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husetts regiment. Killed: George P. Noyes, Wm. D. Smith, and Walter B. Andrews. Wounded: Allen A. Kingsbury, company H, mortally; George L. Stoddart. George H. Campbell, Wm. H. Montague, Thos. Crittick, Horace A. Sommers, Geo. H. Stone, Wm. H. Lane, O. C. Cooper, Wm. T. Wright, James W. Spooner, William P. Hallowe, Thomas Archer.--(Doc. 150.) The schooner Belle was captured about thirty miles off Charleston, S. C., by the U. S. steamer Uncas.--The schooner Mersey was captured off the coast of Georgia by the U. S. steamer Santiago de Cuba.--N. Y. Tribune, May 6. A battle was fought at Neosho, Mo., between one hundred and forty-six men of the First regiment of Missouri cavalry, under the command of Major Hubbard, and six hundred Indians, commanded by Cols. Coffee and Stainwright, resulting in the defeat of the latter party. Major Hubbard killed and wounded thirty of the savages, besides capturing sixty-two prisoners, seventy horses, and a large quantity of arms.--(Doc. 151.)
ook possession of the fortifications and raised the flag of the United States. One hundred and forty of Morgan's cavalry at noon to-day captured forty-eight freight and four passenger-cars and two locomotives at Cave City, Ky. Morgan supposed the train would contain two hundred and eighty cavalry prisoners, bound northward. The operator at Cave City, however, gave notice of these facts to Bowling Green, and stopped the upward train. Among the captured Nationals were Majors Helveti and Coffee, both of Wolford's cavalry, and one other Federal officer and three or four soldiers. The rebels burned all the cars except two, and the locomotive.--Louisville Journal, May 12. The rebel iron-clad steamer Merrimac (Virginia) was blown up by order of her commander at her anchorage off Craney Island, Va.--(Doc. 12.) A letter from Albuquerque, New Mexico, of this date, says: The Texans have continued their retreat to El Paso, and will leave the country entirely. They were greatly d
May 31. A body of Illinois militia, numbering between two and three hundred, under command of Capt. John M. Richardson, were attacked by a force of five hundred Indians and white secessionists, under Capt. Coffee and Major Thomas Wright, at Neosho, Mo., and were compelled to fall back to Mount Vernon, where they were reenforced by a detachment of the Tenth Illinois cavalry. There was no general engagement, and the Federal loss was but two killed and three wounded. The rebels captured a number of guns and overcoats, together with a quantity of ammunition, camp equipage, and about fifty horses. They did not hold the town, but retreated to their camp, eighteen miles from Neosho. The schooner Cora was captured this day off the bar of Charleston, S. C., by the United States steamer Keystone State.--A force of Union troops, under command of Gen. Williams, arrived at Baton Rouge, La., in the gunboat Kennebec. A sharp fight took place on the Greenville road, eight miles abov
eld; the decay of military discipline; the demoralization of our armies, and the jeopardy to which our cause has been put by a long course of trifling conduct, childish pride of opinion, unworthy obstinacy, official obtuseness, conceit, defiance of public opinion, imperiousness and despotic affectation on the part of those intrusted with the execution of the war. The evacuation of Harrison's Landing, on the James River, Va., by the army of the Potomac, which commenced on the eleventh instant, was this day completed.--(Doc. 184.) A fight took place near Lone Jack, Mo., between a force of about eight hundred Missouri State militia, under the command of Major Foster, and a body of rebel guerrillas under Colonel Coffee, numbering between three and four thousand men, resulting, after an engagement of four hours, in the defeat of the Nationals with a loss of sixty men killed and one hundred wounded and missing. The rebel loss was one hundred and ten killed and wounded.--(Doc. 185.)
e camp equipage, together with a number of telescopes, fell into the hands of the rebels. The officers had sufficient warning to enable them to escape before the enemy reached them, but their private property was lost.--the first full regiment of colored men, raised in Pennsylvania, left Philadelphia by steamer for Morris Island, S. C., to reenforce the army under General Gillmore. Colonel Catherwood, commanding the Sixth Missouri cavalry, sent the following despatch to headquarters, from his camp at Pineville, Mo.: Colonel Coffee attacked me to-day, and was completely routed, with over thirty killed and wounded. We have a large number of prisoners, all his ammunition wagons, commissary stores, arms, horses, cattle, etc. We scattered all his force except two hundred with himself. Our force is following him closely. My horses are so worn down that they cannot move further until rested. Colonel Hirsch, just in, reports that he killed thirty-five and wounded a large number.
May 11, 1862.-affair at Cave City, Ky. Report of H. W. Stager, telegraph operator. Louisville, May 11, 1862. The rebel Col. John Morgan captured a passenger train on Louisville .ad Nashville Railroad at Cave City between 12 and 1 o'clock, taking two officers-Major Coffee, First Kentucky Cavalry, and other name not known-and 6 privates prisoners. He burned 45 freight cars and 4 passenger cars and blew up a locomotive. He released all the passengers, and they have returned to Louisville. The train was bound for Nashville. His object was to capture the train from Nashville with rebel prisoners on board; but the train was intercepted and stopped before reaching Cave City, and returned to Nashville. H. W. Stager. A. Stager.
ebel forces in this battle, is, I believe, a graduate of West-Point. Next to General Price, he is the most highly esteemed officer, from Missouri, in the confederate army. In the earlier battles of Cave Hill and Prairie Grove, however, in which he commanded a brigade, he was twice defeated. Marmaduke's brigade is composed of the flower of the Missouri rebel troops, and embraces three regiments, which are commanded respectively by Cols. Gordon, Gilkey, and Thomson. The latter was formerly Coffee's own regiment. In the batle of Springfield, Marmaduke acted as commander of a division, including Shelby's brigade, as well as his own, with the St. Louis Legion under Emmet McDonald, and some other fragmentary squadrons of cavalry. His troops were all cavalry, except one battery of artillery. The officers whom I have named, foiled in their previous attempts to enter Missouri, determined to proceed down the Arkansas River to Spadry's Bluff, near Clarksville; and thence to make a daring
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Appendix no. 2: the work of grace in other armies of the Confederacy. (search)
in Lowry's Brigade last month, he said he feared his wound was mortal, and he felt like he was almost lost, but I began to read him selections of Scripture suitable to encourage the penitent, and his faith took right hold of God's promises, and he began to thank God, and to say very softly, Sweet Jesus. Then turning his dying eyes on me, he said, Tell my mother I am prepared to meet my God in peace. June 22. To-day talked with Brother Coffee, who is dying of his wounds, brother of Rev. Mr. Coffee, Cumberland Presbyterian Church—he is ready for his discharge. To-day General Hooker's Corps attacked General Hood's, and was handsomely repulsed, but Stevenson's Division lost heavily, especially Brown's Brigade and Fifty-fourth Virginia Regiment. I stayed with Rev. Atticus G. Haygood, who has been with us at Marietta for some time. June 23. Chaplain Porter and I leave together. The Court-House is Stevenson's Division Hospital. The wounded cover the floor, which is wet with huma
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 40: outrages in Kansas.—speech on Kansas.—the Brooks assault.—1855-1856. (search)
gust 18, in the Boston Transcript. August 20. Theodore Parker wrote George Sumner, August 12: It seems to me his condition is very critical and perilous. I have never thought he would recover. Seward wrote, August 17: Sumner is contending with death in the mountains of Pennsylvania. Seward's Life, vol. II. p. 287. Though quickly prostrated by attempts at walking, He was able to take daily rides on horseback. Among friendly visitors to Cresson were Rev. Dr. Furness, Anson Burlingame, Mr. Coffee, afterwards of the attorney-general's department at Washington, and Mrs. Swisshelm. Sumner wrote to Giddings, August 15:— Your speech helped my convalescence. I read it with delight. At last, in this mountain air, I am tending to health. I have ridden on horseback three times; but it is still uncertain how long I shall be constrained to forego mental labor and the excitement of public speaking; but I trust to do good service in the coming campaign. Most reluctantly have I reno
Hon. J. L. M. Curry , LL.D., William Robertson Garrett , A. M. , Ph.D., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 1.1, Legal Justification of the South in secession, The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States. (search)
eshoe, and the capitulation of the Indians, August 9, 1814. The successful issue of this campaign won for Andrew Jackson the appointment of major-general in the United States army, and marked him as the man to defend New Orleans and the coast of the Gulf of Mexico against the threatened British invasion. He hastened to Mobile, which place he reached August 15, and proceeded to strengthen the defenses at that point. Having been reinforced by 2,800 fresh volunteers from Tennessee under General Coffee, and learning that a British force was occupying Pensacola, he crossed the Spanish line, in disobedience of orders, and entered Pensacola November 7, 1814, driving the British from the town and from Fort Barrancas. It was known that a British land and naval force was collecting in the West Indies for the invasion of the Southern States; but it could only be conjectured at what point the landing would be attempted. Jackson now made his dispositions to meet the attack. Leaving a portion