32, Ioo, 129, 133, 174, 224.
Charleston, S. C., postoffice at, broken into, 104, 105.
Charleston Courier, 187.
Cincinnati Convention (1853), 160.
Civil War, the, 4, 59, 60.
Clarkson, Thomas, 245, 251.
Clay, Cassius M., 159, 160.
Clay, Henry, G.'s strictures on, 191; 7.
Cobden, Richard, 251.
Colonization Society of 1830, 63 ff.; a sham reform, 63; destroyed by G., 65, 66; 244.
Compromise of 1850, 177, 258.
Constitution of U. S., Slavery and, 13, 15, 16, 140ff., 168ff., 14-166; quoted, on the compact concerning slavery, 168 ff., 172, 173; burns the Constitution, 174; unity of his course, 174; his dealings with Anti-slavery societies, 176ff.; his want of continuityof thought, 180;his strong language, 181, 189;on Henry Clay, 19I; what kind of man he really was, 194ff.; R. D. Webb and others quoted on, 195-198; at Broadway Tabernacle (RyndersMob),201,205ff.;the leader of Abolition from inception to triumph, 242; his position at close of the war, 243; his visits to