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ad signally distinguished themselves during that desperate and glorious siege. Several of them had been justly recommended for promotion. Yet he found but a single one to praise—Major Stephen D. Elliott, the recently chosen commander of Sumter, placed there after the first bombardment was over and the regular artillery withdrawn. Not one word of General Beauregard, who stood at his elbow while he spoke; not one word of Generals Taliaferro, Hagood, Colquitt, and Ripley, of Colonels Rhett, Butler, Harris, Keitt, and Harrison, or of the brave men who fought with and under them, was said by Mr. Davis, the Commander-in-chief of the land and naval forces of the Confederate States. The President was speaking to Carolinians, in the heart of their devoted city. Such was his justice to those whose genius, courage, and unsurpassed fortitude had attracted the admiration of Europe and the respect of their enemies. When the reception was over Governor Aiken invited the Mayor, some of the le
dreds, which afterwards became the base of General Butler's operations. He had also instructed Colosly from Port Walthall Junction, should strike Butler's right rear, press him back upon the James Ri to him that there was nothing then to prevent Butler from turning his position, he said he would deal Beauregard to task for not having prevented Butler's landing at City Point and Bermuda Hundreds. ion of the operations to be undertaken against Butler, who had already advanced from his base at Berreds. I offered, for the purpose of attacking Butler, to send Major-General Ransom with the field fhmond. Grant's army is on the left flank, and Butler on the right. Our lines are thus interior. BButler's aim is unquestionably to invest and turn Drury's Bluff, threatening and holding the Petersbuailroad held by the enemy, Grant in front, and Butler in rear of the works around Richmond, the capiwith a reinforcement from General Lee to drive Butler from Petersburg and from his present position.[29 more...]
h, while General Beauregard was still pursuing Butler's army, Ransom's division was withdrawn from hch Gap facing that position. Thus it was that Butler and his army—in words attributed to General Gr with General Beauregard's plan of operations, Butler, though badly beaten, was able to effect his r lines, on that side of the James. Meanwhile, Butler, still 13,000 strong, continued to be a threatand Danville Railroads, was also endangered by Butler's presence. This produced almost daily confliof Grant's across Chickahominy and increase of Butler's force render my position here critical. WitVa.: A deserter from the enemy reports that Butler has been reinforced by the 18th and a part of was made, and the unusual boldness with which Butler ventured out of his intrenchments, in aggressiHundreds Neck, the object of which was to hold Butler in check, were occupied only by Bushrod Johnsad left upon his withdrawal were driven off by Butler early on that morning. The battery at Howle[3 more...]
* * * The City of Richmond was Grant's objective, and he proposed to move upon it by the direct overland route; while Butler, moving from Fortress Monroe up the James, was to secure a point at its junction with the Appomattox, from which to operaa large naval armament, was intrusted to General B. F. Butler, of New Orleans notoriety. * * * On the night of the 5th Butler debarked at Bermuda Hundreds, the peninsula made by the confluence of the James and the Appomattox, and began to intrenchlocal militia of an inferior character were under General Pickett, commanding at Petersburg; and it was to meet and delay Butler's advance that Hagood's brigade had been pushed forward while Beauregard got the balance of his troops in hand, and drew copy of your order of battle and special written instructions to him to advance directly towards Drury's Bluff and attack Butler, while you were attacking him in front. I recollect distinctly your emphasizing verbally to me your instructions that he