Browsing named entities in Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 1. You can also browse the collection for Carr or search for Carr in all documents.

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ed. On the right, were the divisions of Hovey, Carr, and A. J. Smith, and on the left, the division from Clinton, and occupied the town. By dark, Carr and Osterhaus were posted nearly parallel with olumn of troops approaching, which proved to be Carr's division: Mc-Clernand was with it in person. To the left of Carr, Osterhaus soon afterwards appeared, with his skirmishers well in advance. Gra speed. The situation was soon explained, and Carr also was ordered to pursue as rapidly as possib cross it if he could. Osterhaus was to follow Carr. Some of McPherson's troops had already got inlarge quantities of small-arms and ammunition. Carr reached Edward's station at eight o'clock P. M.e 17th, McClernand's corps resumed the pursuit, Carr's division in the advance, followed closely by hick copse reached from the road to the river. Carr's division occupied the right in investing the t met no opposition. The enemy had fled before Carr and Osterhaus could reach the ditch. Our troop[9 more...]
arest the railroad afforded excellent cover, and led to within twenty yards of the enemy's line. Carr's division joined Smith's left, on the railroad, and extended south, along and behind a narrow riwas still further to the south, with an interval of about two hundred yards between his right and Carr's left, in a ravine, the general direction of which was towards the point where the railroad ented been placed in battery, just to the left of the railroad, on a prominent point close in rear of Carr's right. The field-batteries of the Thirteenth corps, numbering thirty-three guns, were also posbut was met by the destructive fire of musketry, and unable to get further. Lawler's brigade, in Carr's division, which had carried the tete-de-pont on the Big Black river, dashed forward with its old by the example of Lawler and Landrum's commands, Benton and Burbridge's brigades, the former in Carr's, the latter in Smith's division, now rushed forward, and reached the ditch and slope of another
Tuttle's approach Blair's approach Ransom's approach Logan's approach A. J. Smith's approach Carr's approach Hovey's approach Lauman's approach Herron's approach menacing attitude of Johnstonature of the ground, his trench could not be connected either with those on his left, in front of Carr, or with Quimby's, on the right. The rear communications, however, with both these divisions wer. The rebels threw fire-balls constantly, and attempted to blow up the sap-roller with mines. Carr's approach followed the railroad cut for a hundred yards, and was directed upon one of the largench extended down the hill, into the ravine, and, to the left, along the line of ridges as far as Carr's left. It was, however, extremely difficult to induce McClernand to give the necessary orders tngineers, supervising operations in his front, repeatedly requested him to extend the trench from Carr's front, across the ridge, to Hovey's right, a distance of two hundred yards; but McClernand obje
, seemed anxious to fully reward all who had been conspicuous in the great campaigns which resulted in opening the Mississippi river. This approbation was not confined to corps commanders, nor to officers who were graduates of the Military Academy. There were only seven general officers in the army of the Tennessee who had studied their profession at West Point; Besides Grant, Sherman, and McPherson, these were Ord, who commanded the Thirteenth corps after the 26th of June, and Steele, Carr, and A. J. Smith, commanding divisions; all of whom distinguished themselves, and did good service to the country all the others had entered the volunteer service without the advantage of a military education, or the spur of a lifetime ambition; they went to war, as the soldiers of the whole army did, because the country was in danger. These men studied hard in the school of experience; Belmont, Donelson, Shiloh, Corinth, and Iuka were their instructors; their lessons were learned under the