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ppi, Colonel Mayson.Arkansas Battalion, Colonel Desha. 9th Mississippi, Colonel Rankin.4th Louisiana, Colonel Barrow. 10th Mississippi, Colonel Smith.18th Louisiana, Colonel Mouton. Mississippi Cavalry Battalion, Major Baskerville.Gage's (Alabama) battery, Capt. C. P. Gage. Bains' (Mississippi) battery, Capt. S. C. Bains.  Second Corps, Second Grand Division. Brig. Gen. Adley H. Gladden. First Brigade.Second Brigade. Col. Joseph Wheeler.Col. D. W. Adams. 1st Alabama Battalion, Major Chadick.18th Alabama, Colonel Shorter. 19th Alabama, Colonel Wheeler.22d Alabama, Colonel Deas. 25th Alabama, Colonel Loomis.1st Louisiana, Colonel Adams. Robertson's battery, Capt. F. H. Robertson. Claimed by Alabama and Florida.Ketchum's (Alabama) battery, Capt. W. H. Ketchum. Knoxville, Tenn., March 9, 1862. General A. Sidney Johnston, Commanding Department of the West: General: As directed by Special Orders, No. 45, Adjutant-General's Office, Richmond, February 25, 1862, 1 have t
nnonNov. 5, 1862.Promoted Brigadier-General. 54thAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. Alpheus BakerJan. 28, 1863.Promoted Brigadier-General. 55thAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. John SnodgrassFeb. 25, 1863.  56thAlabamaRegimentPartisan RangersCol. Wm. Boyle   57thAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. Jno. P. W. AmerineApril 13, 1863.  1stAlabamaLegionInfantryCol. Henry W. Hilliard   1stAlabamaBattalionArtilleryLt. Col. Forsyth   2dAlabamaBattalionArtilleryMajor Hollinquist   5thAlabamaBattalionInfantryLt. Col. Chadick   8thAlabamaBattalionInfantry    9thAlabamaBattalionInfantryLt. Col. Blount   10thAlabamaBattalionInfantryMajor Clifton   1stArkansasRegimentCavalryCol. Robt. W. HarperApril 14, 1862.  2dArkansasRegimentCavalryCol. Jas. A. WilliamsonNov. 8, 1862.  Col. B. T. Embry1862.  3dArkansasRegimentCavalryCol. Samuel G. EarlMay 26, 1862.  Col. S. Borland1862.  4thArkansasRegimentCavalryCol. N. F. Shinans   1stCherokeeRegimentMounted RiflesCol. John Drew   2dChoctaw
25 Dollars reward. --Ranaway from the subscriber a dark mulatto boy, named Bartlette. Said boy is about 14 years old, thick set, full face, hair cut short, and quick when spoken to. His mother belongs to Dr Leonard Crump, of New Kent, and he may be trying to make his way there, or he may be lurking about town. I will give the above reward if delivered to me, at Capt Lamkin's corner Grace and 25th sts, or where I can get him. John J Chadick. ap 15--3t*
25 Dollars reward --Ranaway from the subscriber a dark mulatto boy, named Bartlette. Said boy is about 14 years old, thick set, full face, hair cut short, and quick when spoken to. His belongs to Mr. Leonard Crump, of New Kent and he may be trying to make his way there. may be lurking about town. I will give the above reward if delivered to me, at Capt. Lamkin's and 26th sts, or where I can get him. John J Chadick. ap 15--3t
25 dollars reward. --Ranaway from the subscriber a dark mulatto boy, named Bartletie, Said boy is about 14 years old, thick set, full face, hair cut short, and quick when spoken to. His mother belongs to Dr. Leanard Crump, of New Kent, and he may be trying to make his way there, or he may be lurking about town. I will give the above reward if delivered to me, at Capt Damkin's, corner Grace and 25th sts, or where I can get him. John J Chadick. ap 15--3t*