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humberland, Britannia and Wyo, to take military stores from Woolwich to the West Indian station and the British possessions in America. A large number of Armstrong guns for the different fortifications will be sent by these vessels, and the whole of the magazines and arsenals will be placed off a war footing. The Gazette, in another article, has the following: Her Majesty's Government have decided on adding largely to the number of ships on this command. The Mersey, 40, sc., Capt. Caldwell, C. B., which splendid frigate was recently here on her way home from Jamaica, left Portsmouth on the 12th under steam for this station. Four other vessels have also been commissioned — we have the names, however, of only three, viz: the Driver, the Rinaldo, and the Challenger. The Driver, 6, paddle wheel steam sloop, Commander Horatio Nelson, has received, in addition to her other armament, a 100-pounder Armstrong pivot gun. The D. is said to be exceedingly well manned, both in of
The Richmond Zouaves. --Sergeant Telfair Hodgson, of the Richmond Zouaves, lately arrived from the Northwestern portion of the State, where his command is stationed, is now in Richmond. Mr. H., desiring to enlarge his company, has connected recruiting with the other business that brought him to the city, and is now to be seen at Messrs. Hughes, Caldwell & Co.'s, Pearl street, below Main, where he will give all the information that may be desired by those who wish to connect themselves with the Zouaves. All able-bodied men in and out of Richmond are invited to come forward and give in their names. We insert this in our paper from the fact that there are many advantages in this company which it is beyond the power of other companies to offer. It holds the post of honor in its regiment; it is under the command of one of the most able officers in the C. S. A., and it is stationed in a county where health is the only condition of mankind. Ames' Springfield musket, of 1858, with s
A Miss Julia Farrell has obtained a verdict of $10,000 against a Dr. Caldwell, in Chicago, for a case of malpractice. The young girl had an operation performed on her eye by the doctor, by means of which her sight in that organ was entirely destroyed. The Etna Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford, Conn, has subscribed for $300,000 of the United States Loan, and Col. Sam. Colt has not only invested $150,000 in the same way, but advises his contractors to do like wise. The gin house of Mr. W. Donelson, of Decatur county, Ga., together with 15,000 pounds of cotton, was consumed by fire on the night of the 20th ult. The letters from America to the Opinion-Nationale, were written by a young Frenchman, named Sand, son of George Sand, and not by Prince Napoleon.
ty for saying that Admiral Sir Alexander Milne, K. C. B., in his ship the Nile, may be expected here from Halifax in the last week of the ensuing month. The A miral will be accompanied by a large fleet of British vessels and several French vessels of war. A man-of war may be expected with a middle month mail from Halifax, and it is probable she will bring further notice relative to the Admiral's movements. The squadron is subsequently destined for Mexico, in company with a French and Danish fleet. The following ships-of-war, English and French, were at Halifax on the 17th inst., English--Nile, 29, (flag ship,) Capt. Barnard; St. George, 86, Capt. Hon. F. Egerton; Mersey, 40, Capt. Caldwell, C. B., Ariadne, 26, Capt. Vansittart; Jason, 21, Captain Von Donop; Diadem, 32. Capt. Cockburn; Immortalite, 51, Capt. Hancock; Nimble, 5, Lieut Com. D' Arcy; Racer, 11, Commander Lyons; Rinaldo, 17, Commander Hewitt. French.--Gassendi, Bellone, (flag ship,) Foudre, Prony.
The Daily Dispatch: December 23, 1861., [Electronic resource], Sudden death on
Pennsylvania Avenue
, Washington. (search)
h and Ready Rifles, from Fauquier county. Company K, Valley Regulators, from Rockbridge. Tenth Alabama. Col. John Forney, seriously wounded in right arm. Lieut Col. J. B. Martin, probably killed. Ashville Guards, Co. A. Capt. Caldwell--Private Geo. S. Dannelly, killed. Coosa Valley Blues, Co F, Capt. Truss--Serg't. S. L Coleman and private R. G. Dunlop killed; private B. H. Corley, wounded severely in the thigh. Alexandria Rifles, Co D, Capt. Woodruff--Privates JThomas E Cook, slightly wounded arm; private Alexander Cheatwood, severe wound in the face; private A. H. Hanna, severely wounded in the breast; private Samuel Wheeling, slightly wounded in legs; private B. F Coker, severely wounded; private W M Caldwell, severely in thigh. Co. E, Talledgee Davis Blues, Capt. Cook.--Killed, J. W. Graves. Wounded, Jas Spence, severely in the hip; J. W Glover, severely in the shoulder; Dr. Mct. W. Christian, severely in arm; Benj F. Sicles, slightly in head.
in the fight of Sunday, June 1. Major N C Wilson, slightly wounded in the face. Ser't-Maj J Harvey Phelps, arm shattered above and below elbow. Company a--Lieutenant Fink commanding: none. Company B--Lieut McCartey commanding: Corp'l Wm S Houston and Jacob V Reynolds, Privates Henry Eanes, Nath R Thomas, Philip Sarvor, a J Minnick, and G H C Suodgrass, killed. Privates G W Harizell, severely wounded in head; Wm H Jones, slightly in head; Jas S McClanahan, arm broke; a G Caldwell, slightly in shoulder; D E Paitsell, severely in band; Jno F Paitsell, mortally in abdomen; Wm L Luck, in had; S B Paxton, slightly in hand; F B Leffel, mortally in side, Reuben Brisance, slightly in hip; and Audy Tucker, slightly in forehead. Privates Alfred Myers and J W Carroll missing. Company C--Capt. Speasard commanding: Privates Wm J Givens and John M Givens, killed; Privates David Elmore, dangerously wounded in shoulder; Marquis D Hutchison, mortally in abdomen; Benj F Climbell
lightly. Col. B D Fry was wounded slightly. Lieut-Col R H Dawson was slightly bruised by his horse being killed from under him. L. P. Broughton. Acting Adjutant. Casualties in Company E. Sixth Alabama regiment. Killed: Capt Fox, J F Compton, S Schrussler, Jr, Sergt C Howe, W S Davenport, D Sueman, S B Abercrombie, H A Hicks, J N Mores. Wounded: Lieut E M Gorel, Lieut W A Waller, Sergt F C McKelthen, Sergt J O Hardwick, Corpl J McFaddin, Corpl H E Selson, Corpl R D Caldwell, Privates J A Allen, P D Cloywell, John Gibson, P H Hall, J M Hall, J M White, W F Cowper, J B Finnigan G O Clisby. C H Whitten, A B White, G B Stone, Thomas J Hinkle, D S Rice, J M Oliver. Missing: G W Bush, W W Creath, J Phetand, V H Johnson, W J Staggers. The above is a correct list. J. W. Burton, Lieut. commanding Company E, Sixth Regiment Alabama Vols. Casualties in co. A, Gardes Lafayette, of Mobile, Ala., (12th Ala. Regt.) Killed: Sergeant Charles Rominger, pr
dson, Kilgore, McLendon and Tyner. Wounded: Corp'l Luckey, mortally; not supposed to be mortally: sergt Fountain, corp'ls Durant and Kelley; privates Bateman, B Ho , Bradley, E Byrd, Clements, W Gainey, J King, G McCutchen, J M Polson and A L Shaw.--Missing: Serg't Coker, private Langston, Crowley, H Ellis, Gandy, Davis and Patrick. Company F, Capt J D Gaston.--Killed: Capt Gaston, Privates F Babcock, W Crawford, and W H Gaston, Wounded: Privates J F B , severely; W H Brawley, do; J D Caldwell, do; W J Cornwell, do; D E Dunlap, do; S E Vanpelt, do; J C Walker and C S Wilson, do; W D McDaniel, mortally; Robt Hempoilt seriously; S H McWetters, do; H Morris, J A Rader, and W S Turner, do; Lieut J M Moore, slightly; Serg'ts J Stringfellow, E M Shannon, and J G Blair, do; Privates J D Bovd, H Doffey, R S Lindsay, W H McConnell, E J and J R McDaniel, R McElduff, J C Peden, J R Peay, W F Smith, and W T Farrar, do. Company G, Capt Phinney.--Killed: Capt J M Phinney, 1st Sergt J W Sl
W A Hill, Co D. 44th Ga — N M Christian, Co D; T R Daniel, Co D; G W Nunnalley, Co C; B Batchellor, Co F; Wm W Pascal, Co F; E E Macon, Co F; George W Bunn, Co A; R B Richardson, Co A; W H Whatlen, Co H. 48th Georgia--L H Sconyers, Company H. 44th Georgia--Wm H Peebles, Captain Company A. J R Graham, co H, 14th Ga; Jas Reed. Jno Satterfield, co K, 19th Ga; Jas McAlfrey, co B, 19th Ga; H M Williams, Lt co H, 14th Ga; H B Smith, Beco H, 14th Ga; W P Campbell, F T C Barns, co F, 19th Ga; A C Caldwell, co E, 44th Ga; S G Boon, co F, 1st N C; T J Simmons, Lt. Col, 45th Ga; Jno Rigby, co D, 35th Ga; F M Stovald, Lt. co A, 19th Ga; J J Buckelerd, co H, 44th Ga; M P Sweeney, co E, 44th Ga; S W McMullen. co I, 44th Ga; P W Ward, co F, 44th Ga; J P Morris, co I, 44th Ga; J V Kelley, co B, 44th Ga; D L Hitchcock, co F, 44th Ga; P M Stewart, co C, 44th Ga; J W Lewis, co D, 44th Ga; C L Pitts, co H, 44th Ga; J F McKibben, co D, 44th Ga; J W Brooks, co I, 44th Ga; Saml Millans, co P, 44th Ca; J M
f the James river, while the curiosity of the volunteers is only equalled by the intense anxiety of the citizens, whose hopes seem all bound up in the success of Jeff. Davis & Co. Nearly all the sick have been removed to Washington during the last few days, and the hospitals here are now almost empty. A few of the most violent cases remain; but these have as good care as they would receive at Washington, and are certainly in a much more pleasant locality. Among those remaining is Captain Caldwell, 2d regiment sharpshooters, whose life is despaired of. Since the occupation of Falmouth the Captain has been serving as Provost Marshal of the place, and by his superior qualities has won the esteem of every officer. The general health of the troops continues excellent, and the great quantities of blackberries afford a most agreeable remedy for the many little ills resulting from an impure state of the system, for the cleansing of which no better specific can be prescribed; while at t