announcing that the name of Mr. Daniels was withdrawn from the nomination of the House.
Messrs. Robertson, Douglas, Collier, Neeson, Christian of Augusta, Alderson, Newman, Hart, Brannan, Wylie, and Newlon severally addressed the Senate, urging the election of the nominees whom they severally preferred.
Messrs. Collier, Christian, and Hart in behalf of Russell and Rives.
Messrs. Robertson, Douglas, and Alderson for Messrs. Hunter and Preston, and Messrs. Neeson, Brannan, and Wylier, forf Fairfax, Thompson, and Urquhart.
For Mr. Russell--Messrs. Armstrong, Bales, Brannon, Bruce, Christian of Augusta, Collier, Dickinson of P. Edward, Frazier, Hart, Harvey, Isbell, Logan, Marshall, Massie, Neeson, Newlon, Newman, Pennybacker, Roitler, Thomas of Henry, Whittle, Wiley, and Witton.
For Wm. C. Rives--Messrs. Ball, Carraway, Christian of Augusta, Collier, Frazier, Hart, Marshall, Massie, Neeson, Newton, and Thomas of Fairfax.
Tellers were then appointed on the part of
the support of the Confederacy in the efforts to recover Western Virginia.
On motion of Mr. Collier, laid on the table and ordered to be printed.
A message was received from the Senate, th Green nominated Chas. W. Russell.
Mr. Walker nominated Wm. C. Rives, of Albemarle.
Mr. Collier, of Petersburg, nominated William Daniel, Jr., of Campbell.
Messrs, Anderson of Rockbridtelligence that the House was ready to proceed to the election of Confederate Senators.
M. Collier withdrew the nomination of Wm. Daniel, Jr., at that gentleman's request.
After some delay ooten, Bouldin, Bradford, Brooks, Buford, Burks, Carter, Cazenove, Cecil, Clark, H. N. Coleman, Collier, Crockett, Custis, Dabney, Daniel, J. D. Davis, R. L. Davis, Dunn, Edmunds, Eggleston, Evans, Fotal 67.
For Mr. Russell--Messrs. J. T. Anderson, Bass, Blue, Booten, Bradford, Carpenter, Collier, Daniels, Edmunds, Franklin, Gatewood, George, Green, Gillespie, Hunter, Johnson, Kaufman, Laid