nt in any form the protest of the Senator against the bill passed, to secure representation, &c., was the cause of his resignation, which is accompanied by a long communication on the course he saw fit to adopt, and requesting that the Legislature issue a will for an election to fill the vacancy.]
House of Delegates.--The House met at 11 o'clock. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Moore.
Senate bill allowing compensation to E. W. Canfield and C. D. Bragg, as instructors of artillery under Brigadier-General Carson, was taken up and passed — ayes 68, noes 4.
On motion of Mr. McDowell, of Wyoming, the hill confiscating the lands in this Commonwealth of all citizens of the United States, and transferring the same to loyal citizens who claim them under grants from the State Government was taken up, discussed, and finally laid upon the table.
Several other bills of minor importance were taken up and similarly disposed of.
The report of the Military Committee, to whom had been referr
Co A — Wounded: Sgt Oyder, Cpl J Daws, privates H Long C Poggo, J Falkner, F Parker.
Co C — Killed: Lieut James A Bell, Sergt's L M Brown, Bailey J Jones, privates John H Su Ket, Richard Tisenbury.
Wounded: Privates James J Ayres, David C Adams.
N H Burket, T M Bell, Jacob W Fridley, Henry L Hamrick, James; W Huff, M R Hanger, Joshua Field, O M Lam cert, Andrew J Maley, Samuel H Propps, Martin L Shiplett William H Tutwiler.
Missing: Corp'l Robert A Bryan.
Co D — Wounded: Lieut S M Carson, Sergt's J B EcJutchan, T M Smiley, Corp'l C C Cockran privates J T Beard, S B Hile, Runkle, M M Smith, G Lotts, R Wiserman, James McMameny.
H L Wilerman, J N Willtock, Joseph M Block.
Co B — Wounded: Lieut G H Killian, Corp'l James Kennedy, privates John Portorfield., W B Tayley, M Murry, W Phillips, E Bezel, G E , Jacob Hoots.
Co E — Killed: Private E J Biskely.
Wounded: Corp'l W B Trotter, privates W G Abney, J H Bradley, E J Campbell, T J Campbell, J W Cash, J H Davis, W N H