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residence. It was on the main street, which ran along the banks of the Ohio River. He had little leisure from his first day as registrar. The question as to where I was to be sent to school was soon settled. Father took me to Saint Vincent's Academy near Morganfield, Kentucky. Saint Vincent's was a branch of the celebrated Nazareth Convent of Kentucky. It was then, and still is, one of the best schools in the whole country. In the community where I had always lived there were few Catholics, and no churches, monks, nuns, or priests. I was totally ignorant of the ceremonies and symbols of the church and of the significance of the costumes worn by the priests and nuns, and had consequently much to learn that was not in the curriculum of the school. I was in my fifteenth year, but had had more experience in the realities of life than many older girls on account of being the eldest of a large family, for whom mother and I had to care during father's absence in Mexico, and subs
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography, Chapter 10: (search)
. Her frankness and pronounced opinions frequently gave him opportunity to turn what might sometimes have proved an embarrassing situation, particularly when her views were in contravention to those of a guest or host, Mrs. Grant never remembering individual characteristics or histories. Her noble nature would never have permitted her to wound any one, but she often failed to remember that Mr. and Mrs. So-and-so had been twice married, were or were not temperance leaders, Protestants, or Catholics, and of such other personal tastes or opinions as to make it dangerous to express oneself too frankly. The President at such times would lead her on to her own undoing, and then chuckle over her embarrassment, as one has seen brothers do when teasing their sisters. The absolute harmony of their domestic lives was ideal. The boasted domestic bliss of our ancestors in the early days of the republic furnishes no history of a happier or more united pair than the General and Mrs. Grant.
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Chapter 6: the call to arms. (search)
ry. Every prominent individual in the whole North was called or came voluntarily to prompt espousal of the Union cause by public letter or speech. Ex-President Buchanan, ex-President Pierce, Edward Everett, General Cass, Archbishop Hughes, Mayor Fernando Wood, John A. Dix, Wendell Phillips, Robert J. Walker, Wm. M. Evarts, Edward D. Baker, David Dudley Field, John J. Crittenden, Caleb Gushing, Hannibal Hamlin, Democrats and Republicans, conservatives and radicals, natives and foreigners, Catholics and Protestants, Maine and Oregon, all uttered a common call to their countrymen to come to the defence of the Constitution, the Government, and the Union. Of all these recognized public leaders, however, the most energetic and powerful, next to Lincoln, was Stephen A. Douglas, who in the late election had received 1,128,049 Northern votes, and 163,525 Southern votes for President. As already mentioned, he had, in a bold Senate speech, announced himself as opposed to a policy of coercion
which he, who called us to be your bishop, has given us for you; through that charity of Christ in us, however unworthy, through which we would cheerfully give our life, if necessary, for each and every one of you; we beg of you, for Christ's sake, and for the sake of all that you love in heaven and on earth, to abstain from all resistance to the law, from all riot, from all tumultuous gatherings, from all violence. In New-Yolk, many misguided men, yet very few, we believe, of practical Catholics, have shed blood in the late riot; and the voice of their brother's blood cried to the Lord from the earth. Some of the rioters have fallen; many more will, we fear, suffer much; many will, perhaps, be ruined; all will feel the painful sting of a guilty conscience, during the rest of life, and, on their death-bed, (if, indeed, rioters who aid in murder could die otherwise than is written: He that shall kill by the sword, must be killed by the sword, Apoc. 13 : 10,) they will, either thro
Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler, Chapter 2: early political action and military training. (search)
movements were mechanical; ours were voluntary. We went through our drill because we loved to do it; they went through theirs because they were made to do it. Every right-minded officer since the war appreciates the difference. When the Know-Nothing Governor Gardner took his seat in 1855, there was a company in my regiment known as the Jackson Musketeers. It was composed of young men either born of Irish parents or Irishmen themselves, and all its members were citizens, Democrats and Catholics. They did their very best to make themselves equal to the other companies, and they succeeded, precisely as in Boston now the Ninth Regiment, composed of Irishmen, is quite equal, in all that makes a soldier, to any other regiment. Of course when the Know-Nothing Native American frenzy swept over the State, there was a call for the disbandment of that company, and an incident happened which called special attention to myself. The bitterness of political opinion that resulted in Know
90. Carey, Major J. N., interview with regarding contrabands, 257-258; letter from, 262-263. Carey shoots constable Heywood, 1026. Carney, James G., offers Governor Andrew bank funds, 171-173. Carruth, Lieutenant, suppresses anti-draft demonstration in Boston, 277. Carrolton, Phelps at, 896. Cassels, Col., John, acts investigated, 850; tribute to, 851; on Butler's staff, 897-899. Casey, Major, Thomas Lincoln, report of, 804. Catinet, episode of, 464-465; 468-469. Catholics, legislation against in New Hampshire, 39; in Massachusetts, 120, 122; Mt. Benedict incident, 112-113. century magazine, Gra<*>t in, 715. Chaffin's farm, 653. Chamberlain, The, at Fort Fisher, 787, 792. Chapman, Lieut. R. T., report of, 789 Chapin, Mr., colleague in Charleston Convention, 138-140; offers railroad transportation for troops, 175. Charles City Court-House, Colonel West leads force to, 618; Grant at, 686. Charlestown, opposed to annexation act, 1000-1002.
Let no man hug the delusion that there can be renewed association between them. Our enemies are a traditionless and homeless race; from the time of Cromwell to the present moment they have been disturbers of the peace of the world. Gathered together by Cromwell from the bogs and fens of the North of Ireland and of England, they commenced by disturbing the peace of their own country; they disturbed Holland, to which they fled, and they disturbed England on their return. They persecuted Catholics in England, and they hung Quakers and witches in America. Having been hurried into a war with a people so devoid of every mark of civilisation, you have no doubt wondered that I have not carried out the policy, which I had intended should be our policy, of fighting our battles on the fields of the enemy, instead of suffering him to fight them on ours. This was not the result of my will, but of the power of the enemy. They had at their command all the accumulated wealth of seventy year
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), A tribute to the army of Tennessee. (search)
ritten and the message taken, it was a service that an angel might have envied. And the men of that army gathered for worship, listened to the truth and responded to a preached gospel. Why, in a meeting of thirty days, held near Atlanta, one hundred and forty men professed faith in Christ and entered the various churches through the right hand of fellowship given to me, their chaplain. In that day difference in creeds was unnoted, Methodists, Baptists, Episcopalians, Presbyterians and Catholics, with and through these chaplains, holding brotheroood and communion. When kneeling (I think it was after the New Hope fight) beside a wounded Catholic, whose prayer-book lay upon his cot, I read from it one of his church's prayers to Christ (and was he not my Christ too?), that man and I in that act became brothers, and the hearts of the brave men of that faith, members of Mississippi's gallant Third, from the Gulf coast of that sister State, were grappled to mine with hooks of steel.
hard-fought fields, vain is that religious toleration which we all profess. The fires of Smithfield, the tortures of the Inquisition, the proscriptions of non-conformists, may all be revived. It was mainly to escape these outrages, dictated by a dominant religious sect, that our country was early settled, in one place by Quakers, who set at nought all forms; in another by Puritans, who disowned bishops; in another by Episcopalians, who take their name from bishops; and in yet another by Catholics, who look to the pope as their spiritual father. Slowly among sects was evolved the great idea of the equality of all men before the law, without regard to religious belief; nor can any party now organize a proscription merely for religious belief, without calling in question this unquestionable principle. . . . The history of our country in its humblest as well as most exalted spheres testifies to the merits of foreigners. Their strong arms have helped furrow our broad territory with
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches, Leaves from a Roman diary: February, 1869 (Rewritten in 1897) (search)
She is still queen of the stage, and of her own household, and unconsciously gives orders to the servants in a dramatic manner which is sometimes very amusing. So it was to hear her sing, Mary, call the cattle home, as if she were sending for the heavy artillery. She impresses me, however, as one of the most genuine of womankind; and her conversation is delightful,--so sympathetic, appreciative, full of strong good sense, and fresh original views. She has small mercy on newly-converted Catholics. The faults of men, she said, are chiefly those of strength, but the faults of my own sex arise from weakness. I happened to refer to Mr. Appleton's bust of Aurelius, and she said she was surprised he had purchased it, for it did not seem to her a satisfactory copy; a conclusion that I had been slowly coming to myself. She has a bronze replica of Story's Beethoven which, like most of his statues, is seated in a chair, and a rather realistic work, as Miss Cushman admitted. I judged from