dm. Pct.
ch. 20 Feb. 1806, d. 18 May, 1806, a. 24 (Fiske), 23 (g. s.); Hannah, d. 9 (11, Fiske) Apr. 1792, a. 7 (g. s.); Cherry, adm. Pct.
ch. 20 Feb. 1806, d. 20 Feb. 1806, a. 18 (g. s.); Jonas, b. 28 Sept. (Charlestown), bap. 18 Oct. 1789, d. 16 Nov. 1, 1851.; Rhoda, b. 1, bap. 8 Jan. 1764, m. Samuel Kent, 20 June, 1782; Isaac, b. 9, bap. 11 May, 1766; Chary (al.
Cherry ), b. 16, bap. 18 Oct, 1767, m. Gershom Swan—see Swan (par.
16); Sarah, b. 26 June, bap. 2 July, 1769, m. Thomas Rand ofar. 1755, and Thomas, b. 27 Mar., bap. 3 Apr. 1757; also Lydia, bap. here 6 May, 1759, and Hannah, bap. here 5 Apr. 1761. Cherry (a daughter), d. 2 Oct. 1806, a. 42 (g. s.) unm.
4. Seth, a son of Jonathan (3), m. Mary Tufts, of Medford, 6 Aug. 177d. 3 July, 1759, a. 74.
Chary, W. of Thomas, adm. Pct.
ch. likewise, 9 Sept. 1739.
She was his second wife-former name Cherry Stone.—Paige, 682; Bond's Wat., 628; Wyman's Chas., 1010.
2. Joseph, s. of Thomas (1), d. of languishment, 18 Dec. 177