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We give below a report from the Augusta (Georgia) papers of the speech of President Davis in that city on the 5th instant. It will be read with interest at this time. The President made his appearance, accompanied by Generals Beauregard, Hardee, Cobb, and a number of other officers, and on being introduced by Mayor May amid enthusiastic cheers, spoke as follows: Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends and Fellow Citizens of Georgia: At the moment of leaving your State, after having come hitherw levies could come in from the draft, and the duty of Georgia to feed the armies and hapless refugees, his Excellency brought his remarks to a close amid enthusiastic applause. Brief speeches were also made by Generals Beauregard, Hardee and Cobb, which were greatly applauded. General Beauregard, in the course of his remarks, said that he had fired the first gun at Sumter, and he hoped to live to fire the last of the war, which drew forth loud applause. General Hardee stated that before
Redding, 34th Miss.; F. E. Richardson, 47th Tenn.; W. W. Tucker, 1st Fla.; Jas. M. Anderson, 49th Va.; R. W. Arrington, 30th N. C.; J. C. Bronaugh, 3d Va.; B. Bott, Reserve corps; Wm. Bennett, 1st Ark.; R. E. Conner, Davis's Legion; J. D. Cuthbertson, 53d N. C.; J. C. Clements, 21st S. C.; R. M. Bearden, 2d Tenn.; W. B. Baird, 1st Ark.; C. A. Cox, 12th Miss.; L. H. Conn, 3d Ky.; M. B. Clay, 9th Va.; W. N. Cowden, Holman's cavalry; G. W. Didlake, 8th Ky.; J. F. Dudley, 6th Tenn.; W. A. Evans, Cobb's Legion; A. J. Foster, 4th Ala.; W. L. Hickman, 7th Ky.; S. C. Hyman, 31st N. C.; G. A. Johnson, 45th Va.; F. W. Leftwich, 36th Va.; M. A. Lowe, 28th N. C.; W. J. Perter, 61st Ala.; M. W. Pope, 44th Ga.; S. E. W. Pharr, 57th N. C.; J. M. Robinson, 7th Ala.; L. E. Stevens, 4th La.; W. R. Sanders, 45th N. C.; L. M. Simmons, 8th N. C.; S. Spears, 8th Ky.; E. A. Street, 14th Tenn.; G. R. Sediusticker, 60th Va.; M. Smiley, 22d Va.; W. A. Seay, 55th Ga.; E. A. Young, 7th S. C.; Van Thomas, 1st La.
within a mile or two of the town, while some seventy of the band were sent into the town, under an officer, with orders to burn the house of Governor Brown, the public buildings, and the houses of all who have been prominent Southern men. General Cobb had issued an order calling upon all the citizens of Macon to come out and take their places in the trenches. The Intelligencer of the 18th says: A gentleman who left Forsyth, ten miles from Macon, yesterday at three o'clock, informs usern and Atlantic railroad; and that he is also devastating the country as he advances, laying waste and burning everything. Another paper says: We have the best authority for stating that Governor Brown has received dispatches from Generals Cobb and Wheeler, stating that Sherman had burned Rome and Marietta, destroying the railroad behind him, and, with five army corps, was marching towards Macon. Wheeler's cavalry, at last accounts, had been driven in at Jonesboro' and the place oc
The Daily Dispatch: December 24, 1864., [Electronic resource], Amusements of the Yankee generals in Georgia. (search)
he had forced, to be filled with sand, as well as her jars of sweetmeats and preserves. Such was the conduct of General Kilpatrick. We can well understand what the lower officers and privates of such a General would do. At the plantation of General Cobb, in Baldwin county, where General Sherman made his headquarters for thirty-six hours, everything was destroyed by his order, and his soldiers robbed the negroes of their shoes, blankets, clothing, knives and forks, and cooking utensils. Negroeir hands upon. As none of his negroes could be induced to go off with them, they stole a boy about twelve years old and carried him off, in spite of the tears and entreaties of the child and his mother. A widow lady, whose plantation joined General Cobb's, was found guilty of being the nearest neighbor of this notorious rebel, and she was made to suffer for it.--Though a defenceless widow, advanced in years and confined to her house by sickness, she was robbed of all that Yankee rapacity coul
The Daily Dispatch: December 28, 1864., [Electronic resource], Pictures drawn from the Yankee House of Representatives. (search)
script." Green Clay Smith, of Kentucky, a short, good looking, soldierly man, though on the Democratic side of the House, is a good Republican. He strongly advocates the anti-slavery amendment to the Constitution. He is talking to Henry Winter Davis, the handsome and eloquent representative from Baltimore city, and Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs. But to hastily close up this already lengthy letter, we must pass on. Here, on the Speaker's right, are Samuel J. Randall, of Philadelphia, and Myer Strouse, of Pottsville. The latter is tall and good-looking, of Jewish aspect, with black hair and beard. He has lately taken strong ground in favor of the Government. Near them are McClurg, of Missouri, the smallest man in stature in the House; Cobb, of Wisconsin, the only member of Congress who wears a military uniform; and Alexander H. Rice, of Boston, the energetic Chairman of the Naval Committee, and a strongly-urged candidate for the Secretary ship of the Navy.
, an officer must be discharged within eight days of his arrest, or have a copy of the charges against him put in his hands. As to the prisoners, one, a major, says he has been confined for five months, and has tried in vain to learn the charges against him. He did not say the War Department is responsible for these abuses, or even knew of them. They might be traced to its subordinates. The motion to reconsider the vote by which the resolution was passed was laid on the table--135 to 5--Cobb, Eckley. McBride, Spaulding and Stevens voting in the negative. From Grants army. A telegram from Grant's army dated the 16th, says: A number of deserters came into our lines from in front of Petersburg last night. They bring important news, if it is to be relied on. They say that the Danville railroad, between Danville and Greensboro', a distance of forty-five miles, has been destroyed by recent heavy rains, and that every culvert and bridge has been carried away, and that L