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Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, V. In the dust and ashes of defeat (may 6-June 1, 1865). (search)
ehold two of his descendants stanch members of the Episcopal Church, and rollicking cavaliers both, fighting for the South against the Roundheads of the North! Dr. Cromwell says that his father bears a striking likeness to the portrait of old Noll, barring the famous wart on his nose. He has relations in Georgia who go by the name of Crowell. Prudence led them to drop the m while making the voyage to America, and they have never taken it back into their name. While we were at dinner Mrs. Combs [companion to Aunt Sallie] came rushing in to say that there was a man in the grove trying to steal one of father's carriage horses. We had seen three horsemen ride to the spring, and the most natural thing to expect was that when they went away, some of our own horses would be missing. The gentlemen all grabbed their pistols and went out to meet the supposed marauders, while we ladies left our soup to get cold and ranged ourselves on the piazza to witness the combat. But, oh, most lame
Tar, (can,) 1 1 Rope, (coils,) 2 2 Soft Solder, (lbs.,) 100 100 Cotton Twine, (lbs.,) 35 35 Lanterns, 110 110 Equipments, (artillery,)No. & names unknown. Matting,Large quantity. White twilled Flannel, (bale,) 1 1 Zinc, (case,) 1 1 Gun Stocks, in rough,Several hundred. Nails, (kegs,) 38 38 Flints, (box,) 1/2 1/2 Sabres, (artillery,) 500 500 Roller Buckles, (gross,) 4 4 White Cartridge-Paper, (gross,) 50 50 Brown Cartridge-Paper, (reams,) 7 7 Horse-Brushes, 1,400 1,400 Curry-Combs, 850 850 Rolls, 100 100 Friction Tubes, 7,500 7,500 Priming Tubes, 1,010 1,010 Appendages Small-Arms,Large quantity. Powder-Flasks, 100 100 Slow-Match, (feet,) 5,400 5,400 Slow-Match, (coils,) 123 123 Sensitive Tubes, 1,000 1,000 Horse-Shoe Nails, (lbs.,) 16 16 Friction Primers, 342 342 Bullet-Moulds, 500 500 Appendages, Artillery,No. & names unknown. Tarred Links, 1,500 1,500 Oil, (bottles,) 1,200 1,200 Fuse, Artillery Am., 2,06
m the shores of the Euxine. The women of China wore ivory combs in the ninth century A. D. The comb of the Patagonians and Faegians is the jaw of a porpoise. Combs derive their names from purpose, form, or material, as: — Back-comb.Horn-comb. Child's round-comb.India-rubber comb. Dress-comb.Ivory comb. Fine-tooth comb.Mha comb.Tortoise-shell comb. Hair-comb. A comb was formerly used to drive up the woofthread to compact the fabric in weaving. It remains in the modern reed. Combs are used in the same manner by the modern Hindoos. Combs for removing the grain from the straw (wheat or flax) were used in Egypt and in Rome. See ripple. Combs for removing the grain from the straw (wheat or flax) were used in Egypt and in Rome. See ripple. 2. A rake-shaped implement consisting of a head with two or three rows of tapering steel teeth, the rows being of different lengths. The tool is used in combing long-stapled wool for worsted goods. The combs are used in pairs. Shortstapled wool is carded. The combs or cards for wool-carding are shown in the illuminated manu
on the left would have been made before General Sumner's men would be engaged, and would have caused the enemy to weaken his forces in front of General Sumner, and I therefore hoped to break through their lines at this point. It subsequently appeared that this attack had not been made at the time General Sumner moved, and, when it was finally made, proved to be in such small force as to have had no permanent effect upon the enemy's line. General Sumner's order directed the troops of General Combs' corps to commence the attack: French's division led, supported by Hancock, and finally by Howard. Two divisions of Wilcox's corps (Sturgis' and Getty's) participated in the attack. Never did men fight more persistently than this brave, grand division of General Sumner. The officers and men seemed to be inspired with the lofty courage and determined spirit of their noble commander; but the position was too strong for them. I beg to refer to the report of General Sumner for a more ext
James Redpath, The Public Life of Captain John Brown, Chapter 10: spoils of war. (search)
andles for Pikes. 16 Picks. 40 Shovels. [The railroad way bill called for several dozen, showing that more were to come.] 1 Tin Powder Case. 1 Sack Coat. 1 Pair Cloth Pants. 1 Pair Linen Pants. Canvas for Tent. 1 Old Porte-monnaie. 625 Envelopes. 1 Pocket Map of Kentucky. 1 Pocket Map of Delaware. 3 Gross Steel Pens. 5 Inkstands. 21 Lead pencils. 34 Pen Holders. 2 Boxes Wafers. 47 Small Blank Books. 2 Papers Pins. 5 Pocket Small Tooth Combs. The discovery of these deadly implements of domestic warfare, it has been argued, proved incontestably the intention of the Liberators to make war upon the peculiar institutions of Virginia. 1 Ball Hemp Twine. 1 Ball Cotton Twine. 50 Leather Water Caps. 1 Emery. 2 Yards Cotton Flannel. 1 Roll Sticking Plaster for Wounds 12 Reams Cartridge Paper. 2 Bottles Medicine. 1 Large Trunk. 1 Horse Wagon. John Brown's carpet bag. The next military movement mus
time met with no incidents on the way. Between Caney Springs and Rover, however, he fell in with a band of rebel cavalry belonging to General Buford's command, who, on being made acquainted with his business, advised him not to go to Shelbyville, as considerable trouble might be experienced there. Their bushy shocks of hair suggesting that they were combless, he offered his stock for sale, chatting meanwhile with them about matters and things in general and in that vicinity in particular. Combs which cost two dollars per dozen he sold for two dollars each, and other articles in proportion, and, by the time his trading was finished, had ascertained that General Buford was stationed at Rover to guard a large mill full of flour and meal — the size of his command, the number and calibre of his guns, and other items of importance, and also what generals and troops were at Shelbyville. The cavalrymen now wished him to go back to Nashville and bring them some pistols on his return. This
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 28. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Very complete roll [from the Richmond, A., Dispatch, September 16th, 1900.] (search)
ob—Discharged at Harper's Ferry, May, 1861. Resides at Jadwyn, Shenandoah county, Va. Cooper, John E. L.—Surrendered at Fort Steadman, March 25, 1865, and discharged from Point Lookout prison June 24, 1865. Resides at Mt. Jackson, Va. Campbell, William H. H.—Same remarks as last above, except that he resides at Owen's Mills, Md. Clower, Samuel V. R.—One time Sergeant-Major of the Regiment. Died at Woodstock, Va., June 17, 1898. Caton, Edward—Died in hospital during the war. Combs, Pius—Discharged at Gordonsville, Va., August 1, 1862. Resides at New Market, Va. Clowes, George—Resides at Grafton, W. Va. Clinedinst, Augustine—Surrendered at Fisher's Hill and at Warrenton Junction. In prison at Fort McHenry one month and at Point Lookout seventeen months. Transferred to 7th Virginia Cavalry. Resides at Moorefield Junction, W. Va. Dinges, John W.—Wounded at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863, and died May 6, 1863. Dewer, Joshua—Transferred for Compa
bered at least seven hundred, composed of six hundred Illinois and Iowa troops, and one hundred Hannibal Home Guards. The Federal troops became so incensed at their defeat that they burned Capt. Owen's house, took his brother prisoner, and drove off all his stock, destroying all the grain on the place, with all the out-buildings and everything except the clothing of his wife. His property, including forty mules, was carried away and destroyed to the amount of $30,000. They next burned Mr. Combs' house, near Monroe Station. They have also burned several other houses — the names of the owners I have forgotten. They are now scouring the country around, arresting innocent people, driving off stock, arresting all loose chickens, and committing other depredations. The man Hotchkiss was not shot by State troops because he was a Union man, but had been accused of horse stealing and warned to keep away from there. He was shot two miles from the scene of action by some unknown perso
ry, Col. Drake. Twentieth Mississippi regiment of infantry, Colonel--. --Mississippi regiment of infantry, Col. Reynolds. --Mississippi regiment of infantry, Major Garwin. --Mississippi regiment of infantry, Col. Hughes. --Mississippi regiment of infantry, Col. Cook. Fourteenth Mississippi regiment of infantry, Col. Baldwin. Seventh Texas regiment of infantry, Col. Gregg Second Kentucky regiment of infantry, Col. Hanson. Eighth Kentucky regiment of infantry, Lt. Col. Lyon. --Arkansas regiment of infantry, Col. Lee. Major Donesy's battalion of infantry. Battalion Fourth Alabama, Col. Combs. Four detached companies of infantry. Battalion Tennessee cavalry, Col. Grant. Battalion Mississippi cavalry, Col. Forrest, 800 strong. Eight batteries light artillery. Floyd's Virginia brigade, consisting of the 36th, 50th, 51st, and 56th, in all 2,500 strong, and a thousand or fifteen hundred stragglers, escaped.
The Daily Dispatch: April 5, 1862., [Electronic resource], Death of Confederate prisoners at St. Louis. (search)
land, company C, 31st Tenn, G. W. Paris, company D, 4th Miss. James Russell, company G, 27th Ala, Jas Logan, company G, 42d Tenn.; B. F. Gray, company D, 15th Ark.; Samuel Brown, company D, 48th Tenn., Albert Kinard, company A, 48th Tenn. J. M. Burney, company K, 30th Tenn, Clarey, company Tenn. March 4.--John Hicks, company 7th Texas, J T Fuller, company C, 42d Tennessee; L R. D. Bigble, 80th Tennessee, Geo. W Doneal, 48th Tennessee; Wm Branden, company G, 42d Tennessee, Green Stacy, Combs's battery, Tennessee, N. P Shutz, company B, 4th Mississippi, Robert Rose, 11th Arkansas. Wm S Harris, company C, 4th Mississippi. Henry Dempsey company D, 10th Tennessee. March 5.--J M Girard, company C, 4th Mississippi, W. H. Roney, company K, 30th Tennessee, J B Ford, company A, 21st Alabama, J H Sturdivant, company A, 4th Mississippi. March 6.--Uriah Contey, company H, 27th Alabama, Lieut John M Cook, company K, 32d Tennessee, G W L Barnes, company G. 4th Mississippi, T Mosel