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General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Telegrams. (search)
cellency President Davis: Your dispatch of 11th received. A heavy cannonade this morning for two hours from batteries east of the Canton and south of the Clinton roads. The enemy's rifles reached all parts of the town, showing the weakness of the position and its untenableness against a powerful artillery. Breckenridge's front, south of the town, was assaulted this morning, but not vigorously. A party of skirmishers of the First, Third, and Fourth Florida, Forty-seventh Georgia, and Cobb's battery, took the enemy in flank, and captured two hundred prisoners and the colors of the Twenty-eighth, Forty-first, and Fifty-third Illinois regiments. Heavy skirmishing all day yesterday. J. E. Johnston. Jackson, July 13, 1863. To his Excellency the President: Your dispatch of the 11th received. I think Grant will keep the Vicksburg prisoners until operations here are ended. He may be strongly reinforced from Port Hudson. If the position and works were not bad, want of s
Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler, Chapter 15: operations of the Army of the James around Richmond and Petersburg. (search)
ry deep ravine of which I have spoken, lay between the lookout and the enemy's lines. On the farther side of this ravine was a very high wooded bluff, the elevation of which from the bottom of the ravine to the top was quite equal to the height of the observatory, from which I could communicate by signals to City Point. On the 9th of June General Beauregard sent the following despatch:-- Donlop's House, June 9, 1864, 12 M. General Braxton Bragg: Enemy has erected an observatory at Cobb's which overlooks surrounding country. The twelve pounder Whitworth at arsenal is absolutely required to destroy it. Please send it by express forthwith, with ammunition complete. G. T. Beauregard. A day or two after that I observed from the lookout a small force of men in some activity on the side of the bluff opposite. With our glasses we could observe closely enough to distinguish an officer there. I had been accustomed to be drawn up to the top of the lookout, and to occupy the po
:--This great and long-standing conspiracy was well known in its outlines to Mr. Buchanan himself. We heard from his own lips, previous to his entering upon the duties of the Presidency, that he had been reliably informed (we think he said by Gov. Wise) that the officers of the army and navy had been polled on the question whether, in case of a rupture between the two sections of the Union, they would respectively go with the North or the South; and that nearly every Southern man answered he would adhere to the section that gave him birth. Here we have proof not only that this conspiracy had assumed its present determinate shape five years ago, and only waited for opportunity; but that Mr. Buchanan was perfectly well aware of the fact at the very time when he took some of the leaders into his Cabinet; and when he was passively aiding Cobb, Floyd, Thompson, and Toucey, in their plans to cripple the Federal Government, and assure the success of the rebellion. --Ohio Statesman, May 25.
th whiskey,--no matter for that; He must die like a dog in the hempen cravat! What is Pat's little frolic, to what they have done? 'Tis tile foulest conspiracy under. the sun: The treason of Arnold was nothing to that, Yet he richly deserved the hempen cravat! They plotted, like him, with no wrongs to repay; How could wronged, when they had their own way? They bullied the North,--we submitted to that, And, once in a while, to the hempen cravat! They wasted our treasure, by putting in Cobb To shell it out freely,--in other words, rob; When the country was bankrupt — he brought us to that-- He resigned, and ran off from the hempen cravat! We had a few arsenals, so they employed A traitor to empty them--Brigadier Floyd; He sent our arms South, for this and for that, And stripped us of all — but the hempen cravat! Our gold in their pockets, our guns in their hands, Of course we must listen to all their demands: They will break up the Union--what say ye to that? My answer, brave bo
George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army (ed. George Gordon Meade), chapter 4 (search)
result than was attained last summer. I have but little doubt of our success, and I think if we can overthrow the army they have in our front, that they will give it up, as I do not believe they can reorganize another large army. It is reported Cobb came to Fortress Monroe, the other day, ostensibly as a commissioner, with the returned prisoners; but as this is the first time they have thought it necessary to send a commissioner with the prisoners, and as Wool immediately despatched his aide, Colonel Tom Cram, to Washington, it is surmised that Cobb was bearer of some terms of compromise. I do not think, however, they are yet willing to accept the only terms we can grant—unconditional surrender and return to the status quo ante bellum. They have too large an army yet unconquered to justify their giving up without another cast of the die, which may be in their favor. I think, though, success on our part here will bring them to their senses, and I think we have every reason to belie
attle of, May 3-5, 1863, I, 370-374, 377-382. Chandler, Zachariah, I, 248, 324, 340, 359, 379; II, 171-174, 177, 178, 212, 253, 254, 260. Chapman, Dr., I, 8. Chapman, Gen., I, 289. Chase, Salmon P., I, 9, 160, 235, 264, 380, 381, 388. Chase, W. H., I, 14. Chauncey, Capt., II, 162. Chesney, Capt., II, 248, 249, 252. Churubusco, battle of, 1847, I, 196. Clarke, A. J., II, 79. Clay, Henry, I, 16. Clymer, Dr., Meredith, I, 263. Coats, Col., William, I, 4. Cobb, Mr., I, 249. Cold Harbor, battle of, June 3, 1864, II, 200. Coles, Col., II, 241. Coles, Rev., II, 151. Colfax, Col., II, 167. Colgrove, Silas, II, 98. Colladay, Samuel R., I, 384. Collamore, Senator, II, 165. Collins, Lieut., I, 266. Collis, C. H. T., II, 164. Committee on the Conduct of the War, II, 169-176, 179, 186, 188. Comstock, Cyrus B., I, 209, 210. Connor, David, I, 36, 85, 131, 187, 192. Constant, M., I, 8. Contreras, battle of, 1847, I, 196.
r, had seen too much hard fighting to be alarmed, and the 4th Kentucky stood firm, while some of our troops to the front fell back through their lines in confusion. . . . From this position, when it was nearly dark, we were ordered to the rear to encamp, which movement was effected in good order. I followed, in the darkness of the night, the Purdy road, after having re-united to my command Byrne's battery and the others of my troops who had been detached to the right, not including, however, Cobb's battery. Among the forces of General Bragg, on the right, where that officer was directing movements, Gladden's brigade had become dissevered Colonel Deas's Report, Confederate Reports of Battles, p. 245. in the confusion following the capture of General Prentiss, and took no part in the assaults upon the last Federal position, though the portion remaining under its commanding officer, Colonel Deas, was formed on the left of Jackson's brigade. This latter brigade was led, under a he
thers came to our encampment, where they remained all night. 13. Colonel R. P. Trabue, commanding 1st Kentucky brigade, Breckinridge's division, in his Report, says: From this position, when it was nearly dark, we were ordered to the rear to encamp, which movement was effected in good order. I followed, in the darkness of the night, the Purdy Road, after having reunited to my command Byrne's battery and the others of my troops who had been detached to the right, not including, however, Cobb's battery. 14. Colonel John C. Moore, 2d Texas regiment, says (Confederate Reports of Battles, p. 271): Seeing this state of things, we made a rapid retreat from our unpleasant position, and proceeded back to the camp last taken, having been told that we would here receive further orders. It was dark when we reached the camp, and after waiting an hour or so, we bivouacked near the encampment, in a drenching rain. 15. General J. K. Jackson, commanding 3d brigade, Withers's division,
Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865, Chapter 13: operations about Pocotaligo. (search)
tlebridge there. We were joined there by two guns of the Third New York Artillery and two companies of the Fourth Massachusetts Cavalry. An advance was then made simultaneously along both the railroad and turnpike. Crossing the river, the Fifty-fourth moved on the turnpike, Captain Emilio, with Companies E, H, and I, preceding the column skirmishing. Rain was falling, and continued nearly all day, drenching us to the skin, and making the road a quagmire. Soon the enemy, supposed to be of Cobb's Georgia Legion, was discovered in small force, mounted, with a piece of artillery. They halted on every bit of rising ground, or on the farther side of swamps, to throw up barricades of fence-rails against a rush of our cavalrymen, and delayed our advance by shelling us with their field-piece. But our skirmishers moved on steadily through water, swamp, and heavy under-growth, until their flanks were threatened, when, after exchanging shots, they would retire to new positions. About noon,
a Troops. Artillery, Heavy: Twenty-Eighth Battalion, (Bonaud's,) 161, 165. Artillery, Batteries: Chatham, 56, 161, 167, 203, 206. Guerard's, 161, 165. Cavalry: Fourth, 173, 208. Twentieth, 41. Infantry: First (Regulars), 161, 173, 208. Fifth, 256. Sixth, 56, 160, 162. Nineteenth, 56, 58, 160, 165. Twenty-Third, 161. Twenty-Seventh, 161, 178. Twenty-Eighth, 160, 173. Thirty-Second, 56, 87, 159, 161, 162, 208, 210, 249, 257. Forty-Seventh, 256, 257. Sixty-Third, 70. Sixty-Fourth, 160, 173. Cobb's Legion, 273. Reserves, 256. Militia: Athens Battalion, 242. Augusta Battalion, 242. First Brigade, 242. State Line Brigade, 242. Gifford, John L., 282. Gilbert, Shepard D., 102. Gillmore Medal, 134. Gillmore, Quincy A., 46, 51, 52, 55, 68, 71, 72, 74, 101, 110, 112, 113, 114, 121, 127, 128, 129, 133, 134, 138, 141, 146, 148, 149, 150, 153, 155, 156, 157, 178, 185, 189, 274, 289, 290, 314, 315. Gilmore's Band, 31, 318. Gilmer, J. F., 150. Glasgow, Abraham, 168. Glassell, Will