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ected. Mr. Hart, of Albemarle, called up a bill providing for an increase of the salaries of the professors of the University and to provide for the education of disabled and wounded soldiers. The bill increases the salaries of the professors to four thousand five hundred dollars and appropriates seventy thousand dollars to the education of disabled soldiers. The bill was advocated by Messrs. Hart and Hunter, and opposed by Mr. Johnson, of Bedford, and was finally passed. Mr. Christian, of Augusta, offered a resolution that the members of the Legislature of North Carolina, now in this city on official business, be invited to privileged seats on the floor of the Senate, which was adopted; and Messrs. Christian and Nash were appointed a committee to inform them of the fact. The committee, after a short retirement, returned and introduced Judge Perkins, of North Carolina, to the Senate. A resolution was adopted requesting the Committee on Confederate Relat
o our soldiers, who have so long and so gallantly fought for the right of self-government; and to sustain them and to provide for their families by all the means in our power in this and the approaching crisis, we hereby pledge our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor." Mr. Garnett presented a memorial of Dandridge Ball, of Henrico, asking compensation for damages done his property by Confederate troops, which was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. On motion of Mr. Christian, of Augusta, the Senate rescinded the standing rule to go into secret session at 1 o'clock each day. The Senate--12 1-2 o'clock--then resolved itself into secret session, and when the doors were opened, adjourned. House of Delegates. Prayer by Rev. Mr. August, of the Methodist Church. Mr. Magruder, from the Committee for Courts of Justice, reported a bill to increase the fees of surveyors. Also, a bill to amend the Code so as to increase the fees of notary publics.
iate wants of Virginia soldiers." A bill to increase the compensation of clerks and sheriffs for services rendered was taken up, read the third time and passed. A bill to amend the fifteenth section of chapter forty five of the Code of Virginia, so as to limit the time for the payment of certain claims against the Commonwealth, was ordered to its engrossment. Mr. Coghill presented the petition and accompanying documents of John Thompson, Jr., of Amherst. On motion of Mr. Christian, of Augusta, at one o'clock the Senate resolved into secret session. House of Delegates. Mr. McCue, of Augusta, introduced a preamble and resolution, inviting Messrs. Stephens, Hunter and Campbell, the returned commissioners, to address the House of Delegates, in their representative capacity, on the result of their mission to Fortress Monroe, and their interview with Lincoln and Seward, and inviting the members of the State Senate, House and Senate of the Confederate Congress,
tersburg, Lynchburg and Charlottesville, sustaining his amendment in a speech of about twenty minutes, during which he expressed himself as opposed to the measure generally. The amendment was opposed by Mr. Neeson at considerable length, during which he produced cogent reasons why the bill, as reported from the committee, should pass. The subject was further discussed, in opposition, by Messrs. Nash, of Chesterfield, and Collier, of Petersburg; and afterwards, On motion of Mr. Christian, of Augusta, the bill was laid upon the table, the amendment of Mr. Dulancy having previously been voted down. The following joint resolution, introduced by Mr. Dulancy, was read a first and second time and passed, the rules being suspended for that purpose: "Resolved by the General Assembly of Virginia, That a committee of three on the part of the Senate and five on the part of the House of Delegates be appointed to inquire into, and report on, some suitable testimonial to th
e second section of chapter one hundred and eighty-four of the Code of Virginia, so as to increase the fees of surveyors, was read the third time and passed. House bill amending the fence law of the Commonwealth, with amendments, was read the third time, and, on motion, laid on the table. In response to an invitation received from the Committee of Arrangements for the meeting to be held at the African Church on Thursday at 12 o'clock, the Senate adopted a resolution, offered by Mr. Christian, of Augusta, providing for its assembling at 10 o'clock, and adjournment at 12 M. till Friday next. On motion of Mr. Neeson, the bill providing for the purchase of fuel, to be supplied to the citizens of Richmond at reduced prices, was taken up and discussed till the hour of adjournment. House of Delegates. The House met at 12 M. The resolution fixing the 23d of February, instant, as the day upon which the Legislature will adjourn sine die was taken up. Mr. Deane,
nk, several amendments were made thereto; after which, the first Thursday in April was finally adopted as the time for holding said election by a vote of yeas, 17; nays, 15. The bill was thereafter engrossed. An amendment, introduced by Mr. Christian, of Augusta, providing for an amendment to the Constitution, was introduced; but afterwards withdrawn by the author. Mr. Lewis asked for and obtained leave to present a bill to amend and reenact the first and third sections of an act pas. A communication from the Governor, in relation to the inadequate fees of inspectors of tobacco throughout the Commonwealth, and recommending an increase thereof, was read and referred to the Committee on General Laws. On motion of Mr. Christian, of Middlesex, the Senate went into secret session. House of Delegates. Mr. Anderson, from the Military Committee, reported a bill to amend and reenact an act entitled "An act to empower the Governor to have made out and filed in the
Court of Conciliation. --The following cases occupied the attention of this Court yesterday: The cases of J. R. Smith vs. Proskaur. Christian & Lea vs. Proskaur; Chiles & Chenery vs. C. De Bar, C. Crystal (actresses) and W. A. Mountcastle; Claggett vs. Blum, Dutrow & Powell vs. Myers, and Hunter vs. Baker, were dismissed. In the cases of Hess, Blum & Company vs. Joseph Myers, Strauss & Company vs. P. Levy, and F. Cullman and wife vs. J. Scrotte, the evidence was heard and decisions were reserved. Judgment for thirty dollars was rendered for plaintiff in the case of Brauer vs. Grubbs, and defendant ordered to deliver up the premises now occupied by him by the 1st of January.