ered the following proviso to the third section:
"Provided further, That in no event shall any portion of said slaves or free negroes so impressed have arms placed in their hands, or be mustered into the Confederate States service, or be used at any time as soldiers in said service."
The proviso was laid on the table by the following vote:
Ayes.--Messrs. Akin, Atkins, Baldwin, Barksdale, Batson, Baylor, Bell, Blandford, Branch, E. M. Bruce, Burnett, Carroll, Chilton, Clark, Clopton, Cluskey, Colyar, Conrow, Dickinson, Dupre, Elliott, Ewing, Farrow, Gaither, Garland, Gholson, Gray, Hatcher, Hilton, Holder, Johnston, Keeble, Lester, Lyon, Machen, Marshall, Menees, Miller, Moore, Norton, Read, Russell, Sexton, Shewmake, Simpson, Snead, Triplett, Villere, Wilkes and Witherspoon--50.
Nats.--Messrs. Anderson, Chambers, Cruikshank, Darden, Echols, Fuller, Gilmer, Goode, Herbert, Lamkin, J. M. Leach, J. T. Leach, Logan, McMullin, Miles, Orr, Ramsay, J. M. Smith, W. E. Sm
ase the military force of the Confederate States, with an amendment by the Senate to strike out of the fourth section the following proviso:
"Provided, That not more than twenty-five percent, of the male slaves between the ages of eighteen and forty-five, in any State, shall be called for under the provisions of this act."
The amendment was concurred in by the following vote:
Ayes.--Messrs. Anderson, Barksdale, Batson, Baylor, Blandford, Bradley, H. W. Bruce, Carroll, Clark, Clopton, Conrad, Darden, De Janette, Dickinson, Dupre, Elliott, Ewing, Funsten, Garther, Goode, Gray, Hanly, Johnston, Keeble, Lyon, Marchen, Marshall, McMullin, Menees, Miller, Moore, Murray, Perkins, Read, Simpson, Snead, Staples, Triplett, Villere.
Nays--Messrs. Atkins, Baldwin, Branch, Chambers, Colyar, Cruikshank, Fuller, Gholson, Gilmer, Hartridge, Hatcher, Herbert, Holliday, J. M. Leach, J. T. Leach, Logan, McCallum, Ramsay, Rogers, Sexton, J. M. Smith, Smith of North Carolina, Turner,
On motion of Mr. Barnwell, the Senate adjourned.
House of Representatives.
Wednesday, Mch. 15.
The House met at 11 o'clock.
On motion of Mr. Clopton, leave of absence was granted his colleague, Mr. Dickinson, detained from his seat by indisposition.
On motion of Mr. Menees, leave of absence was granted n, which was agreed to, and the bill passed.
The title was also amended, so as to read, a bill "to amend an act to regulate the business of conscription."
Mr. Clopton, from the committee on the Medical Dept., reported favorably a bill to increase the commutation value of hospital rations, for a limited period, which was consiins, Read, Russell, Sexton, Swan, Triplett, Villere, Wilks, Mr. Speaker. --Yeas, 36.
Nays.--Anderson, Baldwin, Barksdale, Baylor, Blandford, Branch, Burnett, Clopton, Colyar, Darden, Farrow, Fuller Gaither, Gilmer, Hanley, Herbert, J. M. Leach, Marshall, McCallum, McMullen, Miles, Ramsay, Rogers, Simpson, J. M. Smith, Smith of
or circulation.
A message was received from the President, returning, without his approval, a bill to provide for the payment of arrears now due to the army and navy, and stating his objections thereto.
The question being shall the bill pass notwithstanding the objections of the President, it was decided in the affirmative by the following vote:
Those who voted in the affirmative were--
Messrs. Anderson, Baldwin, Baylor, Blandford, Branch, H. W: Bruce, Christian, Clark, Clopton, Cluskey, Darden, Dupre, Elliott, Farrow, Gaither, Gholson, Goode, Gray, Hanly, Hartridge, Herbert, Johnson, Keeble, Machen, Marshall, McCallum, McMullin, Perkins, Pugh, Read, Rogers, Russell, Simpson, J. M. Smith, Triplett, Turner, Villere, Wickham and Witherspoon--39.
Those who voted in the negative were--
Messrs. Barksdale, Batson, Bradley, E. M. Bruce, Carroll, Colyar, Conrad, Conrow, De Jarnette, Dickinson, Ewing, Hatcher, Holliday, Lyon, Menees, Mills, Sexton and Wilkes--18.
The House then resumed consideration of the impressment bill, and passed it by the following vote:
Yeas.--Messrs. Batson, Baylor, Bradley, Branch, E. M. Bruce, Burnett, Carroll, Chambers, Chrisman, Clark, Cluskey, Comad, DeJarnette, Dickinson, Dupie, Elliott, Ewing, Funsten, Gholson, Gray, Hartridge, Hatcher, Holliday, Johnston, Keeble, Machen, McMullin, Miles, Miller, Moore, Read, Russell, Sexton, Triplett, Villere and Wilkes,--36.
Nays.--Messrs. Anderson, Blandford, Clopton, Colyar, Conrow, Darden, Farrow, Gaither, Goode, Hanly, Marshall, Pugh, Simpson, J. M. Smith, Snead, Staples, Witherspoon and Mr. Speaker--18.
Mr. McMullin moved to amend the title by substituting the following:--"A bill to violate the Constitution of the Confederate States."
The Chair thought the amendment made in good faith, and ruled it out of order.
Mr. McMullin then moved to amend the title by adding the words "to give dissatisfaction to the farming community," which was