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Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Roster of the Nineteenth regiment Massachusetts Volunteers (search)
ar. 25, ‘64; 22; pris. from June 22, ‘64, to Apr. 8, ‘65; disch. July 29, ‘65. York, Alfred J., priv., (D), Feb. 10, ‘62; 19; disch. disa. Oct. 24, ‘62; see A 4th Cav. Young, Chas. F., priv., (—), Apr. 4, ‘64; 28; N. F.R. Young, John, priv., (—), Aug. 1, ‘63; 23; sub. P. G. Ward; N. F.R. Young, Joseph A., priv., (K), Oct. 29, ‘62; 36; transf. from 1st Co. S. S.; disch. Sept. 2, ‘64 as of 1st Co. S. S. (per disch. paper) probably did not serve in 19th. Young, Wm., priv., (D), July 25, ‘61; 28; died of w'nds July 7, ‘63, Fredericksburg, Va. Young, Wm., corp., (A), July 26, ‘61; 33; wounded Sept. 17, ‘62; disch. disa. Mar. 19, ‘63. Younger, Morris Bell, priv., (—), Aug. 12, ‘61; 19; see Co. G 17 Mass.; did not serve in 19th. Younger, Stephen J., priv., (H), Dec. 1, ‘61; 18; wounded Sept. 17, ‘62; re-en. Dec. 21, ‘63; M. O. June 30, ‘65. Zeh, Christian, priv., (E), Feb. 18, ‘65; 38; M. O. June 30, ‘65. Zimmerman, Frederick,
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 1, Chapter 6: in Florida, 1856-57, and the Seminoles (search)
to me to be changed — the sky was brighter, the trees more beautiful, and the songs of the birds were never before so sweet to my ears. Captain Vicars, who had been a good man and a Christian in the Crimea, and a consistent member of the Church of England, afterwards, under the influence of a single verse of the First Epistle of John, The blood of Christ cleanseth us from all sin, had experienced a wonderful change, so that his influence over his comrades in arms was more marked and his Christian work in the hospitals among the sick and wounded so increased and so enthusiastic as to leave a striking record. My own mind took a turn like that on reading the account of it: What was it that made him such a different man from what he had ever been before? Later, the influence of the same Scripture produced that strong effect upon me and caused me ever after to be a different man, with different hopes and different purposes in life. There are always epochs in the lives of young peo
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 2, Chapter 63: in the Northwest, among the Indians; trip to Alaska; life in Portland, Ore.; 1874 to 1881 (search)
en! looking at several who sat in front of him. Then he told us that some ladies had entered his saloon a few days before and knelt and prayed in their work to try and stop this evil. Their brave act had affected him strongly. It seems that he had been what they call in the Northwest a sport. He, Ned Chambreau, was a Frenchman, and had come from Canada in the early days of Oregon. He had married a young girl who was already, though not more than fifteen years of age, a decided praying Christian. Ned said that she would pray him out of any difficulty he got into, and his difficulties were many. Indeed, his conduct at times was criminal and exposed him to arrest. Now he was thoroughly in earnest for good and ready to turn over a new leaf. Mr. William Wadhams helped him, by a stock of goods, to go into the hardware business, but he did not succeed in that. Then he undertook the grocery trade, but after a time a second failure distressed him. I shall never forget how he would
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 2, Chapter 69: transferred to New York city (search)
up my studies, wrote many articles for publication, and prepared lectures, such as Grant and his Generals, The life of General George H. Thomas, Sherman and his March to the sea. These and Gettysburg were my secular lectures, but for Christian efforts in public I delivered on Sundays or before I He met with a sad death at the burning of the Park Hotel, in 1902, losing his life in the conflagration. religious bodies, among others, The power of small things, Father love, patriotic and Christian. I could always please an audience better when I spoke without a manuscript. The manuscript usually had the effect either to repress my attempts at humor or the audience's appreciation of it. In official work I had for my adjutant general first my classmate General O. D. Green, and later General Chauncey McKeever. My aids were Lieutenant Edwin St. J. Greble, son of my favorite classmate, and Lieutenant George N. Chase. General Sherman had greatly desired for the sake of economy to ha
Charles E. Stowe, Harriet Beecher Stowe compiled from her letters and journals by her son Charles Edward Stowe, Chapter 2: school days in Hartford, 1824-1832. (search)
of study is to read rhetoric and prepare exercises for my class the first half hour in the evening; after that the rest of the evening is divided between French and Italian. Thus you see the plan of my employment and the character of my immediate companions. Besides these, there are others among the teachers and scholars who must exert an influence over my character. Miss Degan, whose constant occupation it is to make others laugh; Mrs. Gamage, her room-mate, a steady, devoted, sincere Christian. . . . Little things have great power over me, and if I meet with the least thing that crosses my feelings, I am often rendered unhappy for days and weeks. ... I wish I could bring myself to feel perfectly indifferent to the opinions of others. I believe that there never was a person more dependent on the good and evil opinions of those around than I am. This desire to be loved forms, I fear, the great motive for all my actions. ... I have been reading carefully the book of Job, and I do
ly are, apart from any considerations of rank or position, most interesting and noble people. The duke laughed heartily at many things I told him of our Andover theological tactics, of your preaching, etc.; but I think he is a sincere, earnest Christian. Our American politics form the daily topic of interest. The late movements in Congress are discussed with great warmth, and every morning the papers are watched for new details. I must stop now, as it is late and we are to leave here ea through the line of this estate. I see the duke giving his thought and time, and spending the whole income of this estate in improvements upon it. I see the duke and duchess evidently beloved wherever they move. I see them most amiable, most Christian, most considerate to everybody. The writers of the letters admit the goodness of the duke, but denounce the system, and beg me to observe its effects for myself. I do observe that, compared with any other part of the Highlands, Sutherland is
Charles E. Stowe, Harriet Beecher Stowe compiled from her letters and journals by her son Charles Edward Stowe, Chapter 15: the third trip to Europe, 1859. (search)
n, a very pious, accomplished, and interesting woman, who has had a history much like yours in relation to spiritual manifestations. Without doubt she is what the spiritualists would regard as a very powerful medium, but being a very earnest Christian, and afraid of getting led astray, she has kept carefully aloof from all circles and things of that nature. She came and opened her mind to me in the first place, to ask my advice as to what she had better do; relating experiences very similarves, in which writing has come on paper, without the apparition of hands or any pen or pencil, from various historical people. He seems a devout believer in inspiration, and the book is curious for its mixture of all the phenomena, Pagan and Christian, going over Hindoo, Chinese, Greek, and Italian literature for examples, and then bringing similar ones from the Bible. One thing I am convinced of,--that spiritualism is a reaction from the intense materialism of the present age. Luther, wh
es, I have thought of and prayed for her, too. But could a woman hope to have always such a heart, and yet ever be weaned from earth all this and heaven, too ? Under my picture I have inscribed, Forasmuch as Christ also hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves with the same mind. This year has been one long sigh, one smothering sob, to me. And I thank God that we have as yet one or two generous friends in England who understand and feel for our cause. The utter failure of Christian, anti-slavery England, in those instincts of a right heart which always can see where the cause of liberty lies, has been as bitter a grief to me as was the similar prostration of all our American religious people in the day of the Fugitive Slave Law. Exeter Hall is a humbug, a pious humbug, like the rest. Lord Shaftesbury. Well, let him go; he is a Tory, and has, after all, the instincts of his class. But I saw your duke's speech to his tenants! That was grand! If he can see these thi
he ultra-mundane sphere are particularly valuable, apart from the evidence they give of continued existence after death. I do not think there is yet any evidence to warrant the idea that they are a supplement or continuation of the revelations of Christianity, but I do regard them as an interesting and curious study in psychology, and every careful observer like Mr. Owen ought to be welcomed to bring in his facts. With this I shall send you my observations on Mr. Owen's books, from the Christian Union. I am perfectly aware of the frivolity and worthlessness of much of the revealings purporting to come from spirits. In my view, the worth or worthlessness of them has nothing to do with the question of fact. Do invisible spirits speak in any wise,--wise or foolish?-is the question apriori. I do not know of any reason why there should not be as many foolish virgins in the future state as in this. As I am a believer in the Bible and Christianity, I don't need these things as con
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 5: finding a friend. (search)
own in comic groups and they cease to be respectabilities. You feel at first as if this included ridicule or disregard of the sufferings they bring to you; but not so. Her heart is helpfully sympathizing with all striving souls. And she has overcome so much extreme physical and mental pain, and such disappointments of external fortune, that she has a right to play as she will with these arrows of fate. She is a high-minded and generous servant of Duty, and a Christian (not a traditional Christian, not made one by authority) in her idea of life. But this is all catalogue; you cannot write down Genius, and I write it more because I am thinking about her than from any hope of doing her justice. Only her presence can give you the meaning of the name Margaret Fuller, and this not once or twice, but as various occasions bring out the many sides. And her power of bringing out Mr. Emerson has doubled my enjoyment of that blessing to be in one house and room with him. Ms. In a fra