire, a good Cook, Washer and Ironer, for a small family. Apply on Fourth street, between Cary and Canal. R. H. Batte. [ja 4--2t*]
Wanted, a good Cook, Washer and Ironer, without encumbrance. Also, a Nurse. Apply to L. Wagner, corner of Sixth and Broad streets. ja 4--2t*
Wanted to Hire, at the South Carolina Soldiers' Home, a Man Cook, and Six Boys, for house servants and porters. G. H. McMASTER, Superintendent. ja 3--5t*