Your search returned 415 results in 198 document sections:

Mrs. Dr. Cartis and Miss Beile Maury--On Cary street, with cross streets to Marshall. Mrs. Heningsen--On Cary and Canal sts., and the cross streets south from Cary; also, Main street, from 10th to 11th. Mrs. Caroline Philips--From 11th down, with cross streets to Cary. Mrs. J. Watkinson and Miss Mayo — Rocketts and Cary. Mrs. J. Watkinson and Miss Mayo — Rocketts and below Richmond, Mrs. Dr. Handley and Miss Roane — On Leigh street, from 4th up, with cross streets to Clay and all north of Leigh. Mrs. J B. Tucker and Mrs. Wm. Butler--In the town of Sidney. Misses Taylor — On Leigh street, from 10th to 4th, with cross streets to Clay; also, all north of Leigh. Mrs. Howison an Clifion House, with Maro street, 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th, north of Franklin. Mrs Bell and Mrs Breeden--On Main St., from 10th up, with he cross streets to Cary. Mrs. Dr. Waytand Mrs. James Wayt--On Marshall st., with cross streets to Broad. Miss Maria Gordon and Miss Hattlie Cooke--On Broad, from 7th street dow
Wanted-- Tree sprightly Lads, from 18 to 19 years of age, to learn. the Lithographic Printing business. Apply on corner of Thirteenth Cary strets, over Tardy &Williams. mh 31--
For Hire --For the balance of the year, Servant Girl, 14 years old, who is a good and Sows well. Apply to J. F. Meredith, st S. C. Gr 13th st. bet Main and Cary. ap 4--6t*
$50 reward --Runaway from the owner, on Second street, near Main, ts city, on Monday night, the 12th inst, negro girl, Ann Jackson. She is of a right, brown color, and of about the age of 14, and 5½ feet in height. It is believed she was ed away by a free boy of the name of son Page, and is now in or near the city. He above reward will be paid for her arrest and return to us. Barksdale & Bro., Corner Cary and 13th arrests, up stairs. my 14--2w
ransaction of business involving moral turpitude. His fate hereafter may be imagined, but not described — until the proper time. John Brown, a soldier, arraigned for getting drunk and trespassing on Sebastian Corbell, was sent to General Winder. A similar disposition was made of Charles Reed, a uniformed man, charged with effecting a forcible entrance into the house of Aun Stephenson, on Cary street. Thomas Williams, who was brought up for violently assaulting a servant of Captain Cary, was committed to a "more convenient season." Charles F. Dehart was sent to jail to await an indictment for stealing a pair of shoes from Vincent Bargamin. The shoes in this instance, worth about $2, will, in the end, cost the State about $100. The "majesty of the law" is vindicated sometimes at great cost to the tax payers. Dick Duff, Dan. Broderick, Pat O'Neal, and Frank Antonio, who were engaged in murdering Pat Kelly and William Downes, were brought before the Mayor, but no
To be Court Martials. --A man named Jas. Summerfield is now in confinement in the guard house of the Assistant Provost Marshal, of the 31 district, corner of 6 h and Cary streets, awaiting trial for desertion and swindling. It is said that proof will be adduced to show that he has joined four or live artillery corps, among which are the Deas and Letcher batteries, and deserted immediately after getting the bounty money. The Government has been robbed of considerable money by such characters heretofore, and it may be that an example will be made of the prisoner.
A Negro Girl, Louise, left the subscriber on Monday last. June 2d. She is supposed to some of the Hospitals on Church Hill. She said she intended to call herself free, and may have given some other name. She is black, and about 22 years of age. Any information leading to her recovery will be suitably rewarded. James Smith, Second door from Fourth, on Cary Between Fourth and Fifth. je 10--3t*
Runaway --From my house, on Wednesday, June 11th, my Negro Boy, Ned, He is 13 years of age, 4 feet eight or ten inches high, and of a dark-brown complexion. He is in some camp in or around Richmond. A liberal reward will be given on his delivery. Mrs. Robert Nott, je 19--4t Cary and 3d street.
Runaway. --From my house, on Wednesday, June 11th, my Negro Boy, Ned: He is 13 years of age, 4 feet eight or ten inches high, and of a dark-brown complexion. He is in some camp in or around Richmond. A liberal reward will be given on his delivery. Mrs. Robert Nott. je 19--4t Cary and 3d street.
Runaway. --From my house, on Wednesday, June 11th, my Negro boy, Ned. He is 13 years of age, 4 feet eight or ten inches high, and of a dark-brown complexion. He is in some camp in or around Richmond. A liberal reward will be given on his delivery. Mrs. Robert Nott. je 19--4t Cary and 3d street.