Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Cleburn or search for Cleburn in all documents.

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fallen timber, and by this great advantage had maintained their ground against two desperate assaults. The sun was setting when the Stonewall of Bragg's army, Cleburn, of Hill's corps, came up with his braves under Deshler, Polk, and Wood, relieving Walker, and passing to the front over the bloody ground that had been so stubbornly contested by Cheatham, charging the enemy up to their very breastworks. A crashing fire of musketry from the enemy made Cleburn's men reel, when forward dashed the batteries of the gallant Semple and Lieutenant Key, who opened a terrific fire on the enemy's works, while the division charged with such impetuosity that the enemgallant champions of Tennessee, under Cheatham, then advanced to the relief of Walker, but even they wavered and fell back under the terrible fires of the enemy. Cleburn's division, which had several times gallantly charged the enemy, had also been checked, and Stuart's division, occupying the centre and left of our wing, detached
andoned to the enemy. The division of Major-General Cleburn, of Lieutenant-General Hill's corps, wmmediately the forward movement, uniting with Cleburn, and pressing the retiring lines of the enemynsisted of three divisions — Breckinridge and Cleburn, of Hill's corps, and Cheatham, of Polk's cortham's division, and by orders to the left of Cleburn, advising it of its whereabouts. The battl of Breckinridge, followed and accompanied by Cleburn. The enemy had, during the night, thrown up had intrenched himself. These lay chiefly in Cleburn's front. He moved directly upon them, while regain a portion of the ground he had lost. Cleburn's division, which had encountered the enemy bpport. General Polk examined the position of Cleburn, and finding he could hold it if he could notooga, and was moving toward the centre, where Cleburn had made his attack. The whole line was thge with his Kentuckians and Louisianians, and Cleburn with his Arkansians and Alabamians, and Walke[3 more...]