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messengers of death prompted the question. I should strive in vain to convey the tender and unaffected grace of his words and manner; but, looking heavenward, he said: No; for in battle I always see the figure of Christ in the sky! This recalls a somewhat similar anecdote respecting General Rosecrans, which was told me by the staff officer mentioned below, and which I believe has not before been in print. It is well known that General Rosecrans is a Catholic, and a devout and fervent Christian. At the battle of Stone river, the day for a time went against him. The whole right wing was disrupted, and irretrievable disaster seemed imminent. The commander constantly rushed to the front to animate his men by his presence-and on one occasion, when about to dash forward to a position of peculiar peril, one of his aides, young Captain Thompson, protested against his thus exposing himself. 0, my boy, was Rosecrans' reply, make the sign of the true cross, and let us go in! Thus, unco
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Chapter 2: influence of Christian officers. (search)
men to Christ, we saw his eye brighten and his whole countenance glow with pleasure; and as, in his simple, feeling words, he expressed his delight, we forgot the great warrior, and only remembered that we were communing with an humble, earnest Christian. In July, 1862, he had issued a general order to the army in which he said: Habitually all duties except those of inspection will be suspended during Sunday, to afford the troops rest and to enable them to attend religious services. The doundless as were the wants and sorrows of his race. It were an easy task to write pages more in illustration of the Christian character of our great leader; but the above must suffice. If I have ever come in contact with a sincere, devout Christian —one who, seeing himself to be a sinner, trusted alone in the merits of Christ—who humbly tried to walk the path of duty, looking unto Jesus as the author and finisher of his faith— and whose piety constantly exhibited itself in his daily life
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Chapter 3: influence of Christian officers—continued. (search)
o the promotion of religion in the camps—how to secure more chaplains and to induce pastors to come as missionaries to the soldiers, and kindred topics. And then we got on the subject of personal piety, the obstacles to growth in grace in the army, the best means of promoting it, etc., and as the great soldier talked earnestly and eloquently from a full heart, I had to lay aside my office as teacher in Israel and be content to sit at the feet of this able theologian, this humble, earnest Christian, and learn of him lessons in the Divine life. More than almost any man I ever met, he accepted fully the precious promises of God's word, walked by a living faith in Jesus, and was guided by the star of hope as he trod firmly the path of duty. How far the glorious revivals with which we were favored were in answer to the prayers, and in blessing on the efforts of Stonewall Jackson, and to what extent his influence was blessed to individuals, eternity alone can reveal. I have it from a w
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Chapter 4: influence of Christian officers—concluded. (search)
, has been called the flower of cavaliers, the Prince Rupert of the Confederacy, and Harry of Navarre, and he has been described as a gay, rolicksome, laughing soldier, always ready for a dance or a fight. And yet Stuart was an humble, earnest Christian, who took Christ as his personal Saviour, lived a stainless life, and died a triumphant death. He used to attend our Chaplains' Association when he could, took a deep interest in its proceedings, and manifested the liveliest concern for the spss, and his cordial greeting to a Christian brother. He would listen, with a glowing countenance and not without tears, to the more affecting truths of the Gospel, and in all our intercourse seemed to me an unusually zealous, devout and humble Christian. I hear that he is always ready to pray and exhort in the prayermeetings. His conversation showed an absorbing anxiety for the spiritual welfare of his men. And in mentioning incidentally an occasion on which he had tried to gather them into
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Chapter 6: hospital work. (search)
s of thousands of sin-sick souls in our camps, a vast responsibility is resting upon the Christians of our State and country. If a surgeon should be filled with remorse to see his patient die for want of attention from himself, how should each Christian, who has not done all he could, feel at each announcement of a soldier's death? And with what pangs of remorse must he behold each mound in the soldiers' graveyard. Richmond, July 22, 1862. Having spent some time recently in visiting th have gone. Alas! they forgot that a greater than Jackson, or any other mere man, had promised to meet with His people, even the Lord of life and glory. It is certainly a gratifying fact that General Jackson is an active, humble, consistent Christian—restraining profanity and Sabbath-breaking—welcoming army colporters, distributing tracts, and anxious to have every regiment in his army supplied with a chaplain. Indeed, our officers generally seem disposed to favor efforts for the moral and
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Chapter 11: the great revival along the Rapidan. (search)
Rapidan, and the deep interest shown by the soldiers was a prophecy of the season of refreshing from the presence of the Lord which was just ahead of us. A writer in the Central Presbyterian mentions a revival progressing in the Rockbridge Artillery, with twenty-four additions to various churches on a profession of faith. He says: Many ascribe the first turnings of their attention to the subject to the earnest, prayerful letters from home, urging them to turn to Christ. Remember this, Christian, when you write next to your friends in camp; and so write that God may bless your letters; and ask Him to do so. A revival is in progress in Corse's Brigade, Pickett's Division, Army of Northern Virginia, and about 200 have shared in the outpouring of God's Spirit. Rev. S. W. Howerton, chaplain of the Fifteenth North Carolinia Regiment, reports seventy hopeful conversions and many anxious inquirers in it.. Every company has prayers, nightly, immediately after roll-call, and nearly all
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Chapter 13: results of the work and proofs of its genuineness (search)
dded, Tell my father I died like a man and a hero. A brave young Christian, when told by the surgeon that he could not live, sent home his l altar of his country. He was a worthy citizen and a most useful Christian. As a minister and a Sabbath-school superintendent, he exerted all my wife farewell—all is right—to meet me in heaven. Another Christian, dying in the hospital, wrote to his wife: I don't want you ty. He was never found lacking in his duty either as a soldier or Christian. He was shot through the body and died almost instantly. Whin a high degree every virtuous quality of the true gentleman and Christian. He was an officer of most excellent judgment, and a soldier of eath. Let us add, in conclusion, that all these were animated by Christian principle and illuminated by Christian faith. The spirit of apoe Right Rev. Bishop Johns, and thenceforth his life was eminently Christian. Had his life been spared, it was his purpose, after making the
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Appendix: letters from our army workers. (search)
ld battalion, he made a public profession of religion. Our officers, without a single exception, upheld my hands in every way possible. Our quarter-master (Captain Christian) used to lend me his wagons to haul logs to build our chapels. We built one each winter of my connection with the battalion. Having come out to extreme secious to him, and was like music in his dying ears. Another young man in my regiment was wounded, and after some time died in Jackson Hospital; but he was no Christian, I fear. I directed him to Jesus as the only Saviour. One day I asked him if he trusted in Christ, or in his prayers and works, to save him. He answered: I truother said he felt, he knew, he was a sinner, and plead with us to pray. My heart beat against my ribs with joy. I saw joy written upon the countenance of every Christian. God was blessing us, and we were encouraged to proceed. A temporary protection was made, and we continued our services day and night. The brigade was now ord
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Appendix no. 2: the work of grace in other armies of the Confederacy. (search)
taken; and that while dying he felt he had tried to discharge his duties both as a soldier and Christian. Thus died an humble private in the ranks of our cavalry, in whose life were most harmoniously blended the characters of patriot, soldier, and Christian. From General Bragg's army that veteran soldier of the Cross, Dr. J. B. McFerrin, wrote: I have the pleasure of saying that notwitlains. Sergeant Guerra, an exhorter in the Thirty-sixth Tennessee, I found an active, earnest Christian, ready and willing to work for his Lord, at any time, place, and in any way. He was a Spaniardh, and Sunday, 7th, the division was marching to McMinnville. Captain Brady, a most excellent Christian, killed in Georgia, 1864. From McMinnville we marched to Woodberry, thence to Reedyville, wictims of that battle, from our Thirtyseventh Georgia, were Captain McMullen, a true and tried Christian I dearly loved, and Dr. Childs, my messmate, to whom I was strongly and tenderly attached. He
Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Chapter 8: colorphobia. (search)
e heaped upon them they turned for consolation to the house of God, even there the spirit of proscription and caste prejudice met them, and pointed to the negro pew where they sat corraled from the congregation as if they had no equal share in the salvation which the pulpit preached. Everywhere the white man had the right of way, even on the highway to heaven! And in no place was the negro made to feel the prejudice against his color more gallingly than in churches arrogating the name of Christian. He had no rights on earth, he had none in trying to get into the bosom of the founder of Christianity, which the white sinners or saints were bound to respect. Even the liberty-loving Quakers of Philadelphia were not above the use of the negro seat in their meetings. Somehow they discerned that there was a great gulf separating in this life at least the white from the black believer. That God had made of one blood all nations of men, St. Paul had taught, but the American church had w