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Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography, Chapter 13: (search)
or charity was ever started in Chicago without a liberal donation and every encouragement from Mr. and Mrs. Pullman. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Strong and their family, Mr. and Mrs. Lester, the Armours, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Doan, Mr. and Mrs. Spalding, Mr. and Mrs. Cobb, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Williams, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Sherman, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Beecher, Mr. and Mrs. Enos Ayers, Mr. and Mrs. Dunlevy, Mr. and Mrs. Coolbaugh (Douglas's great friends), and Colonel and Mrs.Mrs. Cobb, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Williams, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Sherman, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Beecher, Mr. and Mrs. Enos Ayers, Mr. and Mrs. Dunlevy, Mr. and Mrs. Coolbaugh (Douglas's great friends), and Colonel and Mrs. John M. Loomis resided near us. Colonel Loomis attracted universal attention because of his love for riding on horseback with all the paraphernalia of an officer of the army. He could be seen any afternoon, mounted on his beautiful black horse, with all the trappings of a colonel of the army, and his mounted orderly close behind him, riding along the avenues and through the parks of Chicago. Colonel Loomis was a noble and generous man, and had an illustrious record as a volunteer officer dur
trains. The cars are not allowed to go to the town, but stop at a point some miles below. They report that every thing goes on well for us, of which we were sure, from the receding sound of the cannon. Praise the Lord, 0 my soul, and all that is within me praise His holy name! How can we be thankful enough for such men as General Lee, General Jackson, and our glorious army, rank and file! Nine o’Clock at night A sad, sad train passed down a short time ago, bearing the bodies of Generals Cobb, of Georgia, and Maxcy Gregg, of South Carolina. Two noble spirits have thus passed away from us. Peace to their honoured remains! The gentlemen report many wounded on the train, but not very severely. I fear it has been another bloody Sabbath. The host of wounded will pass tomor-row; we must be up early to prepare to administer to their comfort. The sound of cannon this evening was much more distant, and not constant enough for a regular fight. We are victorious again! Will they
re friendly, but the intimation was given that the Cheyennes and Arapahoes were still hostile, having moved off southward toward the Red River. It was added that Satanta and Lone Wolf — the chiefs of the Kiowas-would give information of the whereabouts of the hostiles; and such a communication coming direct from the representative of the Indian Department, practically took the Kiowas — the village at hand was of that tribe — under its protection, and also the Comanches, who were nearer in to Cobb. Of course, under such circumstances I was compelled to give up the intended attack, though I afterward regretted that I had paid any heed to the message, because Satanta and Lone Wolf proved, by trickery and double dealing, that they had deceived Hazen into writing the letter. When I informed the Kiowas that I would respect Hazen's letter provided they all came into Fort Cobb and gave themselves up, the two chiefs promised submission, and, as an evidence of good faith, proposed to accom<
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Battle of Murfreesboro. (search)
its left, and also the plain on the west bank occupied by the right of Withers' line. Colonel Hunt with the Fortyfirst Alabama, the Sixth and Ninth Kentucky, and Cobb's battery, all of Hanson's brigade, was ordered to take and hold this hill, which he did, repulsing several brisk attacks of the enemy, and losing some excellent on order came to me from the General Commanding to hold the hill at all hazards. I immediately moved the remainder of Hanson's Brigade to the hill and strengthened Cobb's battery with a section from Lumsden's battery and a section from Slocomb's Washington Artillery. At the same time Adams' brigade was moved from the right and foak on the morning of the 4th of January. My division, moving on the Manchester road, was the rear of Hardee's corps. The Ninth Kentucky, Forty-first Alabama, and Cobb's battery, all under the command of Colonel Hunt, formed a special rear-guard. The enemy did not follow us. My acknowledgments are due to Colonel J. Stoddard J
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Justice to General Magruder-letter from Rev. P. G. Robert. (search)
re going wrong, Magruder that we were right, as his guide was a man who had fox-hunted over the country, and knew every foot of it. This quieted General Longstreet the first time, but he soon became again dissatisfied; and then General Magruder said that if our direction was changed General Longstreet must give the order, and he, of course, would obey, although he knew we were right. Longstreet turned us back, and then we lost the valuable time in which we might have anticipated the enemy. If Magruder had been permitted to proceed, perhaps there might have been a different result, at least to our brigade (Cobb's), which suffered so severely that afternoon. One of his old command feels that it is but just to Old Mag. and the love we bore him to remove any reflection from his memory, however slight; for it was always felt that the General never received full credit for the masterly manner in which he so long guarded the real approach to Richmond. P. G. Robert. St. Louis, Mo.
Charles Congdon, Tribune Essays: Leading Articles Contributing to the New York Tribune from 1857 to 1863. (ed. Horace Greeley), Slave-Holder's honor. (search)
sent at all. Had this fact come sooner to the knowledge of Mr. Russell, it would, we fear, have diminished his relish for that celebrated bottle of Old Madeira which he drank near Charleston, and his appetite for the excellent official dinners eaten by him in Montgomery. If anything could diminish the self-satisfaction of The Thunderer, we should think it would be the publication of the fact that, for so many weeks, and upon such a subject, its sacred columns have been controlled by Davis, Cobb, and Benjamin. If anything could change to something like an inclination that stern neutrality which has puzzled us all, we should think it would be the discovery that in its august person, The Times has been made the victim of petty larceny by the descendants of Prince Rupert and other cavaliers. It may be an extenuation when a man intends to pick your pocket, that in pursuit of his purpose, he asks you to dinner, and accomplishes his nefarious project while you are cutting his mutton and
st Brigade.Third Brigade. Brig. Gen. J. M. Hawes commanding.Brig. Gen. B. H. Helm commanding. Battalion, Alabama.9th Arkansas. 31st Alabama.10th Arkansas. 4th Kentucky.6th Mississippi. 5th [9th] Kentucky.1st Missouri. Byrne's battery.Watson Battery. Second Brigade.Fourth Brigade. Brig. Gen. William Preston commanding.Col. W. S. Statham commanding.  15th Mississippi. ----Alabama.22d Mississippi. 3d Kentucky.19th Tennessee. 6th Kentucky.20th Tennessee. 7th Kentucky.28th Tennessee. Cobb's battery.45th Tennessee.  McClung's battery. Army of the West.--Maj. Gen. Earl Van Dorn commanding. First Division. Maj. Gen. Samuel Jones commanding. First Brigade.Second Brigade. Brig. Gen. Albert Rust commandingBrig. Gen. Dabney H. Maury commanding. Carroll's regiment (Arkansas).  Jones' battalion (Arkansas).Adams' battalion (Arkansas). King's regiment (Arkansas).McRae's regiment (Arkansas). Lemoyne's battalion (Arkansas).Garland's regiment (Texas). McCarver's battalion (Arkans
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 7 (search)
make a serious attack without exposing ourselves to destruction. Brisk skirmishing was continued until night. On the 12th, besides the usual skirmishing, there was increased fire of artillery, especially by batteries near the Canton road, and those immediately to the south of that, to Clinton. The missiles fell in all parts of the town. An assault, though not a vigorous one, was made on Breckenridge's front. It was quickly repulsed, however, by the well-directed fire of Slocomb's and Cobb's batteries, and a flank attack by the skirmishers of the First, Third, and Fourth Florida, and Forty-seventh Georgia regiments. The enemy lost about two hundred prisoners, the same number killed, many wounded, and the colors of the Twenty-eighth, Forty-first, and Fifty-third Illinois regiments. The attacking troops did not advance far enough to be exposed to the fire of Breckenridge's line. On the 13th the Federal lines had been so extended that both flanks rested upon Pearl River. Co
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 11 (search)
own. relieved from command of the army of Tennessee. explain my plans to General Hood. review of the campaign. grounds of my removal. discussion of them. General Cobb's defense of Macon. On the 5th, the Confederate troops were formed to receive the enemy: Stewart's and Bate's divisions, in Mill-Creek Gap, in which they ha after my removal from command, I went to Macon, Georgia, to reside; and, soon after doing so, had the pleasure to witness a gallant defense of the place by Major-General Cobb. It was attacked by a division of United States cavalry, with the object, probably, of destroying the valuable workshops which had been established there bad none. With them and as many of the mechanics of the workshops and volunteers of the town as he could find arms for, in all fifteen or eighteen hundred, General Cobb met the Federal forces on the high ground east of the Ocmulgee; and repelled them after a contest of several hours, by his own courage and judicious dispositio
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 12 (search)
en Chesterville and Charlotte, and Charlotte and Lincolnton, and the railroad depot at Salisbury, were destroyed by these troops. Pettus's brigade, sent from Greensboroa to protect the railroad bridge over the Yadkin, arrived in time to repel the large party sent to burn it. The arrival of Brigadier-General Echols with Duke's and Vaughn's brigades of cavalry from Southwestern Virginia removed any apprehension of further damage of the kind. On the 21st, a dispatch was received from Major-General Cobb, announcing the occupation of Macon by Major-General Wilson's cavalry the day before the Federal commander declining to respect the information of an armistice given by his enemy. During the military operations preceding the armistice, there were ample supplies of provision and forage for our forces in the railroad-depots of North Carolina. We were forming similar depots in South Carolina, then, and collecting provisions abundantly, in a district that had been thought destitute.