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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Women and Men, chapter 56 (search)
a name that is now remembered; and Poe and Willis in those days used to place a crown of the most perishable materials on the head of every woman who flattered them or whom they wished to flatter. Apart from their tributes, a place on Parnassus was supposed to be securely held by the Davidson sisters, for instance, two half-developed girls, who earned by their pathetic early deaths what really passed for fame. It is doubtful whether a place more permanent can be assigned to the good-natured Cary sisters. A greater loss to memory is the fame of Miss Sedgwick, whose graphic and sensible fiction-realistic in the best sense-seems absolutely unknown to the generation now growing up. Is it so certain that the women now popular as poets and novelists are securer in their position than their predecessors? There are really but two grounds of permanence in literature — that won by positive genius and that won by labor. Where both are united, a book may stand by itself, like Gibbon's Roman
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1853. (search)
ing his regiment, I cannot describe their welcome; God knows I should be proud to deserve it. I have never known greater happiness or thankfulness than to-night. Of his return to the regiment, another, an eyewitness, has given the following account:— It was in the dusk of Monday evening, June 2d, just after evening parade, while officers and men were in or about their tents, many talking of the Major and his probable fate, that a stir was perceived among the officers. The lamented Captain Cary was heard to exclaim, Good heavens, the Major! as he rushed forwards; then the Major was seen running on foot towards the regiment. The officers ran to meet him. More than one lifted him in his arms. The men ran from their tents towards the limits of the camp. They could not be restrained: they broke camp and poured down upon the Major with the wildest enthusiasm. At this time our informant left the scene to telegraph to his family the news of his safety. On my return to camp,
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1860. (search)
nt Royal and Winchester, where it was ordered to protect our wagon-trains from the attack of General Ewell's forces. Captains Cary, Russell, and Mudge, with their companies, were detailed to support the batteries which were covering the movement of We hear to-day that the enemy have retired to some distance. If true, we may soon hear more of our missing. Goodwin, Cary, Choate, and Stephen Perkins were all quite ill, but would not stay away from the fight. Choate was the only one of the fficers during all that time. Yesterday I went over the battle-field with the General. The first man I recognized was Cary. He was lying on his back with his head on a piece of wood. He looked calm and peaceful, as if he were merely sleeping; . Captain Williams we found next. Then Goodwin, Abbott, and Perkins. They had all probably been killed instantly, while Cary lived until two o'clock, P. M., of the next day. His First Sergeant was shot in the leg, and lay by his side all the time.
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1861. (search)
ve back three charges of cavalry. During that time our own cavalry got frightened, and charged our company and two others, who were resting in the rear. Our men of course thought they were the Rebels, as it was very dark, and for a few minutes there was great confusion. One of our men was killed and two wounded. Harry Russell was a good deal hurt by a horse falling on him, and I was bruised and had my coat torn to pieces in the same way. Five men of the two companies that were with us (Captain Cary's and Captain Mudge's) were also wounded. The regiment soon after began to retreat slowly towards Winchester, fighting all the way. We got there at one o'clock Sunday morning . . . . Our regiment and Colonel Gordon saved the whole division on Saturday, and everybody here acknowledges it. Our loss that night was about twenty-five killed and wounded. The pickets were firing all night, and at daylight they were drawn in, and soon after the Rebels appeared. Our regiment had the right o
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, Biographical Index. (search)
, 253, 341. Burrage, John, II. 268 Burrage, Joseph, II. 268. Burrage, J. P., Lieut., Memoir, II. 268-269. Burrage, Sophia, II. 268. Burrill, Adelaide V., II. 235. Butler, B. F., Maj.-Gen., 1. 100, 344; II. 40, 83;, 383. C. Cabot, Francis, I. 395. Cabot, Miss, II. 172. Caldwell, J. C., Maj.-Gen., I. 103. Cameron, Simon, I. 258. Camp, H. W., II. 80. Capen, C. J., II. 105. Carley, L. H., II. 58. Carroll Family, II. 423. Carter, Elizabeth, II. 64. Cary, Richard, Capt., I. 265; II. 144, 186;, 258. Case, Capt., II. 109. Casey, Silas, Maj.-Gen., I. 432. Chadwick, J. C., Capt., II. 154. Chamberlain, J. L., Col., II. 74. Chancellor, Mr., I. 146. Chandler, P. W., Hon., I. 327, 329;. Channing, W. H., Rev., I. 45, 47;. Chapin, Edward, Private, Memoir, II. 425-432. Chapin, Nicholas, II. 425. Chapin, Samuel, II. 425. Chapman, Jonathan, I. 29. Chase, C. C., II. 77. Chesborough, Mr., I. 152. Child, F. J., Prof.
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 18: (search)
loguing them with curious notes himself. . . . . By four o'clock we were in town again, and I went to a matinee at Lady Theresa Lewis's. It was music. The large saloon was full, . . . . the Milmans, Lady Head, Lord and Lady Morley, Mrs. Edward Villiers and her three pretty daughters, Hayward, etc. . . . . I was now—as you may suppose—well tired, and took a good rest . . . . At half past 8 or nine o'clock—for it comes to that nowadays—I dined with Mr. Bates, and met Sparks and his wife, Cary,—a sensible M. P.,—Sir Gore Ouseley and Lady Ouseley, and a Count and Countess Somebody from Brussels. . . . . I finished the evening at Lady Palmerston's; that is, I was there from eleven to one, and saw great numbers of distinguished people,— Lord Aberdeen, Mad. de Castiglione,—with her hair creped, and built up as high as it used to be in the time of Louis XV., and powdered and full of ribbons,—the Argylls, the Laboucheres, Lord Clarendon, and most of the ministers, . . . . a
James Russell Lowell, Among my books, Dante. (search)
he had read his works closely. Thenceforward for more than a century Dante became a mere name, used without meaning by literary sciolists. Lord Chesterfield echoes Voltaire, and Dr. Drake in his Literary Hours Second edition, 1800. could speak of Darwin's Botanic Garden as showing the wild and terrible sublimity of Dante The first complete English translation was by Boyd,—of the Inferno in 1785, of the whole poem in 1802. There have been eight other complete translations, beginning with Cary's in 1814, six since 1850, beside several of the Inferno singly. Of these that of Longfellow is the best. It is only within the last twenty years, however, that the study of Dante, in any true sense, became at all general. Even Coleridge seems to have been familiar only with the Inferno. In America Professor Ticknor was the first to devote a special course of illustrative lectures to Dante; he was followed by Longfellow, whose lectures, illustrated by admirable translations, are remembered
Margaret Fuller, Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli (ed. W. H. Channing), chapter 4 (search)
. Almost every person who had any distinction for wit, or art, or scholarship. was known to her; and she was familiar with the leading books and topics. There is a kind of undulation in the popularity of the great writers, even of the first rank. We have seen a recent importance given to Behmen and Swedenborg; and Shakspeare has unquestionably gained with the present generation. It is distinctive, too, of the taste of the period,—the new vogue given to the genius of Dante. An edition of Cary's translation, reprinted in Boston, many years ago, was rapidly sold; and, for the last twenty years, all studious youths and maidens have been reading the Inferno. Margaret had very early found her way to Dante, and from a certain native preference which she felt or fancied for the Italian genius. The following letter. though of a later date, relates to these studies:— To R. W. E. December, 1842.—When you were here, you seemed to think I might perhaps have done something on the V<
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Official reports of the battle of Gettysburg. (search)
front in heavy force. At this critical moment General Benning's brigade of Georgians advanced gallantly into action. His extreme right, lapping upon my left, swarmed over the cliffs and mingled with my men. It was now past five o'clock, P. M. The conflict continued to rage with great fury until dark. Again and again the enemy in great force attempted to dislodge us from the position and retake the battery, in each case with signal failure and heavy loss. Lieutenant-Colonel Jones, Major Cary, and Lieutenant Beeker, Acting Adjutant, behaved with great coolness and courage. I abstain from mentioning by name others who deserve special commendation, because the list would be so long as to confer little distinction on any single individual, and because injustice might be done to others whose good conduct escaped my observation. The regiment lost, killed, 24; wounded, 66, and missing, 4. I have the honor to be very respectfully, Your obedient servant, Wm. F. Perry, Colonel
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 19. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.18 (search)
Register, Volume I, pages 119-123. John Clayton, Godfrey Pole, Joseph Bickley, Philip Herbert, James and Jack Power, Edward Barradall, Stevens Thomson, and John Mercer, the last the founder of a distinguished family, the compiler of an Abridgement of the Laws of Virginia, a cogent writer, and an accomplished botanist. With the luminous names of Bland, Wythe, Nicholas, Henry, Robinson, Lee, Waller, Randolph, Pendleton, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Wayles, Page, Corbin, Lyons, Tazewell, Tucker, Cary, Mason, Curle, Ronald, Harrison, and others in succeeding eras you are familiar. Books were a concomitant in the houses of the planter from an early period. I have met with many memorials from Virginia libraries of the seventeenth century in auction sales in Richmond-waifs that have been transmitted in successive ownership. I have in reverential sentiment garnered many of them in my personal library. In the early decades of the eighteenth century libraries, comprehensive in subject and