The motion to reconsider the vote by which the bill was passed was then carried — ayes 25, noes 19.
The vote by which the bill had been read a third time was also reconsidered.
The motion to reconsider the vote on the amendment, resulted in — ayes 24, noes 20.
The motion recurring on the adoption of the amendment, it was rejected — ayes 21, noes 24.
The bill, with but a few slight verbal amendments, was passed by the following vote:
Ayes.--Messrs. Armstrong, August, Bruce, Carson, Carraway, Claiborne, Coghill, Day, John Dickenson, Asa B. Dickinson, Douglass, Early, French, Gatewood, Greever, Hubbard, Isbell. Johnson, Logan, Lynch, Marshall, Massie, McKenney, Nash, Newlon, Newman, Pate, Paxton, Pennybacker, Quesenberry, Tallaferro, Thompson, and Urquhast--32.
Nays.--Messrs. Brannon, Caldwell, Carter, Critcher, Neal, Neeson, Rives, Stuart, Henry W. Thomas, Townes, and Wickham--11.
Bills Passed.--Senate bill organizing a volunteer company of cavalry in Albemar<
s, which was submitted by the late Congress to the States for ratification or rejection, be referred to the Committee of Courts of Justice, with instructions to inquire into the expediency of ratifying or rejecting the same; and in the event that they are of opinion, that it should be ratified, then to report a suitable form of ratification.
Mr. Nelson moved to lay the resolution on the table.
Yeas and nays demanded, and recorded as follows:
Yeas--Messrs. August, Brannon, Bruce, Carson, Claiborne, Coghill, Day, Dickenson of Grayson, Finly, Finney, Greever, Logan, Lynch, Nash, Neason, Newlon, Paxton, Quesenberry, Smith, Thompson, and Urquhart--21.
Nays,--Messrs. Carraway, Carter, Christian, Hubbard, Johnson, Marshall, McKenney, Newman, Pate, Stuart, Thomas of Fairfax, and Townes--12.
The Tax Bill Passed.--On motion, the order of the day was passed by, and the bill imposing taxes for the support of government taken up for consideration.
Mr. Thomas, of Fairfax
ts, which the President (Mr. Claiborne in the chair) pronounced out of order, because involving the same principle as voted on and rejected yesterday.
Mr. Neeson appealed from the decision; on which the yeas and nays were called, and resulted — yeas 13, nays 18.
The Senate refusing to sustain the Chair, the amendment of Mr. Armstrong was considered and rejected — yeas 17, nays 18.
The vote on the passage of the bill was recorded as follows:
Yeas.--Messrs. Brannon, Bruce, Carson, Carraway, Claiborne, Coghill, Day, Dickinson of Price Edward, Douglass, Finney, French, Hubbard, Johnson, Lynch, Marshall, McKenney, Nash, Newman, Pate, Pennybacker, Quesenberry, Smith, and Thompson--28.
Nays.--Messrs. Armstrong, August, Dickenson of Grayson, Gatewood, Greever, Layne, Logan, Neeson, Newton, Paxton, Stuart, Townes, and Wickham--13.
Belmont Bridge Company.--The bill suspending the levying of taxes by the State on the Wheeling and Belmont Bridge Company for six years
t an umpire, who shall perform the duty hereby assigned to them.
The bill having been sufficiently amended, it was put upon its passage, and adopted, every member present voting for it, as follows:
Ayes.--Messrs. August, Brannon, Bruce, Carson, Caraway, Jr., Claiborne, Coghill, Dav, Dickenson of G., Dickinson of P. E., Douglas, Finney, Gatewood, Greever, Johnson, Logan, Lynch, Maggie, McKenney, Nash, Neeson, Newlon, Newman, Pate, Paxton, Quesenberry, Smith, Thomas of F. Thompson, Towne.
The rules were suspended, and Mr. Neeson was authorized to communicate the bill to the House at its night session.
Mr. Brannon reported a substitute for the Covington and Ohio Railroad bill.
Ordered to be printed.
On motion of Mr. Carson, the Senate adjourned.
Evening session.
The Senate met at 7 ¾ o'clock, Lieut. Gov. Montague in the chair.
Mr. Johnson offered a resolution, proposing that the resolution passed by the Senate to-day requiring night sessions, shall n