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ssee regiment was in line, he requested him to return to and encourage this regiment, then some distance to his right, but under his eye, and, to aid in getting them to charge. Harris galloped to the right, and, breaking in among the soldiers with a sharp harangue, dismounted and led them on foot, pistol in hand, up to their alignment, and in the charge when it was made. In the mean time Breckinridge, with his fine voice and manly bearing, was appealing to the soldiers, aided by his son Cabell and a very gallant staff. It was a goodly company; and, in the charge, Breckinridge, leading and towering above them all, was the only one who escaped unscathed. Major Hodge and Cabell Breckinridge had their horses shot under them; Major Hawkins was wounded in the face, and Captain Allen had his leg torn by a shell. Many eye-witnesses have remarked to the writer on the beautiful composure and serene fidelity with which Cabell Breckinridge, then a mere boy, rode close by his father during
that General Cooper will have command of the rebel forces in the Indian Territory, and that General Cabell will be assigned to the command of Western Arkansas, but that they will co-operate with eachhad been taken on the 18th instant by a rebel force of fifteen hundred men, under command of General Cabell, turns out to be untrue. Until more definite information reached here, some apprehensions wing that our troops there under Colonel Harrison had a sharp engagement with the enemy under General Cabell, on the 18th instant, which lasted two hours. The enemy were unsuccessful in the attack and In a few weeks therefore our position can be made quite a strong one. But the presence of General Cabell in the vicinity of Cane Hill a few days ago, with upwards of a thousand cavalry; and the forwhen they came in. The last three days they were on less than half rations. The enemy under General Cabell, when they heard of the approach of our troops, immediately packed up their baggage and camp
ite troops. That he should have succeeded in coming so near us unexpectedly is due to the fact that they killed most ,of our pickets along the road they came in on. They killed, captured, or cut off all our men on the two outside picket stations, but when they came to the third not more than three miles from camp, our picket guard hurried to the fort and reported the approach of the enemy. It is supposed that they crossed the river near Webber's Falls and made a night's march. With General Cabell's division operating along the Arkansas line, and General Cooper's force directly in our front within four or five miles of us, it is impossible for Colonel Phillips, with the force at his disposal, to guard all the approaches to this post, except within a radius of a few miles. This raid of the enemy has cost us heavily in animals. Our loss will not fall much short of three hundred horses and mules, and perhaps even more, including the losses of the Indian soldiers. The four companie
haps to find better grazing a rebel reconnoitering force west of the Fort General Cabell's force near Cincinnati the Indians harvesting the wheat crop good, what not likely to occur. It is barely possible, however, that Generals Cooper and Cabell have contemplated joining forces to reduce this place. Several loyal Cherokops, and appeared to be moving northward. We think that this is a party of General Cabell's force, which has been operating in western Arkansas during the last month. Should General Cabell undertake to co-operate with General Cooper, Colonel Phillips will have his hands full. This movement to the east of us, and right on the lie. The force that moves to the east of us, it is reported, intends to join General Cabell, who has about fifteen hundred men and several pieces of artillery at a poittempt to cross Grand River at Grand Saline and come down on the east side, General Cabell will be on hand to thwart the movement, or he may cross the river and join
and River Indian women report heavy firing in the vicinity of Cabin Creek General Cabell on the east side of Grand River, near Cabin Creek, with artillery the suspl rout of the enemy how the Federal troops crossed Cabin Creek under fire General Cabell unable to join General Cooper's division on account of high water arrival s being encamped at Cincinnati, on the Arkansas line, under command of Brigadier-General Cabell. If the enemy arrive on the ground at the place they have chosen to mening that the train and escort arrived on the heights of Cabin Creek, that General Cabell, with fifteen hundred cavalry and four pieces of artillery, had arrived at oin General Cooper's divisions on account of high water. It is likely that General Cabell was to have had command of the entire rebel force, as there was no General enemy could have detained our troops and train at Cabin Creek another day, General Cabell would probably have been able to cross Grand River with his force, and to h
rt Gibson salt works at Grand Saline families of English blood cling to their homesteads on the march up the beautiful Grand River country looking out for General Cabell's force the escort meets General Blunt at Cabin Creek examination of the battle-field active operations to be commenced against General Cooper immediately his defeat at Cabin Creek, on the 2nd instant. It was deemed advisable, however, to move cautiously until we passed Cabin Creek, as it was not known but that General Cabell might have crossed Grand River at Grand Saline, with his force, with the view of attacking the train on its return. Flat Rock is familiar to most of us, as wt up without a harder struggle than they made. From reports that have reached us since we left Gibson, we have expected that we should be obliged to fight General Cabell's force in this vicinity. We heard that his command was encamped not more than ten or fifteen miles from Cabin Creek, on the east side of Grand River. We
t of the enemy and capture of one piece of artillery, colors and prisoners General Cabell came up after the battle was over. The train and escort, composed of theand five hundred effective men. General Blunt's scouts reported to him that General Cabell, with three thousand men and some artillery, was on his way to join General Cooper, that Generals Cooper and Cabell were making preparations for a combined attack on Fort Blunt in a few days. General Blunt was therefore determined to hasten forward and attack General Cooper before General Cabell could form a junction with him. He made a night's march from the South bank of the Arkansas to Elk Creek, reaur cavalry, which continued to watch the movements of the enemy, discovered General Cabell coming in sight with a large force of about three thousand men, about four e next morning. But they did not. Nor did they retreat further South after General Cabell came up. General Blunt called the engagement the battle of Honey spring
the wild notion of a Grand army of invasion, to destroy everything in Missouri for a distance of forty miles from Kansas folly of the scheme Generals Cooper and Cabell threatening General Blunt Paola mass-meeting plan of removal of rebel families considered. A detachment of the Third Wisconsin cavalry was ordered by Coloneleveral special messengers with the mail and despatches, who arrived on the morning of the 30th, from Fort Gibson, report that the enemy, under Generals Cooper and Cabell, are no longer assuming such a threatening attitude as they were a few weeks ago. They have fallen back from their old position on the south bank of the Arkansas River, near Fort Gibson, to the north fork of Canadian River, about fifty miles further south. General Cabell has gone to Fort Smith with his division, as we have a column of troops under General John McNeil, ready to march down the line via Fayetteville to Van Buren. It is thought that General Blunt will be ready to move forwar
Perryville, General Cooper's army was completely routed and dispersed, and a large number of animals and nearly all his commissary stores captured. The enemy lost about twenty men killed and perhaps forty wounded and sixty prisoners in the engagement. They made a very feeble stand, and when they broke they could not be rallied again. Our troops pursued their flying columns far towards Red River. General Blunt moved on Fort Smith with preparations for a hard fight; but the enemy under General Cabell, after a little skirmishing west of the Potoe River, withdrew, and General Blunt marched in and took possession of the Fort and City. The latest dispatches via St. Louis state Generals Steele and Davidson have captured Little Rock, the capital of Arkansas. The city was taken without any hard fighting, but the enemy contested the advance of our troops while marching across the country. If the forces of Generals Blunt and Davidson form a junction now, the Arkansas River can be opened to
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 20: battle of Chancellorsville. (search)
number. I had, therefore, not exceeding 9,000 infantry officers and men in all, being very little over 8,000 muskets; and in addition I had Anderson's battalion with twelve guns; Graham's four guns; Tunis', Whitworths, and portions of Watson's; Cabell's and Cutt's battalions under General Pendleton, not numbering probably thirty guns. I think 45 guns must have covered all my artillery, and these were nothing to compare with the enemy's in weight of metal. The foregoing constituted the meandred yards on the crest of the hill, and I turned to the officer commanding the battery and asked him why he did not fire, to which he replied, I have no ammunition, sir. I ordered another to be brought forward, and a battery of Howitzers, from Cabell's battalion, was brought up and opened with canister. The enemy's advance had been checked by the demonstration, but he soon brought up some artillery and opened on us at short range with shrapnel and canister, and I ordered the line to retire a