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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 79 79 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 15 15 Browse Search
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington 8 8 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 7 7 Browse Search
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative 5 5 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 2: Two Years of Grim War. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 5 5 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 12. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 4 4 Browse Search
James D. Porter, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.1, Tennessee (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 4 4 Browse Search
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana 3 3 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 3 3 Browse Search
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killed. A soldier near me, while walking deliberately to the rear, to seek a place of greater safety, is struck between the shoulders by a ricochetting ball, and instantly killed. We are ordered to be in readiness to repel an attack, and form line of battle amid this fearful storm of iron. Gaunther and Loomis get their batteries in position, and, after twenty or thirty minutes active work, silence the enemy and compel him to withdraw. Then we have a lull until one or two o'clock, when Van Cleve's division on the left is attacked. As the volume of musketry increases, and the sound grows nearer, we understand that our troops are being driven back, and brigade after brigade double quicks from the right and center, across the open field, to render aid. Battery after battery goes in the same direction on the run, the drivers lashing the horses to their utmost speed. The thunder of the guns becomes more violent; the volleys of musketry grow into one prolonged and unceasing roll. Now
continues; but, like many others, leads simply to confusion and bitterness. April, 20 This evening an order came transferring my brigade to Negley's division. It will be known hereafter as the Second Brigade, Second Division, Fourteenth Army Corps. April, 28 Late last Monday night an officer from Stokes' battery reported to me for duty. I told him I had received no orders, and knew of no reason why he should report to me, and that in all probability General Samuel Beatty, of Van Cleve's division, was the person to whom he should report. I regarded the matter as simply one of the many blunders which were occurring because there were two men of the same name and rank commanding brigades in this army; and so, soon after the officer left, I went to bed. Before I had gotten fairly to sleep, some one knocked again at my tent-door. While rising to strike a light the person entered, and said that he had been ordered to report to me. Supposing it to be the officer of the batt
ing. General Crittenden was ordered to move Van Cleve at once down the hill to a better position, r left. Thus Davis's two brigades, one of Van Cleve's, and Sheridan's entire division were drives corps to the left. Seeing confusion among Van Cleve's troops, and the distance Davis's men were at Bird's Mill and its left connecting with Van Cleve's division, at Owen's Ford; Third division, constant demonstrations at various points. Van Cleve's division (two brigades) had been at Piketoral right did not outflank the abundant foe. Van Cleve, commanding Crittenden's next division, was afternoon, coming heavily upon Reynolds and Van Cleve, he drove them furiously back, and penetratey column of the enemy entered the interval. Van Cleve's, the other reserve division sent to suppor Brannan was struck upon the flank, and with Van Cleve, his support, driven violently back. The laden, and two division commanders, Negley and Van Cleve, have been relieved from their commands. [14 more...]
e passing of General Brannan's division of the Fourteenth corps, which was to pass by Christiana and bivouac with the rear division of the Twentieth corps. The Fourteenth corps, Major-General Thomas, was to advance on the Manchester pike, seize and hold with its advance, if practicable, Hoover's Gap, and bivouac so as to command and cover that and the Millersburgh road, so that McCook and himself could be within supporting distance of each other. Major-General Crittenden was to leave Van Cleve's division of the Twenty-first army corps at Murfreesboro, concentrate at Bradyville with the other two, and await orders. The cavalry, one brigade under General Turchin, was sent with the Twenty-first army corps to look out toward McMinnville. All the remainder under Major-General Stanley, were to meet General Mitchell coming in from Versailles, and attack the rebel cavalry at Middleton. The headquarters of the army was to be established at Mrs. McGill's, at Big Spring branch. A
of our lines, and, riding past Palmer's and Van Cleve's divisions, came upon General Wood's troopse line, Palmer on the right of Reynolds, and Van Cleve next to Palmer. When the battle began, Davithe line and take possession on the right of Van Cleve. Generally, the line took the direction of them with great impetuosity upon Palmer and Van Cleve, in order to effect a diversion in favor of ge portions of our two divisions, especially Van Cleve's. In fact, the rout of this part of our linwhole of his available force, hurled it upon Van Cleve and Davis, drove the former to the left and l. The progress of the enemy against Davis, Van Cleve, and Sheridan was speedily checked. Reynold Brannan, then Negley's other brigades, then Van Cleve, then Wood, and then Sheridan. Wilder and Mly the general order of our line Brannan and Van Cleve were really held somewhat in reserve. That the hinges and shattered by the same blow. Van Cleve, and what remained of Palmer, were struck up[2 more...]
Palmer within three miles of Jasper, and General Van Cleve within five miles of Dunlap. Septembeft that his brigade was all over. Moved General Van Cleve at once, and at one P. M. moved headquaray. I, however, ordered Generals Palmer and Van Cleve to turn off south after having passed the spPalmer was ordered up to form on the left of Van Cleve's new position, on the line of the Chickamauf, to Department Headquarters, reporting General Van Cleve heavy in the fight, and asking that I miGeneral Van Cleve. Colonel Barnes's brigade, Van Cleve's division, had been left back with General s left. I gave the order immediately to General Van Cleve, and its execution was at once begun. Athat purehearted and brave officer, Brigadier-General Van Cleve. It will be best here to explainday, and indeed whenever he was engaged, General Van Cleve's command was but two small brigades, hi Colonel Barnes, commanding Third brigade of Van Cleve's division on Saturday morning. He was this [32 more...]
re undoubtedly false, as Grierson was in Springfield, Illinois, on Friday, and Sherman could not have got to the point stated, from the Big Black, in the time that has elapsed since the battle, and we know that he had not started before. Among the incidents of the battle of Saturday, Colonel Wilder described the frightful slaughter of Longstreet's men at the time they were driven back by our left wing. This celebrated corps, as desperate soldiers as ever lived, attacking two divisions, Van Cleve's and Davis's, to the right, and a little in front of Wilder, separated them and pushed on through the open space yelping — the rebel shout is a yelp, instead of a civilized hurrah — and confident of victory. A portion of them had to cross a small field, behind which, in the bordering woods, Wilder lay, and through which ran a ditch five or six feet deep to carry off the water of an adjacent stream or swamp. As the rebels entered this field, in heavy masses fully exposed, the mounted inf
under McCook, of Davis', Johnson's, and Sheridan's Divisions; the left wing, under Crittenden, of Wood's, Palmer's, and Van Cleve's Divisions. Walker's Brigade of the Third Division, centre, was also present at Stone's River. These troops numberedps, was organized with Major-General Thomas L. Crittenden in command, and contained the three divisions of W. S. Smith, Van Cleve, and Hascall. At the battle of Stone's River the divisions were commanded by Generals Thos. J. Wood, Palmer, and Van CVan Cleve. The three divisions contained three brigades each; in all, 38 regiments of infantry, and 8 batteries of light artillery. The losses of the left wing at Stone's River amounted to 650 killed, 3,006 wounded, and 873 missing; total, 4,529, out os fought with Thomas during the whole battle; and that General Wood with two brigades of his own division, and one from Van Cleve's which was not cut off, went to the aid of Thomas on the second day. Soon after this battle the Twentieth and the T
Bristow of the Twenty-fifth were mustered out. The Twenty-fifth, which was in the same brigade, had borne a creditable part in the battles of Fort Donelson and Shiloh, losing at Fort Donelson, 15 killed, 61 wounded, and 12 missing; and at Shiloh, 7 killed and 27 wounded. The rolls of the Twenty-filth having been turned over with the men, its losses are included in the total loss of the Seventeenth. At Chickamauga, under command of Colonel Stout, the regiment fought in Beatty's Brigade, Van Cleve's Division, Crittenden's Corps; its loss in that battle was 6 killed, 105 wounded, and 15 missing. Upon the reorganization of the Army of the Cumberland, in October, 1863, the regiment was placed in Beatty's (3d) Brigade, Wood's (3d) Division, Fourth Corps, in which it served throughout the Atlanta campaign. It was mustered out at Louisville, Ky., in January, 1865, the recruits and reonlisted men having been transferred to the Twenty-first Kentucky Infantry. Colonel McHenry was succeeded
is Davis's Fourteenth 57 187 59 303 36th Illinois Sheridan's Fourteenth 46 151 15 212 15th Indiana Wood's Fourteenth 38 143 7 188 6th Ohio Palmer's Fourteenth 25 138 14 177 84th Illinois Palmer's Fourteenth 35 124 8 167 19th Ohio Van Cleve's Fourteenth 27 125 34 186 39th Indiana Johnson's Fourteenth 31 118 231 380 78th Pennsylvania Negley's Fourteenth 16 133 39 188 101st Ohio Davis's Fourteenth 23 123 66 212 51st Ohio Van Cleve's Fourteenth 24 122 44 190 38th IllinVan Cleve's Fourteenth 24 122 44 190 38th Illinois Davis's Fourteenth 34 109 34 177 37th Indiana Negley's Fourteenth 27 115 8 150 30th Indiana Johnson's Fourteenth 31 110 72 213 18th Ohio Negley's Fourteenth 26 115 26 167 16th U. S. Inf., 8 Cos. Rousseau's Fourteenth 16 133 16 165 44th Illinois Sheridan's Fourteenth 29 109 17 155 65th Ohio Wood's Fourteenth 35 100 38 173 21st Ohio Negley's Fourteenth 24 109 26 159 22d Illinois Sheridan's Fourteenth 21 116 56 193 Springfield, Mo.             Jan. 8, 1863.