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Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register, Chapter 15: ecclesiastical History. (search)
yt when we saw him stand up how our expectations wr always rais'd & yt he always exceeded 'em & never deceiv'd 'em. Mr. Sewal upon—we have ys Treas. in earthin vessels &c. Mr. Sewal spake well, very well, of his ascended Master & father, concerning wm he cdnt be wholly silent, & then gave a breif, full, & good character, together wt his last words wc Mastr. Williams writ down. They'll all be in print. On Monday I assay'd again for Newton; but 'twas now also in vain. Nobody had been from Cambr. & there was lodg'd there Mr. Gerrish, Rogers, Fitch, Blowers, Prescot, Whiting, Chevers, & some others. Mr. Gerrish preach'd 23 Numb. 10, Mr. Rgs beg. with prayer. Mr. Fitch beg. in ye aft'n. Mr. Blow. preach'd 2 Ez. 5 ult. clause. At Boston wr lodg'd as prisoners Mr. Sheph. Loring, Barnard, Holyoke, Porter, &c. I ordered my horse over ye ferry to Bostn yesterday, designing to try Roxbury way—but was so discorag'd by gentlemen in town, especially by ye Govr. wt whom I din'd yt I wa
have resided principally in Newton, but was of Camb. at the time of his death. His w. Mary and s. 1761; Phineas. b. abt. 1742; Eleanor, bap. in Camb. 5 Aug. 1744, m. Stephen Dana 16 Sept. 1762, d Lydia, wife of Gregory Stone, b. 1618, came to Camb. before May 1636. He resided on the easterly 1800, a physician in Dedham, m. Mary Conant in Camb. 19 Nov. 1813, and d. 1831; John, b.—July 1782ill, perhaps dau. of Samuel, m. John Shepard in Camb. 4 Oct. 1649. Greenwood, Thomas, otherwise blacksmith, and was described in a deed, as of Camb. 1697. His estate was settled 6 July 1733. Rhode Island; and the descent from Jonathan of Camb. is duly set forth in a chart of the family. nd Bethia Satle, both of Wat., and John Hews of Camb. Farms with his w. Ruth, quitclaimed to Josiahve years; Lieutenant of the first Train-band in Camb. 1637, and one of the original members of the estborough (a descendant from Thomas Brigham of Camb. 1638) (pub. 22 Sept. 1826), and had William L[202 more...]
1737; she d. at Worcester 6 Oct. 1740, and he m. Lydia Chadwick; she also d. at Worc., 1748, and he m. Elizabeth Bowman of Camb. 15 Sept. 1754. His chil. were Joseph, b.——, d. at., 1740; Hannah, b. 13 Ap. 1743, m. Walter Russell 17 Dec. 1761, and 19, a. 67; his w. Hannah d. 16 Dec. 1854, a. 93. 8. George, s. of George Adams (who was of Watertown in 1645, rein. to Camb. Farms about 1664, and was killed at Wat. 10 Oct. 1696, by the fall of a rock, according to the verdict of Coroner's Juryd with him, upon advice thereof, comfortably provided for them. Mrs. Ames resided for a time in Salem, before she came to Camb. The General Court, 15 Nov. 1637, gave £ 40 to Mrs. Ames, the widow of Doctor Ames of famous memory. Her children were Wn the Catalogue, and no evidence has been found that he was ever ordained. He appears to have resided on the homestead in Camb. until 1745, when he and his sisters sold it to Edward Marrett, Jr. He m. Elizabeth Cooper, 10 Ap. 1741. Administration
a cordwainer, and called of Bos. 1705, and of Camb. 1708, apparently unm. at both dates. No furtannah, as she was more generally called), b. in Camb. 1 Jan. 1649-50, m. Samuel Ballard 2 Sept. 167wn, deceased. Besbeech, Thomas, sold land in Camb. 1636. About 1636 he purchased of William Lewimed in his father's will, and who sold lands in Camb. bequeathed by his father. He was a saddler, 1755; Moses, bap. 23 Oct. 1757, a cordwainer in Camb. 1779; Susanna Mackey, bap. 23 Sept. 1759, livry, 1662, in Framinghaim, 1672, and returned to Camb. about 1678. He m. Mary——, and had Mary, b. 1rst board of Selectmen, or Townsmen, elected in Camb. About the time of Hooker's emigration to Harthad previously been the w. of Roger Bancroft of Camb. and Martin Saunders of Braintree. He d. abou have resided principally in Newton, but was of Camb. at the time of his death. His w. Mary and s.n Nutting their share of her father's estate in Camb. Burr, Samuel, son of John, and grandson of [20 more...]<
hildren (all born before the parents removed to Camb.), were Isaac, b. 23 Aug. 1632, grad. H. C. 16t no posterity. Chester, Mrs., owned land in Camb. 1635. She was sister of Rev. Thomas Hooker, are also the w. Hannah d. 30 May 1683. He m. in Camb. 24 Sept. 1685, Sarah, dau. of Samuel Champneyiam Clemance, Sen., sold all his real estate in Camb. and Billerica to Daniel Hudson of Lancaster, Lydia, wife of Gregory Stone, b. 1618, came to Camb. before May 1636. He resided on the easterly and Crosbie), styled senior, 1640, was early in Camb. No record of family. He resided on the westes. Hist. Soc., XXVIII., 26.) His children b. in Camb. were Simon, b. Aug. 1637; Joseph, b.--Feb. 16 conveyed to his son William a house and lot in Camb. describing the premises as formerly the right8-9, and had in Chs. Ephraim,b. 9 Aug. 1680; in Camb. Jonathan, b. 5 May 1685; Bethia, b. 2 Dec. 16. was a glazier, and res. successively in Chs., Camb. (at the N. E. (or. of Dunster and South stre[14 more...]
; Selectman seven years, between 1776; and 1794; Representative from Camb. four years, from 1778 to 1792. and from Brighton, 1806, 1808. hiate. Besides this farm, he owned many other large tracts of land in Camb. and about 10,000 acres in Framingham. Mr. Danforth, through a loner, wid. of Josiah Converse of Woburn, and dau. of Elder Champney of Camb. 17 Nov. 1690. His children were Mary, b. 29 Jan. 1655-6, m. John ac, not ascertained to have been a relative of the foregoing, was in Camb. for a short time previous to 1700, and prob. resided at the N. W.her of these early families. Deming, David, was a Fence-viewer in Camb. 1699, and Tything-man, 1700. He owned the Brattle estate, extendi2. Daniel, s. of William (1), was one of the earliest inhabitants of Camb. He was probably among those who erected the first buildings, underam, s. of William (3), m. Elizabeth Lawrence 3 Dec. 1741, and had in Camb. William, b. 9 Aug. 1742, d. 5 Dec. 1744; Aaron, b. 10 Aug. 1744, d
licent Woodis 31 Dec. 1689; she d. 20 Mar. 1692-3, and he m. Hannah, wid. of Joseph Loring, 25 Aug. 1693. His children were Joseph, b. 10 Oct. 1690; John, b. 28 July 1694; Solomon, b. 22 Dec. 1696, deceased in 15 days; Hannah, b. 2. Aug. 1698; Millicent, b. 21 Mar. 1700; Elijah, b. 25 Aug. 1703. Joseph the f. res. at Cambridge Farms, or Lexington, was a Captain, was elected Deacon 1716, and d. 23 Sept. 1733, a. 64. 3. Benjamin, s. of Joseph (1), grad. H. C. 1690, commenced preaching at Camb. Farms in May 1692; was ordained there, 21 Oct. 1696, and d. 22 July 1697, a. 26. By his w. Abigail (dau. of Rev. Samuel Willard), he had Benjamin, b. 13 Dec. 1695, and Richard, b. 5 July 1697. 4. Joseph, s. of Joseph (2), m. Submit, dau. of Joseph Loring, 8 July 1713; she d. 31 Mar. 1718, and he m. Hannah Bowman 26 Mar. 1719. His children were Joseph, b. 27 June, and d. 17 July 1714; Joseph, b. 16 and d. 18 Mar. 1717-18; Joseph, b. 9 Ap. 1720; Hannah, b. 22 Sept. 1725, d. young; Benja
as, m. Elizabeth Daniel 17 May 1655. He was of Camb. in 1652, when he purchased of John Betts landnd he m. Deborah Rideat 22 May 1679. He had in Camb. Daniel, b. 20 Nov. 1664; Thomas, b. 7 Mar. 11. Josiah, s. of Nicholas (4), was a brazier in Camb. 1737, and in Boston 1745. He is supposed to 7. William the f. taught the Grammar School in Camb. several years, and d. of apoplexy 17 June 1753 July 1669; Jonathan, b. 21 Sept. 1671; and in Camb. Elizabeth, b. 26 Sept. 1677. He d. here 16 S 1800, a physician in Dedham, m. Mary Conant in Camb. 19 Nov. 1813, and d. 1831; John, b.—July 1782ery, 4 Sept. 1817, a. 27. Mary Craigie, bap. in Camb. 7 Dec. 1794, d. 18 Feb. 1811, a. 16. 4. Jo1708, when he and his brother John sold land in Camb. He d. before 30 Aug. 1736;, when his hiers, t, and Richard. Of these sons, Nathaniel m. in Camb. Phebe Frost 11 Ap. 1751; Benjamin m. Lydia Co father's joining; John, bap. by Mr. Hooker, in Camb. about 1635 (Mitchell). Sarah, b. Mar. 1638; J[11 more...]
nna; Martha; Hannah, m. Dr. James P. Chaplin of Camb. 10 Dec. 1807, and d. 24 May 1838, a. 45; Susar, inherited the homestead, then in Chs. now in Camb. His estate was divided 22 Nov.. 1768, to his a short time in Boston and Roxbury, but rem. to Camb. about 1647, and here dwelt; during the remainy years, was one of the most active citizens of Camb. He was Licenser of the Printing-press, 1663; e his fellow passengers, and accompanied him to Camb. He was therefore denounced by Randolph as the Mr. Sherman ordains Mr. Nath. Gookin Pastor of Camb. Church. Mr. Eliot gives the right hand of fel in the neighborhood; upon which he returned to Camb. and there continued till the winter 1692-3, we left several children, of whom Mary was b. in Camb. 2 June 1691; one m. John Draper, the successo15; his w. Elizabeth m. Rev. William Brattle of Camb. and d. at Medf. 22 May 1747. See An Accountill, perhaps dau. of Samuel, m. John Shepard in Camb. 4 Oct. 1649. Greenwood, Thomas, otherwise [3 more...]
grad. H C. 1689, taught the Grammar School in Camb. 1691, was ord. at lexington (then called Cambry Ware, Sen., Lucy m. Rev. Thaddeus Fiske of W. Camb., and Martha m. Rev. William Harris of Salem.ntree, and he m. Ann, the wid. of John Meane of Camb. His chil., all by first w., were Walter and Sarlborough before 6 June 1722, when he sold his Camb. homestead to Dr. Samuel Wheat of Needham; he ant, a member of the first board of Aldermen in Camb. 1846, and d. at Hoboken, N. J., 18 Dec. 1872;s a grocer in Newton and afterwards a brewer in Camb. His will, dated 31 Dec. 1806, was proved 19 F, bap. 11 July 1652; his 2d w. d. and he m. in Camb. Grace Butterice 14 Oct. 1653, and had Grace, an, Hoeman), came from Northampton, England, to Camb. in 1634, and res. on the corner now occupied ing or for disputing. (Mather's Mag.) While in Camb. he res. on the northerly side of Harvard Stree, and by himself Hides), the second settler in Camb. village , about 1640. by w. Temperance, had [23 more...]