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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 28., Old ships and Ship-building days of Medford. (search)
g the quarters and thus making the after-body finer and the stern above the water-line much lighter and handsomer. Captain Clark. Clipper Ship Era. Mr. Griffiths, in 1843, designed the Rainbow on these lines, although she was not launched untclippers could go and find strong and favorable winds while the full bodied ships were compelled to wait for them. Captain Clark. Clipper Ship Era. The Boston builders were more conservative, and while they acknowledged that the Rainbow proveaph, built by James O. Curtis in 1854. Other famous ships designed by Mr. Pook were the Red Jacket and Game Cock. Captain Clark mentions twenty-three Medford ships in a list of one hundred and seventy-three extreme type of clipper ships built bet an extreme clipper ship. and Ocean Telegraph in 20 days. Of the remainder of the twenty-three ships mentioned by Captain Clark the following passages are recorded from Boston or New York to San Francisco: Dauntless, 116 days; John Wade, 116 day
Death of an U. S. Army officer. --Brevet Brigadier Gen. Clark, Commander of the Department of California, died in San Francisco on the 17th ult., of chronic diarrhŒa, after an illness of two week. He has served in the U. S. Army since 1812, was through the war in Mexico, and was promoted to the distinguished position occupied at the time of his death for meritorious conduct at the siege of Vera Cruz.
The Daily Dispatch: November 3, 1860., [Electronic resource], English view of the late Royal visit. (search)
no. A Bryant J T Brooks J F Blake Jas. Burnett Jno. Bridges Dr J R Berry J L Baptist Dr J G Bradley Jno. H Brooks J Berry Joseph Baker T S Barbridge Jas. Calwell W B Caldwell W B 2 Cox Wm. Childress W Cooks W A Clark W J Curry W J Cox W T Churchild J W Conant J E Curry J Cox J P Coate J J Cox J E Chronester J W Carr J Cannon J Carter J B Cannard J Carson J D Chinns J Carter D M Craven L Clapp L 2 Copeland A M Carmell A Connell D Clark Dr H Crouch E Cosby C V Cooke C Clark C Cohen N A 3 Curtain P Carter R W Cheatham R D Carson R M Carter R Carter S Carson T J Cromp T R 2 Clarke T Crowley M Cohen & Jackson Draper Jno. S Dicken Jno. 2 Dalhouse A N Dolleure Dr L D Donohy Martia Dutron D E Donncher Pat Dunn & Co R G Davis Jas. W Ducket J Dwyer Jno. Dawes S S Jr Drew Thos. H 2 Dowdey Thos. Dana Thos. Dillard Wm. A Edmond Paul C Ellett Sample
Blankinship mrs H Blakey mrs M F Blair mrs N E Buchett miss S E Blanchard mrs J A Booth mrs C R Bonsal mrs J Bowers mrs H Bowen miss C C Braxton miss M E Bradshaw miss L J Brackins mrs L Brown mrs A Brooks miss J Burrows miss H E Cake mrs Sarah F Cabaniss mrs A M B Carr mrs Mary A Carper mrs M J Carey mrs Mary E Carroll mrs Electa Carter mrs C M Chappell mrs E B Cook mrs John Chandler mrs Maria V Childrey mrs Eliza Coleman Mollie (col'd) Clark mis Catherine Cobb mrs Mary F Coutts mrs Sophia Carr mrs Jno Crutch field mrs Mary Catter miss Josephine S Chalkley miss A J Clause miss Louisa M Cruns miss Mary Crenshaw miss Helen Collier miss Mary A Crosstick mrs Mary K Cox miss Susan Collier miss Mary E Don mrs Mary 2 Doswell mrs Margaret Dunn miss Catherine Davis miss Octavia M Ellis mrs Martha Elliss miss Bettie Ellyson miss Bettie H Ellen (serv't of D Hunt) Frary mrs Caroline G Fleming mrs
nscriptural, but the South of that day approved it as well as the North. Our Church took her true and proper position on the subject of slavery in 1845, and on that ground, so just, so scriptural, and so satisfactory to the South, every General Assembly has, for the past fifteen years, firmly stood and is now standing. If all the North had been as faithful and just to their Southern brethren as the Old School Presbyterians, the country would not now be where it is. New School Synod Bishop Clark, of Rhode Island, delivered a sermon in Grace Church, Providence, on Sunday morning, on the state of the country, in which after portraying the extravagance of both Northern and Southern fanatics, he says: "If such counsels rule, our case is hopeless — Let those who have a real interest in the preservation of harmony and peace rise and take these matters out of the control of men who get their living by agitation. The Journal of Commerce gives the following explanation of the recent
gainst by every Republican Senator; and the House, on a vote by yeas and nays, refused to consider certain propositions moved by Mr. Etheridge, which were even less favorable to the South than Mr. Crittenden's. A resolution, giving a pledge to sustain the President in the use of force against seceding States, was adopted in the House of Representatives by a large majority; and in the Senate, every Republican voted to substitute for Mr. Crittenden's propositions, resolutions offered by Mr. Clark, of New Hampshire, declaring that no new concessions, guarantees, or amendments to the Constitution, were necessary; that the demands of the South were unreasonable, and that the remedy for the present danger was simply to enforce the laws — in other words, coercion and war. In this state of facts, our duty is to warn you that it is vain to hope for any measures of conciliation or adjustment from Congress, which you could accept. We are also satisfied that the Republican party design
Arrived, Brig Rolling Wave, Collins, New York, in ballast. Schr. Manchester, Nelson, New York, mdze., D. & W. Currie. Schr. Emma Jane, Phillips, Baltimore, sugar, C. Y. Morriss. Schr. Baltimore, Phillips, Baltimore, mdze., W. D. Colquitt & Co. Schr. Ben Vandiver, Jones, Charleston, mdze., W. D. Colquitt & Co. Schr. Charles Foulks, James River, lumber, Libby & Burton. Sailed, Schr. O. M. Pellet, Clark, Boston, mdze., D. & W. Currie. Schr. Mariner, (Br.,) Parr, Matanzas, mdze., C. T. Wortham & Co. Schr. E. Goldsborough, Todd, Baltimore, tobacco, W. D. Colquitt & Co.
.5723,270.77 Circulation222,105.00193,530.00172,480.00 Deposit34,060.1231,843.9530,883.58 Surplus Fund19,166.09 Profit and Loss14,914.04 34,080.15 Deduct Dividend four per cent, payable Jan. 7th12,000.00 Deduct Tax on Dividend800.00 Deduct Bonus on Capital 750.00 13,550.00 Balance to Surplus Fund.2,500.13 The undersigned, Directors of the Danville Bank, at Danville, Va., hereby certify that the within statement has been examined, and believed to be correct. W. T. Sutherlin, President. John R. Price. S. H. Holland. Abner Anderson. State of Virginia, Corporation of Danville, to wit: This day personally appeared before me, Wm. T. Clark, an Alderman for said corporation, John M. Johnston, Cashier of the Danville Bank, at Danville, Va., and made oath that the annexed statements, made out from the books of the Bank aforesaid, are correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. Given under my hand this 4th day of January, 1861. will. T. Clark, Aid.
s. He did not think that at this time when six States had seceded, and others are arming the Premier of the new Administration had proposed any practical meanst. All knew by his votes his opinion on the Crittenden amendments, and by his vote to Clark's resolution that the Constitution needed no amendments, but that the Constitution, and laws should be enforced. He (Mr. Seward,) had urged his constituents to contribute money to the Union. He would like to know the meaning of that. Mr. Sd, that Southern Senators had acted in concert, with Republicans, [Applance in the galleries.] Mr. Douglas said he could not know the motives of individual Senators. He only knew the refusal of certain of them to vote caused the adoption of Clark's substitute, and, upon that, dispatches were sent South that there was no hope. Mr. Johnson--"There was no deception in that. There is no hope." Mr. Douglas said he never would despair of the Union. Was could only lead to disunion an
majority of 767. The majority for reference is 804. Amelia and Nottoway., Amelia C. H.--The vote here is L. E. Harvie (Secession) 101; Weisiger (Union) 52; Gregory 13; Jennings Ordinary.--Harvie 36; Weisiger 26; Gregory 13. Blacks and Whites.--Harvie 83; Weisiger 17; Gregory 2 Nottoway C. H.--Harvie 27; Weisiger 23; Gregory 17. Bedford. Liberty.--Wm. L Goggin (Union) is elected by a large majority. The contest is close between Goode (Secession) and Johnson (Union.) Amherst. Amherst C. H.--Garland (Secession) is elect-in this county without opposition. Halifax. Halifax C. H.--Flournoy (Union) 183; Bruce (Secession) 152; Clark 41; Edmonds 82. Reference 146; no reference 68. Charlotte. Haysville.--Wood Bouldin (Secession) no opposition. Vote for "no reference" 44. Alexandria. Alexandria.--Brent (Union) is elected by over 600 majority. Culpeper. Culpeper C. H.--James Barbour (Union) carries this county.