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been heard from.--The latter surmise seems to be the general belief. She was a daughter of a gentleman named Brown. The election of Delegates to the State Convention is passing off with some degree of excitement. The probability is, that Coffman, contingent; Gray, Union, and Lewis, Union, will be elected. The reference of the action of the Convention to the people will be carried by a considerable majority. Closing of the polls at Harrisonburg precinct the vote stands as follows: ple will be carried by a considerable majority. Closing of the polls at Harrisonburg precinct the vote stands as follows: Coffman (Contingent) 540; Gray (Union) 433, Lewis (Union) 396; Woodson (Union) 201; Newman (Secession) 182; Liggett (Secession) 152. For referring 464; against referring 182. The balance of the county will go, if anything, stronger for the Union candidates, and for referring. I have reports from other precincts, but nothing official. Hastily yours, Pen.
The Daily Dispatch: February 7, 1861., [Electronic resource], Boston courtesy to a Southern merchant. (search)
h.election returns — election day — Police affairs, &c. Harrisonburg, Va., Feb. 5, 1861. The following is the official vote of Rockingham for delegates to the Convention, and on the question of referring the action of the Convention back to the people: Cofiman, (Contingent,)2,604 Lewis, (Union,)2,081 Gray, (Union,)2,002 Woodson, (Union,)1,120 Newman, (Secession,)705 Liggett. (Secession,)505 Reference2,199 No reference593 From the above it will be seen that Messrs. Coffman, Lewis and Gray are elected, and may be considered a Union delegation. Messrs. Williams and Conn, Secessionists, are elected in Shenandoah. On election day, in Harrisonburg, there was considerable excitement. The display of partizanship was exhibited in a goodly number of fights. There were so many cases to be tried by the Mayor, that he was compelled to hold his Court in the open air, taking his position in the large yard adjoining the Court-House. The "lock-up" at night w
tes; 8th District, Dejarnette 4, Morton 3. In the 6th District, John Goode received 2 votes.[Your correspondent is indebted to the politeness of Lieut. Ed. Alfriend, of company E., for the above returns.] This regiment has a number on the sick list and also on detached service. Major Reger's battalion gave their entire vote for Davis and Stephens. For the 15th Congressional District, Ro. Johnston got 31 and Morrall 2 votes. For the 11th District, Col. Baldwin received 38, Harper 36, Coffman 1, Stein 1, and Baylor 1 vote. Rice's battery voted with this battalion. In Col. Reynold's brigade, (formerly Jackson's) the 31st regiment, gave Ro. Johnston 133 and Morrall 36 votes for the 15th Congressional District. For the 14th District, Kidwell got 30 and Russell 10 votes. The full vote for Davis and Stephens. Major Hansborough's battalion, Robt. Johnston got 40 and Morrall 3 votes for the 15th Congressional District. The above is official and may be relied on. Excuse th
The Congressional election. It is now believed that Walter Preston has been elected as the representative from the 13th district, instead of Fayette McMullen, as heretofore stated. The reports from other districts do not vary from previous publications, though a portion of the State yet remains to be heard from. We are requested to publish the official vote of Rockbridge county, as follows: For Congress — Baldwin 250, Sheen 169, Harper 72, Coffman 55. For Davis and Stephens 580.
n the same subject, that so much of the Governor's Message as relates to Gen. Floyd's command be referred to a joint committee of five members of the Senate and seven of the House. Laid over. On motion of Mr. Thompson, so much of the Governor's Message as relates to salt was referred to a joint committee of the two Houses. The President pro tem appointed Messrs. Thompson, Graves, Newman, Wiley, and Earley said committee on the part of the Senate. Adjourned. In the House, Mr. Coffman, of Rockingham, was duly sworn in as a delegate from said county, and took his seat. The Governor's Message was received, and its special features referred to various committees. On motion of Mr. Woolfolk, it was. Resolved, That a special committee be appointed to inquire into the manner in which Messrs. Stuart, Buchanan & Co., of the Smythe and Washington counties Salt Works, have complied with their county and corporation contracts to furnishing salt. Also, how far they have com
The Daily Dispatch: May 20, 1863., [Electronic resource], Casualties in the late battle near Fredericksburg. (search)
of the 10th Virginia regiment, captured on Sunday, the 3d day of May, near Chancellorsville: Company B.--Capt J G Coffman; Corpera's G B Kemper and Adam Koonts Privates J A Fowles J H Yost, R B Ragan, J Bezansen, B Randall, G K Lewis. Com-Capt S A Sellers; Lieut J G H Miller; Serg' J F Menges; Corp'l D W Sacrist Company K.--Lieut D C Grayson; Serg't E V Coffman; Private W A Martin. Company D.--Privates, J R Coffman, J W Bricken, E M Smals, D Pollard. Company G.--Serg't Gtin. Company D.--Privates, J R Coffman, J W Bricken, E M Smals, D Pollard. Company G.--Serg't G Shank; Private E Shacklets. Company F.--Private James Albert. Company H.--Serg't A S Keffer. J G Coffman, Capt co B, 10th Va Vols. tin. Company D.--Privates, J R Coffman, J W Bricken, E M Smals, D Pollard. Company G.--Serg't G Shank; Private E Shacklets. Company F.--Private James Albert. Company H.--Serg't A S Keffer. J G Coffman, Capt co B, 10th Va Vols.
ahannock.--Smith's majority 150. The following is the official vote of Rockingham county: Governor: Smith, 481; Munford, 359; Flournoy, 246. Lieutenant-Governor: Price, 516; Imboden, 447. Congress: Baldwin, 676; Letcher, 526. State Senate: Coffman, 430; Pennybacker, 122; Gray, 443; Hiner, 161. Messrs Walker, Harris, and Kenney elected to House Delegates. Hardy--Polls were held at three precincts in this county, with the following result:--Governor: Flournoy, 93; Smith, 26; Munford, 1: Price, 64; Imboden, 66. Congress: Boteler, 117; Holiday, 13. Pendleton.--Governor: Smith, 113; Flournoy, 28, Munford, 31. Lieutenant-Governor: Price, 61; Imboden, 103. Congress: Letcher, 123; Baldwin, 66. State Senate: Pennybacker, 108; Coffman, 14; Gray, 12; Hiner, 58. Shenandoah.--Governor: Smith, 338; Munford, 64; Flournoy, 28 Lieutenant-Governor: Price, 152; Imboden 143; Sheffey, 63. Congress: Holiday, 372; Boteler, 59. Messrs Walton and Rittman elected to House of Delegates.
y had slightly wounded,) one of Dr. Magruder's sons, and a son of Mr. Harrison Ott Messrs. Krebs, Magruder, and Ott, were the only citizens of Woodstock taken off. They stole about 40 boxes of tobacco, a box of adamantine candles, (which they strewed in the streets of Woodstock,) silver spoons, knives and forks, and some clothing from Col. Albert; took ten horses from Mr. Nebb's stable; broke into Mr. B. Smith's drug store, took what they wanted, and stole all his bacon; broke into Travel & Coffman's store, carried off some cotton cloth, destroyed nearly everything in the store and strewed a sack of salt in the street, and wound up their magnificent effort to make the people of Woodstock deeply regret their retirement from the late "glorious Union" with them by taking a number of overcoats from Nebb's hotel. They returned down the Valley on the same night. On Friday night week the Yankees came to Jonesville, Lee county, Va., from the Gap, and committed all sorts of depredations.
The Daily Dispatch: November 28, 1863., [Electronic resource], Army of Tennessee, Missionary Ridge, Nov. 22. (search)
ggold Mission — Thos. H. Boggs. South Stanton — R A Gregory. Pittsylvania — L J Hansherger. Franklin — Joseph E Potts, one to be supplied, B B Shetton, sup'y. Flint Hill Mission — To be supplied. Henry — James J Lumpkin. Patrick — Jacob Shough. Dan River — L if Grayhill. Norfolk District.--Norfolk — Granby Street — J D Blackwell. James Street — E N S Bloges. Cumberland Street — James C Martin. Portsmouth — Dinwiddie Street — Thos. Y Cash. Wesley Chapel and Gosport — Andrew J Coffman. Princess Anne and Pusquotank--John W Wonnyeot. Currituck and Indian Ridge — James D Hummer. Hertford — Jeremiah McMultion. Edenton — Joseph H Amies. Eastville — L More. Atlantic — R A Amies. Missionaries to the Army — L Rossor, C Gradberry. Chaplains — Jas. E. Joyner P R August W. W Serry, J B Fitzpatrick, J E McSearran, James P Gariand, George F Booker, W E Edwards, Robert Hardie, Jr., W. W Duncan, T. A Were, J G Biedene, Robert B Beadless, S V
Sentenced to be hung. --Wm E Coffman, tried by court martial at Harrisonburg, Va., for piloting and assisting Confederate deserters to escape, and with communicating information to the enemy, has been sentenced to be hung on Friday next.